Chapter 21

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Blakely's POV:

The past two days have been the same. Wake up at 5 to train with Leo. Eat breakfast-which is barely anything- the family. Get taken to work with Enzo and have to sit in his office the whole day. Then go home at 4-4:30 to go to the games room and sit in there listening and occasionally joining in on conversations. Then eating dinner -which again is like nothing- before going up to my room to watch a movie, draw, sleep, or do drugs.

However, it is Saturday today meaning Enzo isn't going to work today and no one has school but that also means it's family dinner. Yay! Note the sarcasm.

It's currently 6:30 and I am about to go to the shooting range. If I'm being honest I prefer knives but Leo thinks I'm better at guns. Walking over to the other room we see Alejandro walking down the corridor.

"Hey, are you guys going to the gym or the shooting range?" He looked between us causing me to look down. We haven't talked since he told me about the whole therapy thing. "Yeah, we are. You should come and see how good Blakely is at it." Leo looks down at me with a sly smirk on his face.

He doesn't reply as we all just walk into the room. "What do you want to do first?" Leo looks down at me. Why did I have to have the short genes?  "Um, knives, guns last." He nods his head as we both go over and get some knives.

We just throw them at different targets for about 15 minutes. I got a bullseye on most of them. When Leo had enough of it we moved over to get some guns. When shooting these targets I did not miss one shot

"Piccolo topo (little mouse) you are good at shooting for only learning three days ago," Alejandro said to me. "Thanks," I mumble.

"Okay look." Leo begins facing both of us, "I understand that at the moment Blakely you probably aren't the biggest fan of Dad, and Dad you probably hate that, and seeing though neither one of you are being the bigger person I am. I think you both just need to move on and forget about this. Yes, Dad should have asked you but he was just doing what was best for you Blakely. And Dad you can't expect her not to be angry at you after forcing her to do something no one ever wants to do. So please just forgive each other and forget this ever happened."

At this point, both me and Alejandro were looking at the ground. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, it was disrespectful of me." I mumbled out. "Blakely I don't think it was disrespectful of you at all. I should have asked or talked to you about it before I just sent you off and told you. You shouldn't be the one apologizing it should have been me." He spoke in a soft voice that I wasn't really used to.

Before I could even think about what I was doing I went over and wrapped my arms around his torso. He stood there stiff for a moment before he did the same back to me. We stayed like that for a minute or two before pulling away.

"Alright let's go up and have breakfast." Alejandro cleared his throat before leading us out of the room.

Reaching the kitchen no one was there yet. Leo and I both made our way over and sat at one of the island seats. Alejandro walked in and collected all the ingredients to make pancakes.

Today was officially one week of me and Charlotte living here. Technically we got here on Friday but I don't count that.

So that means it's been a week since I heard from my mum. Charlotte and I have been calling Jacob and Aurora every second day but they still haven't found my/Hannahs necklace.

I was broken out of my thoughts by Leo. "Hey, Dad have you heard anything from Salvatore cause Gio has been ghosting me ever since he left on Thursday and he never ghosts me. Especially not at this time of the year." He said the last sentence almost in a whisper.

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