Chapter 9- What happened

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Blakely's pov:

Me and Ana sit down on the bed. "You don't have to tell me Blake. Only do it if you want to." She said to me looking me in the eyes.

"No I need to tell someone and I don't know why but I feel like I can tell you." I said wiping the tears that have fallen.  "Ok." Ana said giving me a small smile. 

"Me and Hannah have always been best friends. Like Charlotte said my da-stepdad, Bret, and Hannah's dad, Paul, are also best friends. Hannah has a younger sister Lyla who my brother's age.

At school I would always get bullied. Until I was 13 I was fat. Like really fat until these kids started to make fun of me. Han always used to tell me not to listen to them but I couldn't. She always had the perfect body and I was always the fat friend.

I started only eating dinner and normally I would then force myself to throw up. Hannah knew after like a week that I was doing it and she tried to get me to stop but I didn't. At the start of this year she made me eat a little bit at each meal. She wouldn't leave me alone after I ate to make sure I didn't make myself throw up.

Also when there is to much food on a plate I'll force myself to eat all of it cause my mum would always tell me it disrespectful not to. Hannah always made sure I wouldn't force myself to eat everything.

I still have bad days when I don't want to eat but Hannah, Chelsea and Ben would always make sure I did. If anyone tells me to eat more I will eat till I get sick than not eat for the next few days.

Anyways, as families we would always go on holidays together. Me and Hannah would always be left to look after the little kids so we made them a deal. If they let us go do what we wanted and they stayed back at the tent.

We would go to the beach, try get alcohol do whatever we wanted. One time last year, we were staying in a bush and our parents went to get food and took Charlie and our other sister Rory. One of the guys that went to our school was also staying near us and he was like the drug dealer of our school. Me and Rory want to her high so we told Lyla and jake that we would be back.

We went over got the weed and went to sit on a cliff to smoke it. When we got back to the campsite mum and everyone had gotten back. Me and Hannah were sooo high like we could barely walk in a straight line.  The parents asked us if we had smoked but we said we didn't. Obviously they knew we were lying and the punishment they gave us was that our phones were taken for a week and we weren't allowed to see each other for two days. It was so bad.

But what happened was at the start of October we were walking back from one of our friends house. A car drove past us and it was Hannah's cousin and one of his mates. We both got in the car cause it was dark and both our phones were nearly dead.

Her cousin dropped us back at Hannah's house and stayed and talked to us for a bit. At like 11 I knew I needed to go back home but Hannah tried to tell me not too. I didn't listen to here and went back home.

The next morning I had a text from her saying that she loves me and she was sorry. I didn't know what she meant when she said that." Tears started pouring down my cheeks.

"I went over to her house wondering what she meant when she said she was sorry. I walked into her house and her parents and Lyla were all eating breakfast. I asked them where Hannah was and they said she was still in her room.

I kn-knocked on her d-door but she didn't a-answer so I o-opened it. She was there s-sitting in a p-puddle of her own blood with b-b-both her wrist s-slit. I s-screamed and ran o-over to h-her holding her wr-wrists to s-s-stop the b-b-bleeding.

P-Paul came running in and f-froze seeing be h-hugging his d-daughters l-lifeless body.  Jackie, her m-mum, came in and w-when she saw it she s-screamed.  Uncle Paul c-called the ambulance. Fucking Lyla was s-standing and the door s-seeing me holding her d-dead big sisters body repeating that is would be o-ok." I was sobbing now and Ana was hugging me.

"Aunt Jackie came over and tried to get me to let go of Han b-but I wouldn't. I couldn't. Cause when I let go it would all be r-real. And now I can never hug her again. She called m-mum and Bret to come over but I s-still wouldn't let go of Hannah. Jacob called one of the boys in our friend group, B-Ben. We were friends with him since we were little but we weren't as c-close as me and Hannah.

When Ben got t-there he started crying but somehow managed to get me to l-let go of Hannah. When the police and ambulance got there they told us that s-she had been dead for at least 3 hours. L-Lyla wouldn't leave my side for 3 days, s-scared that I would leave and she would have no one. 

In her room they found L-letters. There was one for me , Charlotte, Jacob, Aurora, Lyla, my and her parents and all of our f-friends.

On my letter s-she told me that she loved me but she couldn't k-keep going. She said that her cousin and his friends had r-r-raped her over and over again after I l-left and that was her final s-straw. She told me to never l-leave Lyla. And I did. I fucking left her." I cried into Ana. We sat in silence until she spoke.

"Blakely you can't blame yourself. You didn't know that was what they were going to do. And about Lyla if you want I can get dad to bring Lyla, jake and Aurora over here in a couple of weeks. But trust me when I tell you it's not your fault." She said and when I looked up at her she was crying too.

"You are so beautiful and there is no reason you should be insecure. There are thousands of other people out there who would want to have a bod like yours." She smiled at me. I looked over to the door and saw shadows coming through the bottom.

Shit they all heard that. Ana followed where I was looking and whispered, "they won't think any different of you." I looked at her and she smiled and nodded.

"You guys can all come in now." O stated no emotions in my voice. The door opened and all the older boys besides Leo and Gio came in.

"You know it's not okay to ears drop right?" Ana asked. "Yes we do but we want to make sure that our little cousin was alright." Caleb stated causing me and Ana to scoff.

Enzo came over and hugged me saying, "You are so brave Blakely and I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

"Well seeing as we have to leave for dinner in 2 hours me and Blake need to get ready so if you will excuse us." Ana said grabbing my hand and pushing past all the boys.

Guess we have to get ready now.

Author's note:
Hey guys,
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Chloe xx

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