The Croaking

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~My POV~
I was out all day with Martin, Izzy, Waunu, Nessie, Sonic, Slipstream and Jetstorm. The six of us jumped from tree to tree as Izzy and Sonic keep track on our skills. I jumped from the branch, does the 360 backflip, then landed on the next branch. Martin does the Spider-Man jumps then jumped to grab the branch to cling on. He got on as he is discovering the new area we're all in. "Wow, I've never been out back into nature before." Martin said. "Yeah." I said. Honestly, it turned dark that we forgot the time and yeah, we need the fresh air. It's been three days and two nights since Martin woke up from the coma and double honestly, he gotten super powerful than before. He's just like Sailor Moon, if only she has a cousin or a long-lost brother then we'll be shell-shocked. But now, back to where we are. I jumped to the ground with Martin and we joined the others. "Got the results in and it's all true. Martin is more powerful, both human AND Cybertronian." Izzy said. "YES! In your face Nessie." Martin said to Nessie that she got fumed. "Yeah, but you're not almighty like Jehovah." Nessie said. "Guys guys, let's chill and enjoy our time." Waunu said. Then we heard a twig snap. "Shh!" Martin said before we ran to the bushes. We peeked slowly to see Mikey with a stick and a bag tied over with his stuff inside. They got confused, but not me, since I remembered the episode well. "Mikey?" Waunu asked before she jumped in front of him that he jumped as well. "Waunu?" Mikey asked. "Not just her." I said before we popped out from the bushes. "Guys? What are you all doing here? You're supposed to be asleep." Mikey said. "Oh we know. It's just I can't sleep and the six heard me so we went out for the midnight training." Martin said before we nodded. "So, you... leaving?" Nessie asked looking at the stick with a bag. Mikey noticed and looked away. I eventually got an idea. "Hey, come with us. I noticed something when we came out here." I said before walked forward and the others followed as well. Once we got to the bushes, I gently pushed them carefully and Mikey gasped as he saw the most amazing lake in the night.

 Once we got to the bushes, I gently pushed them carefully and Mikey gasped as he saw the most amazing lake in the night

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His eyes sparkled at the sight. "Yeah, she found this a few nights ago. We spend time here." Martin said. "Kinda like out secret spot in New York." Waunu said before Mikey nodded. That got Izzy, Jet, Nessie and Slip confused. I realized I forgot to tell them. I facepalmed and turns to them before explained everything. They got it and nodded. I took off my shoes and socks. They got confused. "Uh, whatcha doing?" Slip asked. I stepped on the water and walked to reveal I can walk above water, they got totally amazed. "Watch and learn, mi amígos." I said before ran to skid across the water to release some sprinkles and they got amazed. I skidded to the edge of the land and they stepped back. I laughed before got back on land and puts on my socks and shoes. I saw Waunu and Mikey close as they blushed. I smiled before we heard a croak before we saw Martin. He noticed. "Wasn't me." He said before I walked into the woods with the others behind me. We kept on walking till I felt an acorn hit my head. "Hey!" I said when I looked up to see a frog coming at me. Martin yelped before ran fast to pushed me with him out of the way. He plopped to the ground. I got up only to see Napoleon. "Napo! You startled me." I said once he stood up. "Oh Erwina, it's you. I thought you're someone else." Napoleon said. "Hey! You almost attack our friend!" Martin said before I pushed him to the group. "Stop it, alright." I said. "Wait, you knew this guy?" Jetstorm asked. "Well yeah, I met him a few days ago. Isn't it obvious?" I asked. "So these are the team you're talking about?" Napoleon asked. "Yep." I said before he smiled as he croaked. I smiled back. "They're the bestest friends ever. Except for Nessie and Waunu, they're the coolest sisters." I said before fist bumped Napoleon. "So how's training?" I asked him. "Oh, I'm doing good. Check out this cool one you taught me." He said before he jumped to kick a branch, he even ate a fly. "Gross, but so cool." Nessie said. I grabbed my disguise from behind the bushes and put them on. I can tell they're confused. "What the world are you doing?" Sonic asked. "Putting on my disguise. Good thing I made more." I said before pulls out the disguises. They got surprised. I gave them the disguises based on sizes. "We're supposed to wear this?" Izzy asked. "Yeah, cause what Napoleon is about to show us, they HATE humans." I said before they put it on, but Mikey and Sonic are good since Mikey's a Mutant and Sonic's a Möbian. I grabbed and rubbed some mud on my face. "What's the mud for?" Jet asked. "To cover my true face. And to cover our scents from the frogs." I said before they got some mud and put it on. "Great, let's go." I said before Napoleon leads the way and we followed.
~At the Farmhouse~
~Erika's POV~
We were cleaning up the mess Mikey was supposed to do after he made the mess in the living room. "Man, I can't believe Mikey left us with this mess." Leo said with an upset tone. "You can say that again." Chris grumbled with an anger tone through his clenched teeth. "He totally ditched us. I haven't seen him for hours." Casey said with frustration in his tone before I lost it and my hand accidentally snapped the broom into two, permanently. "Yeah, maybe because you boys were nothing but total jerks! You guys NEVER appreciate him. Especially you, Raphael!" I said with a furious tone. "That's not true, Erika! I...I mean I-." Raph got cut off by Donnie and Future Ness-Marie came in. "Guys, I think we know where Mikey is. Check this out. Local campsites have been ravaged by what witnesses call green lizard like monsters on two legs." Donnie said. Then Sideswipe in human holoform came in with a scared look on his face. "We got a HUGE problem; Sonic, Martin, Jet, Slip and the girls aren't here!" Sideswipe said. "Nah, you think? Would Mikey really trash those campsites? And why in the world they snuck out for?" April asked. "That can't be possible. Mikey's too sensitive to do that. And we have no idea where they are." I said before we heard the pizza skid down from the wall and it landed on Knuckles' head. "Okay! Let's go!" I said.
~Back In The Woods~
~My POV~
We kept walking till Napoleon got us to the tree. "This is my place." Napoleon said. "Whoa!" The eight said when they saw it. We got to the base of the tree and I covered my ears for it. "Why are you covering your ears?" Sonic asked. "This." I said before Napoleon croaked loudly that got them startled. Then the machine started to come down that Nessie quickly pulled Martin out of the way before the elevator thing crashed into him. We got on, Napoleon was gentleman enough to get Nessie in that made her giggle softly in glee and that made the minicons jealous. I gently pulled them in. "Come on." I said before it went up. "The main reason Napoleon ran away from here is he almost burn the place. So he hide out and that's where he ran into me when I was enjoying myself a few days ago." I said for Napoleon that made him croaked softly. "Yeah, she's right. I almost did burn the tree fort down. Yet, they're idiots. They never respect me." Napoleon said. We made it to the top, we got off and walked over to the throne area, I can feel Nessie is scared of heights, so I motioned Jet and Slip to comfort her and they did. We stopped. I glanced up to see a king frog and a few frogs. "Napoleon. You're back?" The king frog asked. "He always comes back, sire. Like indigestion. Why not just stay away, boy?" The general frog asked. I was about to snap but Waunu stepped in. "Shut up you!" Waunu said before Martin and Sonic quickly pulled her back. "Attila, this is Mikey and the crew. One of them is the expert of everything." Napoleon said. "I doubt that, if they're friends of yours." The same general said. "Shut it, Genghis! I don't even care what you think gosh!" Napoleon said. "Yeah, he's learning the best from me. I'm the one who's teaching him to be responsible, Atilla." I said. "Get that turtle and his friends out of here!" The mad scientist frog. "Ugh, that's Rasputin, the mad frog." Napoleon said to us. "Turtles are not to be trusted! Why have a shell except to hide things, yes? Secrets, yes?" Rasputin asked. "Excuse me!! His shell is the only protection for the turtles!" Nessie said. "That was most insulting." Jet said. "Judging others by their covers won't solve any problem." Slip said. "And look! The tallest is out of shape, to hide the true form." Rasputin mentioned Martin. "Double excuse me!! This is my form. It's just I've been out of shape after my three month coma." Martin said, lied about himself. Sonic facepalmed. "Tell me, young ones. Why do you have no home?" Attila asked us. We tried to stop Mikey but he spoke that made us facepalmed hard. "We were stuck living in that farmhouse on the edge of the woods with my brothers, Mobians, Autobots and some humans." Mikey said. We heard the frogs croaked in shock. 'MIKEY, YOU SON OF AN IDIOT, NOW THEY'LL GRAB HALF THE TEAM!' I thought to myself. "Ah! With humans?" Attila asked. Then we heard the frogs commented about how bad the humans are. They made Waunu, Nessie, Izzy, Martin and myself raged inside. Then we heard Sonix lied about not going back then we doubled facepalmed. "Of course you nine aren't going back. You're free now. Free from the tyranny of your masters. Stay among us, my mutant brothers and sisters." Attila said to us. "Yes! In your face, Raspu-stink!" Izzy said to Rasputin before I elbowed her to shut up. 'Oh man.... hope Miah got an idea.' I thought to myself.
~Timeskips to the next night~
~Miah's POV~
We searched for the others throughout the day yet we didn't found them. "Mikey's nowhere with the others. I don't get it." Leo said. I can tell Leo and Raph are worried for EC. "This is getting old." Amy said. "Yeah, we didn't even packed lunch, or at least we did. Wait. Who was supposed to pack us lunch?" Knuckles asked. "Aw, no! What happened?" We heard Casey said before we ran to the farmhouse to see the place is covered in paint and footprints. 'This isn't good. Someone really hate us, but who?' I thought to myself. "Somebody trashed the place." Raph said. "It couldn't have been Mikey or the others?" Grimlock asked. "No. Not even on their worst day." Raph said to Grimlock. "And why would they write 'humans beware?'." April said. Then we heard Strongarm. "Look. Footprints. Weird footprints." Strongarm said before we looked to see the footprints in a weird shape, then it hit me hard. 'Frogs. They must've made this.' I thought to myself before I spoke up. "The frogs made these tracks, they must be the ones who made the mess." I said. Then we heard April spoke up. "Ah, guys, I got a bad feeling about this." April said before we heard croaking then we saw mutant frogs. "Oh no!" Sideswipe said. "Now is the time, my brothers and sisters. Frogs! Attack! Liberate the turtles and the Möbians!" The leader of the frogs said before they started to attack. I got mad before I used my strength to lift up the vines and yelled for the vines to hit and swat them away from the team. "Whoa, Miah. You're awesome!" Donnie said that made me flustered and smiled bashfully. "Whoa, Miah! Your hair!" Tails said before I had the small mirror compartment to see it.

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