Chapter 4- Meetings

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Blakely's pov:
"Blakely why did you leave." I heard Hannah ask me. I couldn't see anything. Everything was black. "If you would of stated maybe that wouldn't of happened. Maybe I would still be alive." I turned around and saw her back so I ran over to her, hoping to see my best friend again.

"You know I wouldn't be surprised if you new family leaves you after they find out what you did, well didn't, to for me." She said.

When I reached her body I turned her around only to see the blood that covered her clothes and body. How pale her face was like that day.

"Hannah please come back. I need you Lyla needs you." I cried to my bestfriend. "You did this Blakely. Now everyone has to pay the price." She said. Her voice not sounding like hers.

Slowly I saw more people waking up. My mum, Jacob, Charlotte, Chelsea, everyone I knew slowly started walking closer to me all with blades in their hands.

" No, no please don't do this. Please."'I said starting to cry " This is all your fault Blake." Charlotte said to me than slit her throat. Everyone either slit their throat or neck.

I woke up screaming and sweating. The door opened and Charlotte, Alejandro and Enzo and came running in.

"Are you ok?"

"What happened?"

"Was it the same dream again?"

They all asked at the same time. I pushed away all the tears that wanted to spill and just nodded my head.

"I'm f-fine Alejandro. It was the s-same Charlotte. And it was n-n-nothing Enzo." I said getting out of the bed and hugging Charlotte.

"Well we are about to land so you have to come and sit in the seats." Alejandro said giving a wary look. We all went and sat down.

The whole landing I felt all of their eyes on me probably wondering what had just happened. We walked out of the plane and to the black suv that was parked there.

I checked the time to see it was only 5:37pm. So wait we literally didn't miss anytime. Fuck time zones are confusing.

We all sat in the same seats as when we were in Australia. "Do you guys want to stop off and get some dinner on the way home or wait till we get home?" Alejandro asked.

"Um we can eat at the house." I replied while Charlotte nodded her head. "Dad can  Liv stay the night this weekend?" Enzo asks to which he received a nod.

"Who's Liv ?" Charlotte asks. "She's my girlfriend." Enzo replied with a smile on his face. "Cute." I said.

"So when we get to the house all your siblings will hopefully be there." Alejandro said causing Charlotte to ask "How many siblings do we have and what are there names?"

Dad basically said the same thing thing Enzo said to me but also adding that Tyson nickname is ty and he is quite but can be super loud. Tyler's nickname is TJ cause of his middle name and he is really energetic and Alani is super loud but will be quiet when she is sad, impressed or angry.

The rest of the ride was quiet with just the music playing. When we arrived at the house let's just say it wasn't a house.  This thing was a fucking mansion.

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