Chapter 3-How many siblings?

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Blakely's pov:

We have been flying for around 2 hours so far. I have only talked to Enzo and Alejandro when they asked if I was allergic to anything, which I am not, and when they asked if I wanted something to eat, which I didn't. Charlotte has now fallen asleep and has her head on my lap.

"Can I take her to the back where there is a bed so she will be more comfortable?" Alejandro asked while standing up. "Sure, I guess." He came over and picked her up. "I'm going to sit at the desk in there 'cause I have to do some work stuff." He said before walking out.

" you play any sports?" Enzo asked after 5 minutes of sitting in silence. "Yeah, I play netball," I replied, Smiling while thinking of all the stupid shit we did while training. "Nice. Our sister and some of our cousins play. What position do you play?" He said trying to keep the conversation going. "Um I played defence but then I had to play centre." "Cool." He replied with. Who knew it would be so awkward to talk to your older brother who you met like 3 hours ago?

"So how many siblings do you have?" I questioned, after about 20 minutes of not speaking, thinking I should know what I was going to be walking into when I get there. "We have 5 other siblings. 2 sisters, 3 brothers." He told me making sure I understood that they were now my siblings as well.

"Could you tell me about them so I know what I am going to have to deal with." I asked, but the real reason I was asking was so I knew if I could trust them with the secrets about my shity self. "Sure. Well as you already know, I am the oldest and I'm 19. Than you have Tatiana, or Ana as we call her. She's 17. She's super smart but can be a bitch if you get on her wrong side. Than you've got Leo who's 15. He has really bad anger issues just to let you know and don't take anything he says to heart." Enzo said taking a breath. "They are all my full sibling. Than there's Tyson, who's 13, Tyler, who's 9, and Alani who's 5. They are all our adoptive siblings. Dad adopted them nearly 4 years ago. So when you start school you will go to the same school as Tyson, Leo and Ana because the school is middle and high school together. You will be staring on the 16th of this month which is when summer break ends." I just nodded my head. This dude already knows what school I'm going to! Holy shit that's only like a week away.

I slowly started overthinking. What if they all hate me? What if they think I'm weak? What if they don't think I'm good enough to live this rich life style? What if they think I'm fat? I mean I am already and I know it.

I reach to my neck to start to fiddle with her necklace, only to find my neck bare. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY NECKLACE? I feel my breathing pick up. This is the thing she left me I can't loose it.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Enzo asked seeing the frantic state I'm in and coming to sit next to me. "I-I can't find my n-n-necklace." I say my voice breaking as I keep touching my neck hoping that it will magically appear.

"It's alright we can just buy another one." he said trying to clam me down. "NO! I-IT'S NOT AL-ALRIGHT. SHE G-GAVE IT TO ME A-AND I L-LOST IT!" I yelled my vision becoming blurry. "Hey what's going on out here?" Alejandro came out questioning. I honestly couldn't care less. "I don't know. Blakely just started panicking saying she couldn't find her necklace so I suggested that we could just buy a new one." Enzo said.

It started becoming harder to breath. Charlotte had come out and heard what Enzo had said. She immediately came over and hugged me. "It could just be at home Blake." Charlotte said trying to calm me down.

"Charlotte can I try to calm her down?" Alejandro asked but I wasn't paying attention. I was trying to make sure I didn't pass out in-front of my little sister. "I guess." Charlotte said back.

I felt the warmth of Charlotte leave but than massive arms wrapped around me. I immediately felt safer and warmer. "Shhhh it's ok. Listen to my heartbeat Blakely. Try and match yours to it. When you feel my chest rise try and breath in." Alejandro told me making sure to keep a tight hold on me.

I did what he said and soon I was breathing normally again. "Are you okay now?" He asked still not letting me go. "Yeah I'm sorry for yelling." I replied in a low voice. "It's alright you don't need to apologise."

When we pulled away from the hug Charlotte came and hugged me as well. "Can you want sleep with me please?" She asked. I just nodded my head. She let go of me and grabbed my hand dragging me into the back room.

We both laid down and Charlotte straight away wrapped her arms around me. "Always and forever." She said "Always and forever." I said back to her before sleep took over me.

Lorenzo's pov:
After the door to the bedroom shut I turned to dad. "Do you know what that was about?" I asked wanting to know why a stupid necklace meant so much to my little sister.

"No I don't but I'll see if I can find out any information. Otherwise we will have to wait for her to open up to us." Dad said to which I just nodded back.

When dad first told me about the girls I was obviously pissed because he cheated on mum but at the stage when Blakely was conceived mum was missing and when Charlotte was conceived she was dead.

However now I an overjoyed that I have 2 more younger sisters. I looked at the time seeing we still had 5 hours left. Deciding to get some sleep i closed my eyes enjoying the quiet as the dark consumed me.

Author's note:
Hey guys,

There are any mistakes please let me know.
If there is anything you would like to happen let me know.
Also who do you think the necklace is from??

Chloe xx

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