Battle for New York, Part 2

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(For the Ending to this episode, pretend this clip is the Turtles and Chris, dedicated their feelings to the girls of their dreams, Enjoy!)
~My POV~
We're inside the blimp when Martin flies near us. "So do we even have a real plan here or are we just winging it for laughs?" Raph asked. I slid down the wire to land. "It's all on the Ground Team. First they break into T.C.R.I, then Doc Rockwell activates the portal." I said. "Then it's back to Dimension X again! The four of us get to be smart again." Martin said before he deactivate his CPS to land on the side plank. "We get the first part. Makes sense. It's the 'save millions of mutated New Yorkers' part we just don't get." Chris said. "Donnie's got the Retro-Mutagen in the vial. That'll work." I said. "Heck yeah! And once we change all the humans back, Rockwell will hone in on us with the Kraang portal and, theoretically, teleport us all back to Earth. Hopefully. Maybe." Donnie said. "Basically, it means we're all toasted." Miah said. "It's an awesome plan, Miah. Dimension X, here we come!" Mikey said. "I just hope the Ground Team don't screw this up. If they can't get that portal open." Leo said. "Leo chillax, you're talking about the Mutanimals and the Autobots. They know what they're doing. As long as Strange, Peter, Miles, and Randy do their job, it'll be okay." I said. Then the portal opened. "Yes, they did it!" Martin said. "Hoist the mizzenmast, lads and lassies! This pirate ship's about to jack Dimension X!" I said in Jack Sparrow's voice. "Ready your oxygen collars." Chris said before we, except Martin, Jet and Slip, put them on. "Booyakasha!" Mikey said before we went through the portal. We yelped before we entered into Dimension X. We noticed the blimp is upside down. "Welcome back to Dimension X." Martin said. "Phew. Well, that's 23% better." Donnie said. "And Martin, Waunu, EC and I got a way of making it a thousand times better." Mikey said before Martin, Waunu and I joined Mikey. "Booyakasha." Martin said before Mikey tossed down the smokebomb that made the others coughed by it. Then the smoke disappeared to reveal our Savage outfits we previously wore. "The Savage Quad of Dimension X returns!" I said. "Again with those costumes?!" Chris said. "Go with it." Miah whispered to Chris before he groaned softly like Sideswipe does. "Great, 'Savage Quad,' so, uh, where do you four think the Kraang are keeping all those mutated humans?" Leo asked. I silent him with my finger on his lips. "Shush and hush. Mikey needs to concentrate so he can sense them with his organic antenna." I said before Mikey does the thing before he got it. "That way!" Mikey said, pointing straight. "You heard him, purple nerd. Full speed ahead!" Waunu said before Donnie makes the blimp go forward. "So where are all the people? Feels like we've been searching forever." Leo said. "You got any idea where we're going, Mikey, for real?" Raph asked. "Of course I do, dude!" Mikey offendly said before we heard a roar and we saw a Kraathatrogon coming at us. Erika meeped softly. "But there are always surprises along the way." Waunu said. "It's a Kraathatrogon!" Miah said. "Man the defenses, Raph!" Chris said before Raph fired trash balls. But it didn't effect it. Then it's coming at us fast before Raph jumped out of the way but it went through the blimp and it popped a hole, we yelped. "Hold on to your shells!!" Martin said before the blimp flies crazy everywhere. We yelped before we crashed and we rolled out of the blimp. We groaned softly. "Not a good landing." I said in pain before we got up. "I'm takin' this freaky space worm down myself!" Raph said. "Raph wai-!" Martin got cut off by the Kraathatrogon hitting Raph over the edge before he came back, crashed landed on Leo, Jet and Slip. I jumped onto the crystal tree. "I'm on it!" I said before grabbed the samples and the line worm, I squirt the worm out and it got on the baby's forehead, I swing up and tossed the crystals to hit it. The worm goes away fast. I landed quickly. "FYI, guys, Kraang worms' weak spot are their butt faces. Got that?" I asked before they nodded. "Guys, look!" We heard Waunu said before we join her and we saw Kraang zombie/human are mining crystals. "This just keeps getting worse and worse and worse." Chris said. "Let me guess. The humans that got Kraangatized have been turned into servants and are mining energy crystals for the Kraang." Martin said. "Ucrystalis, you never cease to amaze us." Slip said before Jet nodded softly. "I'm super awesome like that, mini-dudes." Martin said before he flips his front bangs softly. "So we figure out a way to turn the humans back." Raph said. "And then the Mutanimals figure out a way to bring us all home." Donnie said. "It doesn't seem possible." Leo said. "It does seem possible, we just need to keep our hearts and minds open. Besides, the one thing we have to be loyal is the Ninja's greatest weapon, hope. It's part of us." I said. "Looks like the Kraang have human hybrids on three islands." Miah said. "Those islands are huge, guys!" Erika said. "How are we supposed to gonna turn all the mutants back into people?" Jet asked in fear. "Haven't you forgotten, Jet. We just need to find a massive amount of Mutagen and convert it into Retro-Mutagen with this." Donnie said when he held the vial. I think before saw the Technodrome and got an idea. "What about this one? It has amount of mutagen inside of it." I asked before pointed to it. The others noticed. "A Technodrome? EC." Leo said before Martin cuts in. "Leo, if you call her crazy, that'll seriously be a mess from you." Martin said. "I was gonna say she's crazy amazing!" Leo said. "But stealing a technodrome is crazy awesome?!" Erika said. "And how would we even get there? The blimp's a wreck." Raph said. "Or Martin and Chris can use their CPS to get us all to the Technodrome." I said. "Good idea!" Martin and Chris said before they activated their CPS to Bald Eagle. "All aboard, the Kratt Brothers express!" Martin said before we got on Martin and Chris fast, they fly us to the Technodrome. "This seems easy." Erika said before Waunu gasped softly. "Martin, Chris, dodge!" Waunu said before we yelped when Martin and Chris dodged the laser. I saw the Irmabot flying at us, aka Kraang Subprime. "That sounds like a great idea, Sailor Air!" He said. "Not this guy again!" Chris said before Kraang Subprime revealed himself. "That's right, mutant freaks and guardian bozos! Kraang Subprime returns!" Kraang Subprime said before he flexes his muscles. "We don't have time for this!" Martin said before he and Chris flies around Kraang Subprime. I tossed the crystals at him. "Now!" I said before Waunu does the sonic scream that it explode at Kraang Subprime. "Let's go!" Martin said before he and Chris flies fast to the Technodrome. We heard a roar and the others glanced at Waunu. "Wasn't me!" Waunu said before we heard another roar. We saw the two headed robot dragons are coming at us. "Dracodroids! Martin, Chris, fly fast!" I said before Martin and Chris yelped and flies fast. I noticed the obstacle in our way. "Martin, Chris, time for the ultimate trick you guys wanna do." I said before Martin and Chris got my point. "The Dimension X screw and dodge!" They said before they started to fly up, down, twirl and forth to avoid the obstacle. We yelped when we held on. We made it to the other side. "Wahoo! We made it!" Jet said before we heard the roar again. "But not out of the woods!!" I said. "Martin, Chris, go left!" Raph said before they went left to avoid the lasers. "No, go right!" Leo said before they went right. "LOOK OUT!!!" Miah said before the laser almost got Chris but he crashed into Martin that got them spinning out of control. "WE'VE BEEN HIT!" Martin said before we screamed the brothers landed on the Technodrome side. Waunu pulls out the ofundas. "Akuryo taisan!!" Waunu said before she tossed them to hit the Dracodroids to make them malfunction and they self destruct. Then Waunu uses her hand to touch the metal and it melted a giant hole. "Let's go!!" I said before we jumped down and charged at the Kraang. Martin and Chris uses their talons to grab and tossed the Kraang to hit each other. "Move!!" Chris said before we ran fast to the door. I quickly typed the buttons as everyone got in. I pressed the key and the door shut immediately. "We made it! Wow, that was easy." Raph said before Martin and Chris deactivate the CPS and Jet noticed something. "Um, Raphael. You spoke too soon." Jet said before we looked to see Kraang and we have our weapons out. "Aww, Kraang." Raph said. "Team, attack!" Leo said before we charged to attack the Kraang. I jumped to avoid the lasers and hit the Kraang with the pirate hat on. Then Waunu kicked the Kraang off to the side. "Sis, there's too many of them!" Waunu said. "Then we better find the way to stop them!" I said before attack more before Martin is on the Kraang hovers, shooting so many with the guns the Kraang has. "Whoo!" I said. "Martin, that was amazing!" Raph said before Martin landed. "Dimension X plus Sailor V gaming equals Martin awesomeness!" Martin said. "There's no time MK, we have to get the Technodrome moving." I said before turned to Donnie. "Donnie, what's the status?" I asked. "Good news. It looks like we have access to their mutagen supply through this fuel tube. Not only do they use Mutagen to terraform, they use it to power the ship. We've got a massive supply! Like this much!" Donnie said before Martin got the Technodrome started up and moving. "Yeah teammates! She's a-moving!" Martin said. I grabbed the pilot control. "Now let's save New York and its people!" I said before the screen got the lock on the Kraang zombie hybrids. "We have a visual on the human hybrids, guys. We need that portal ready to go." I said. "Give me two seconds, EC. I've got to add the Retro-Mutagen." Donnie said before he added the Retro-mutagen to the fuel then something is happening and it blacked out before it stopped and we yelped from it. "Something's wrong." Chris said. "What's going on, Donnie?! Report!" Leo said. "I told you, the technodrome runs on Mutagen. Aah! The engines just can't take Retro-Mutagen, Captain!" Donnie said before I ran to help by typing in the coding. "Not for long. Just need to alter the ship's fuel convertors, tweak the quantum defiblitrons, and voila!" I said when I pressed the button to make the fuel converter to change mutagen into Retro-mutagen to start up the Technodrome. "EC, you're-" Raph got cut off. "Raph, saying wasting time, you'll be sorry." Martin said. "She's super amazing! But yeah, we're wasting time!" Raph said. "Guys focus, we have to get the humans back to normal fast." I said before we heard sawing and saw Kraang Subprime trying to break in. "Here's Kraangy!" Kraang Subprime said. "Okay, we need that portal open!" Leo said. "Miah, call up the Ground Team!" I said before Miah calls them. "Come in, Doc Rockwell. Doc? Bee? You there? Anybody?!" Miah said. "Great. If the Mutanimals can't transport us back, cancel the entire rescue mission." Raph said. "And us going home." Leo said. "We're not giving up! We have to keep praying a miracle would pop up!" Martin said before my t-phone static and I pulled it out to reveal Dr. Rockwell's face on screen. "Doc!" I said excited.

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