Chapter 16-Party

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Blakely's pov:

After Ana and I parted ways in the hallway, I went into my bathroom and had a shower. While in the shower. I washed my hair and shaved my legs. I didn't cut and that I am proud of.

Hoping out of the shower I got dress in a matching grey tracksuit. I knew that Ana and the other girls would want to dress me so I didn't get dressed up yet.

Before I could straighten my hair, my door burst open. "Blakely come on we neeeeeed to get ready." Aleah says as she drags me into Ana's room.

In her room is Isabella, or as everyone else calls her izzy, Mia, Val, Georgia and obviously Ana. "Yes Blakely you are here. We need to make you look hot for my cuz." Val said as soon as she saw me.

"Omg is your hair naturally wavy?" Ana asked before adding, "it's so cute like this that." Everyone else then said how cute it was. Even Izzy.

"Okay. Enough about my hair, what are we going to wear?" I questioned. Val and Ana immediately got up and went into Ana's wardrobe.

"Okay we have options." Val says walking back out with Ana. Both of them having piles of clothes over their arms.

"So obviously as always we will all be matching in some way." Ana says. "Well I am not in the mood for a dress." Mia said, having her feet up on Ana's desk texting someone on her phone.

"Okay then we will wear skirts." Ana said throwing all her dresses on the ground them spreading the rest of the clothes around the bed making me and Izzy need to get off.

"Omg Iz you are so we-" Ana was cut off by Mia yelling. "No fucking way! Guess who just got back from their trip to Fiji!"

"Wait Izzy's little boy toy is back!" Leah yelled. I'm so confused. "Can't forget about Mia's little girlfriend either!" Georgia says. "Can someone please fill me in?" I asked anybody.

"So basically their is this other family, 'The Lightwoods'. Their families are the leaders of the gangs throughout all of Italy. Uncle Al is allies with them because Aunt Emilia (a/n- if anyone forgot who she was. She is Alejandro's first wife, Leo Enzo and Ana's mother.) was best friends with Abigail. Anyway we are family friends with them. Two of the five families go to our school. Abigail and Clark's children." Mia starts. Ana starts to curl Izzy's hair while Leah starts on her make up. Val, Mia, Georgia and I were sitting in the floor.

"Abigail has 4 children. Her oldest, Rocco is the same age as Enzo and I. Then there's Kayla who is Ana's age. Than Izzy's boy toy Armani, he's Leo's age. And finally Romeo he's our age." Georgia says, blushing when she mentions Rocco.

"Clark has 4 children. His eldest Phoenix is 17. Then Cecilia. She is 16 and Mia's girlfriend. Finally the twins, Camilla and Mateo who are our age."  Georgia continued explaining.

"Okay. Are they going to be at the party tonight?" I asked. "Like they wouldn't show up. Kurt's probably already told Phoenix, same with Enzo and Rocco. Armani knows about all the party's and I bet you 30 bucks Mia is currently telling C." Val says to me.

"Guys the Lightwoods are comingggggg!" Mia than yells, standing up and jumping on Ana's bed. Val, Georgia and I all start giggling.

"Well Blake come here and let me do your hair." Ana said finishing Izzy's hair. "Also there is no way I am straightening it. It to pretty curly." She continued. I sighed and got into the seat at her makeup table.

"Soooo Blakely we need to get you a boyfriend." Leah said putting on some eyeshadow. "Well Giovanni is going have some competition once Mateo sees you. So wonder who you are going to chose." Val said wiggling her eyebrows at me resulting in me blushing.

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