Chapter 8- Cousins

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Blakely's pov:

After Alejandro showed me where Tatiana's office was we went to the mall. While we were there charlotte and I got everything we forgot to bring over here.

When we were done shopping we got our nails done and had lunch. Now we are driving back to the house listening to music.

When the song had finished Ana turned down the music and said "So umm dad told me to tell you guys that we are going out to dinner tonight." She said sounding nervous.

"Omg yay you guys can meet all our family. There Izzy and Grammy and Nonno and Nonna and-" Lani started but was cut off by Ana.

"What Lani is trying to say is that the whole family is going to be there and th-"

"So aunt Sophie and uncle Toni are going to be there?" Lani cut off Ana asking.

"Yes Lani they are. But as I was saying they don't really know that you guys exist. And also we are going to one of Blake, our cousin, new restaurant that's apparently really fancy." Ana told us.

"You couldn't of told me this like two hours ago when we were shopping. Now I have nothing to wear." I complain.

"You can borrow something of mine if you want." She said to which I thanked her.

Charlotte than asks "how many cousins and aunt and uncles do we have?"

"So on both dad's and my mum's side we have 4 uncles, 4 aunts, 18 cousins, 11 boy and 7 girls, and than Nonno, Nonna and Grammy." Ana told us as we were driving through the gates of our house.

"Ooo some of our cousins are here now. No matter what if Cameron is here don't take anything he says seriously." She continues as she parks the car.

We all get out of the car and walk through the front doors. "Hey B can you pleaseeeee make me and Lani on of yours and Hannah's chocolate milkshake?" Charlotte asked as her and Lani made puppy eyes.

"Yeah sure but can you guys go around and see if anyone else wants to try my famous milkshake?" I asked. Basically at home hannah and I made this chocolate milkshake on special occasions. Anyone who tried them would rant on about how good they are.

Both of the girls ran off as me and Ana made our way into the kitchen. We could hear yelling coming from the kitchen and Ana sighed, "Welcome to as we call it the war zone." Ana said causing me to chuckle. Surely they can't be that bad.

Waking into the kitchen I am met with 7 random guys and my 2 older brothers dripping wet trying to juice oranges. Somehow they have managed to squirt the orange juice across the roof and all over the walls. 

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HAVE YOU GUYS DONE!" Ana yelled making all 9 boys freeze. "You three are 19 and you can't even juice an orange. God I wonder how you guys have girlfriends sometimes." She continues while wall the boys look down.

"Who the fuck is that." One of the boys asks. He has a buzz cut with tattoos covering his arms. Now looking over them all, not one of them doesn't have tattoos.

"She's kinda hot not gonna lie." The one sitting on the counter next to Leo says. He has brown wavy hair that falls over his face stopping just above his eyes. His eyes are a light blue with dots of green. His body is like a Greek gods with tattoos trailing up his arms. He still has his t-shirt on but it's stuck to his body.

"Bro don't you dare even think about it she's my little sister." Enzo says glaring over at the kid. "Wait no way uncle Al adopted another kid."

"No he didn't. Basically he fucked my mum whenever he came over to Australia resulting in me and my little sister charlotte." I explained after none of my siblings wanted to.

"Well introduce yourself. Blakely you start." Enzo said still trying to juice the orange. "Enzo stop just get the orange juice out of the fridge in the games room you dump idiot." Ana said hitting him across the back of the head.

"Moving on my name is Blakely and I'm 15." I said ignoring Enzo winning about how Ana hurt his head. All these boys had the same hair colour and all of them had brown eyes besides two. The one that I was hot and another boy standing near the fridge.

"I'm Chris 19 and the older twin. Also I'm one of your cousins." Chris said. "Caleb that dickhead younger twin." Caleb said glaring at Chris.

"Dylan 18 and I'm your cousin." Well he isn't in a good mood today.

"I'm Kurt my uncle is best friends with your dad but I'm also this idiots bestie." Kurt said pushing Ana's head to the side. Cute. He was the other one without brown eyes having a green colour.

"I'm Cameron. I'm 17 and I'm your cousin."

"Isaiah also 17 and I'm your cousin."

"Well love I am Gio I'm 16. Uncle Al is best friends with my father meaning Kurt is sadly my cousin." Gio spoke winking at me. He was the one who called me hot.

"Blake everyone wants one." Charlotte said walking into the kitchen with the rest of our siblings. "GG!" Lani yelled running to Gio.

"My little sun. How are you I haven't see. You in so long." Gio said picking her up. "I good. When do you have to go back to your dads?" Lani asked with a sad face.

"I don't know sun. Whenever he tells me to." Gio replied with a sad face. "Look I was told I get a chocolate milkshake if I came downstairs so here I am leaving my girl upstairs on call with no one. So can we move on from this and have the milkshake." Tyson said angry.

"Geez. Ok way to ruin the mood Tyson." Cameron said. "Also can I have a milkshake pleaseeeee Blakely?" he than asked.

"Sure I just have to find everything." I replied with a smile. "What do you need we can get it for you if you want."

I than told them what to get and made the milkshakes. "Bro theses are soooo good. Thanks Blake." Ty said before running upstairs.

"Where did you learn to make these?" Chris asked. "Me and my best friend Hannah always used to make these for our siblings on special days." I explained with a sad smile.

When it was someone's birthday, the last day of a school term or any other special occasion Hannah and I would make these for our siblings. My stepdad and Hannah's dad were best friends growing up and we lived in the same street together our whole lives so our parents would let us go to eachothers house whenever we wanted.

"Yeah Blakely and Hannah were inseparable. Wherever B was Han was there. If Hannah was away the teacher would ask B where she was. People started to think they were siblings. I mean in a way Hannah was my sister but she's not anymore. I mean in a way Lyla, Rory and Jay have all lost 3 sisters in a month. Cause we left and Hanna-" Charlotte ranted but I cut her off.

"Charlotte s-stop. I-I'm going u-up-upstairs to un-unpack all my s-s-stuff." I spoke my voice breaking as I was trying to stop myself from crying. I walked out of the kitchen ignoring all the boys telling me to stop.

When I got to my room I shut the door and let a tear fall. "Blakes can I come in please." Ana asked nocking on the door. I quickly wiped the tear that fell and said, "yeah you can come in." 

She opened the door took one look at me and straight away hugged me.  "It's ok. It'll be alright." She said while I tried so hard not to cry.

"Do you want to tell me about it now?" She asked to which I nod my head.

Authors note:
Hey guys,
It's going to be a double update today.
Make sure you vote and comment. 

Chloe xx

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