In Dreams

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~In The Nightmare Zone~
~Miah's POV~
Sonic, Donnie and I are running down the streets to get away from something that's chasing us. "Run boys, run!" I said. "We're running Miah, we're running!!" Sonic said before we stopped at the alley to catch our breathe. Then Donnie noticed something. "Wait, how did we get here?" Donnie asked us before we heard something and we peeked to the streets. "Something's out there, but what could it be?" Sonic asked us before I noticed a shadow, turned softly and got scared. "Guys..." I said meekly before they turned and saw it as well. "Run!!!" Donnie said before we ran away from it as fast we can. We quickly made it to the rooftops and landed before ran to hide. We panted softly from the running. "I think... we lost it." Sonic said before we sighed in relieved. Then I noticed the shadow claws, glanced up, screamed and ran to Donnie as it stabbed through the door. "RUN AWAY!!!!" I shouted before we ran fast then we hide under the billboard stand. "Think we escaped it this time?" Sonic asked before we backed away from the view softly but I hit something soft, I got scared before I felt something slimy and screamed loudly. "RUN!!!!!" I shouted again before we ran again. "You just HAVE to say it!!" Donnie said to Sonic before we hid inside the dumpster. We got scared. "We'll be okay... I hope." I said before we heard something growl, we got scared, cowarded on each other and Donnie shakily turns on his t-phone then we heard a roar and we screamed in fear.
~In the Real World~
~My POV~
I was training with Mikey as Nessie trains with Leo and Raph with her new wings and Waunu trains with Jet and Slip. We grunted as we train. Before we began, my hidden ability has been tingling me that something has happened to Miah, Donnie and Sonic but I can't place my finger on this one. "So are Donnie and Miah coming down or what?" I asked Mikey. "I couldn't wake them up, so I put some dirty underwear on his face and I put sneezing powder on her face." Mikey said before I easily got Mikey down, remembered the episode. "Nice bro." I said before I got up before helps Mikey up. Then Martin came in fast, we dodged before I attacked Martin, he dodged before blocks my attack with the newly spear Donnie and Waunu created for Martin's newly powers since he grew much. Sideswipe, Grimlock and Strongarm are watching us. I got tossed before skidded on the ground. "Nice Martin, you're really coming along." I said before Martin twirls his spear. "Thanks, who knew coma could really rest me up and gave me new strength to tryout on?" Martin asked before Bee came towards him in his human form. "Just remember Martin, with strength like that, it can be either use for good or bad. So don't use them for bad." Bee warned Martin. "Relax Bee, Martin is a grown man. Uh, hybrid. He knows what good and bad meant." Raph said before Nessie giggled at Raph's sentencing before we saw April, Casey and Fixit in his disguise came out and they headed to the van. Nessie remembered and ran to join them. "Later guys, I promise to help them get groceries!" Nessie said. "Hey, guys? We're heading down to the store." April said. "Any requests, team?" Fixit asked us. "Ooh, ooh, ooh! I need some spicy gummy worms. Need!" Mikey said with glee that made Waunu smiled in daze. "Yeah, he's not going to have that." Casey said. "That store is tiny, Mikey. It's the kind of place that has peanut butter or jelly." April said. "Oh, if he has vegetables, can you grab some? I gotta finish the special dinner for us to try." I said. "We'll check it out." Nessie said before the four got into the van and Casey drives off. I felt presence before I dodged the attack Leo and Raph made. Waunu joined me before she got Leo and I got Raph. We fought more till Leo kicked Waunu and Raph punched me, which made us collided into each other then our past visions are shown, flashed before our eyes. We yelled before fell on our knees and held our heads. "Girls!" Martin said ran to comfort us. "Come on you two, let's get you two some rest and drink." Martin said helped us up and guided us to inside. We got inside, Martin grabs two cups and gets some water before goes to the freezer, ICK gave Martin six ice cubes and Martin closed the freezer door. Waunu and I sat on the chair near the table when Martin came up to us and handed us the cups. "Here you two go, it'll be okay." He said before we took it and drinks them. Once we finished, Waunu spoke. "When we clashed into each other, we have visions. Different visions, it feels like we were made for something else but different." Waunu said. "Yeah, whatever it is, it's telling us we're made for something good too, but with these gifts." I said. "Yeesh, you two need to practice that." Martin said before he grunted in pain. "I'll rest up a bit." Martin said before he walked off. "Be careful." Waunu said before Leo came inside and came towards us. "Girls, Raph and I are so sorry for that to happen." Leo said before we comforted him. "It's okay Leo, it happens." Waunu said. "Yeah, what matters is we're good." I said when I hold his hand. He blushed and I blushed as well. We were lost into each other's eyes, as we slowly lean in, he felt tired and pulled away. "I'll take a nap." Leo said before he softly pulled his hand away and walked off to the living room. Waunu noticed and squealed softly. "Sis, did you see that? You and him were about to kiss, isn't it cute? It- sis?" Waunu asked as soon she saw my shocked and flustered expression. 'Leo? Was he.... gonna kiss me?' I thought to myself. Then we saw Bee went to sleep in car mode from the window. 'Looks like he's sleeping.' I thought to myself.
~In The Nightmare Zone~
~Leo's POV~
I woke up from the couch after having a sweet dream of my and Raph's princess in a wedding dress, I flustered at the dream. "Oh man, what was I thinking? I almost kissed her." I said to myself before got up. "Guys, I'm going out with Bee!" I said before walked towards the door. "Be careful, Leo!" I heard EC said. As soon as I got outside, I got inside Bee in his car mode, he drove off to the woods. We drived to the cliff. I turned on the radio and listened to music. "Good grief. I almost kissed her, I'll never forgive myself!" I said. "Hey, it's not your fault. It was instinct that it happened. But other than that, I know she'll forgive you." Bee said through the radio before he uses the button to make the sunroof open to reveal the nightly sky. I glanced to see the meteor shower display before saw one light coming at us. "What the- Bee, drive!" I said before Bee quickly drives backward fast just in time for the meteorite to crash into the ground a few feet away from us. I got out of Bee and he transform into alt mode. We walked over to see the meteorite glowed blue. We walked over to see it. "Whoa." Bee said. "Huh." I said before gently touched it. Then I felt the power flowing in me. I smiled softly before screamed at the shocking effect, got send backwards to hit a tree and crashed on the ground. Bee noticed and ran to me. "Leonardo! Are you okay?" Bee asked. I got shocked at the no pain effect. "Weird. That didn't hurt. And my pride, it instantly healed. I feel fine! In fact, I feel great!" I said before I started to fight and kicks the tree hard.
~In The Real World~
~Nessie's POV~
We got to the store and got out of the van before we got inside. "Whoa." Fixit said before we look around to find supplies and food for the team. I look for the vegetables my sister requested before saw some and goes to grab some onions, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers and squashes. I was about to go to April before felt a presence and turned to see an elder creepy but kind man holding a cardboard box of restocks. "Eep!" I said in shock. "Hey, there! Name's Bernie. I just bought this place." Bernie said. "On purpose?" Casey asked him. "Finding everything you need?" Bernie asked. "Only one is lucky." Fixit said before I giggled. "You got any spicy gummy worms?" April asked before Bernie turned to April. "Is that bait? You mean bait?" Bernie asked. "It's actually candy." I said in a perfect way. "Ho-ho! I got candy!" Bernie said before goes to the jar and opens it to pick some. "What kind?" April and Fixit asked. Bernie picks some out. "Brown. But it used to be yellow." Bernie said before I checked them. "It looks like they expired." I said before tests them. "Yep, they expired. But can I get a bubble gum? My friend needs some." I said. "Oh sure little lady, you are mighty young to be perfect for the pageants." Bernie said. I stopped and looked down. "I uh, I don't think pageants are my thing. But I, I have a perfect, yet a different dream. One day, I wanna open a shop like this, but like an art shop or a cafe shop." I said to Bernie before he turned to me with a smile. "Wonderful! Now make sure you work hard to make it happen. All your achievements will brighten sooner than later." He said before he saw Casey and goes over. Fixit came to me. "Is that your dream?" He asked me. "Yeah, but that's the first dream. My other dreams are being able to help others and making sure they have a future. Also, my dream of being with Jet and Slip comes true. I have three dreams to accomplish." I said before Fixit comfort me. "Don't worry, there is a time where the right or wrong moments to come cause there is fate. You might've read some parts about fate. It'll come around soon. Ooh. Marts. Darts *Knocks his side head with my hand* Parts!" Fixit said before goes to get some. 'Thanks Fixit.' I thought to myself before goes to join April as Casey came out and Fixit joined us. "Hey, I got what we need. Should last a few days." April said. "Got some vegetables and parts. Should help work be easier to harvest before fall comes." I said before placed the vegetables in and Fixit got the parts on the counter. "So, I thought nobody lived around here." Bernie said. "Why would you buy a store where you thought nobody lives?" Fixit asked. "Eh, I like my alone time. The amount of stuff you're buying must be for five or six people, or more." Bernie said. "Uh, just four. Us four. The four of us." Casey said when we backed up to the door slowly. "Uh-huh. Tell me. You been tired lately? Real tired?" Bernie asked us. April opens the door and we got out. "Nope. We're fine." April sais before I peeked in. "Thanks for giving me advice on my dreams!" I said before I went out and closed the door behind me. 'That feeling. I can't get this feeling to go away, it's like he's hiding something.' I thought to myself before went into the van, closed the side door and Casey drives off. "That was ominous." Fixit said. "No kidding, we don't even feel tired." April said. "He's crazy to the head." Casey said. "Maybe, but again. I think he's trying to warn us about something." I said. I look out the window. 'Hope it doesn't happen to the others.' I thought to myself again.
~In The Nightmare Zone~
~Leo's POV~
I cheered when I landed before ran fast and Bee barely catches up to me. "Slow down, Leo! Slow down!" I heard Bee said. "Are you kidding Bee?! Check me out! I am a super Hyuh! Hero!" I said happily when I stopped. "What does every superhero need?" A voice asked before Bee and I looked around. "Who's there?" I asked. "Dire Beaver! I'm everything you've ever feared in one convenient, horrifying package. And I'm gonna teach you two something about pain!" It said before it attacked us. We yelled before we landed on the ground and it got its feet on us and we struggled while it laughed.
~In The Real World~
~My POV~
We saw Mikey drawing Leo's face with a permanent sharpie Terrance gave him. I feel bad for Leo cause we almost kissed. And Martin woke up all the sudden, maybe it's the Crystal's protection. "Man, he really crashed out." Martin said. "Yeah, but what caused him to crash out that bad?" Erika asked. "Who knows, but whatever it is, he has to remember every detail. And so does Bee." Chris said. "Man, they must've been tired." Raph said. "True." Waunu and I said. "But Leo looks good, though. Handsome." Mikey said that I smiled softly in daze. "Nice work. You know I'm pretty tired myself. A little shut-eye wouldn't hurt anything, right?" Raph asked when he sits on the chair and fell asleep. Mikey fake yawns. "Me too." Mikey said as he tries to go to draw Raph's face but Raph felt it. "Don't even think about it." Raph said that made me giggled in silent. "We gotta nap too." Chris said before he and Erika sits on the chairs near the fireplace and slept. We peeked to see Strongarm, Sideswipe and Grimlock slept in car and Dino mode, but Drift, he kneels and meditates into a trance. "Well, that leaves is five of us awake." Jet said. "Something tells me we're not tired at all." Slip said. "Naps are nature's hugs." Mikey said before he fell asleep on the chair. Then the same feeling hit me, I rubbed my head. "I don't think they're not alone in their dreams." I said before heard the van came in then saw Nessie, April, Casey and Fixit came out with boxes of supplies and food. I went out to help them. "Guys, you won't believe this." I said before lead them inside. I showed them the team asleep. "We're out taking care of business and what are they doing? Squat." Casey said. "Casey!" Fixit and Nessie said. "Donnie and Miah must be on lookout." April said. But when we got to the bedroom, we saw Miah and Donnie on separate beds, sleeping. "Or not." Martin said. Then Casey laughed. "Those weird teeth of his make him whistle!" Casey said before imitates the whistle and laughed again. Waunu went to Miah before blows some sneezing powder off Miah's face and felt an eerie feeling. "Hold on, something ain't right. Miah? Donnie! Guys!!!" Waunu said.
~In The Nightmare Zone~
~Miah's POV~
We slowly backed away from the shadow before we ran, not before a voice spoke up. "Peekaboo! I see you!" A voice said before we screamed and crashed into something. We looked up to see a red darkly beaver. We got very scared with a gasp. "I am Dark Beaver. May I eat your green headed lover girl? She look sweet to eat." It said before I screamed and jumped onto Donnie's arms. "Run run run!!" I shouted before they dodged the beaver's jaws before they ran into the shop, only to come out in April's school, in the hallway. We panted in fear. Then Donnie cleared his throat wirh a noticed blush and I realized I'm still in his arms, I blushed before got off with a yelp. "Sorry." I said before the bell rang and all the doors and lockers busted open and wind blew lots of papers and paper bits around us. We got extremely scared. "This can't be real. This can't be real!!!" Sonic said in fear. "We must be dreaming. We just have to wake up. That's it. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Donnie said before he slapped himself. Then lots of Dark Beavers are coming at us. Sonic and I stayed near Donnie and I screamed in fear. "NO!!!!" I shouted before sat up in bed to see Donnie not there, I breathed in fear when I peeked under the bed and kneels on the bed, but felt a breath behind me. I got really scared. "Still here! Still going to eat you, my sweet, sweet friend." Dark said before I screamed in fear.
~In The Real World~
~My POV~
We got the others to gather around. Even Martin had to push the cars near the window and gets Drift and Grimlock near the window as well, I even Sonic out here since he was sleeping too. "Got them..." Martin said before he exhaled out of breath. "Okay, we gotta get them awake fast." I said. Then a kick was heard then Nessie glared at Casey. "That's not gonna work!" Nessie said. "It was worth a try. Plus, I always kind of wanna to do that to Donnie." Casey admitted before Waunu and April checks on the others. "We don't understand it. They won't wake up." April said. "It's like they're trapped. Trapped in their dreams." Waunu said. "Hey, Mikey is actually having a good dream." Fixit said when he checked on Mikey. "True, but his pulse is getting weaker. They all are." Waunu said. "So, they're sick?" Casey asked. "Not really. None of them has a fever, but I feel something strange. Like, something is draining the life out of them." Waunu said. "Can you guys get through to them somehow?" Martin asked us. "We can try." I said "Wait a minute! Bernie asked if we'd been feeling tired." Nessie said. "Yeah, but we didn't feel too tired." Fixit said. "Hold up! I was tired ago and fell asleep for a while. But when I woke up, I feel totally fine." Martin said. "The crystal! It knows danger is around, so it glows to protect you from dark magic and sorcery." Jet said. "Of course! You're a hybrid, the crystal can help." Slip said. "And that book he had, Somniorum. It's Latin for 'dreams,' or 'of the dreams,' I think." April said. "Jet, Slipstream, Casey and I can go and see what's in that book. You guys do what you can here." Martin said when he picks up his spear. "Be careful, boys." Nessie said. "We'll be okay Ness." Casey said. "Case, she's talking to Jet and Slip." I reminded him that he pouted in despair. "Let's rev up and go." Martin said before the four left. Waunu, April and I held our hands. We closed our eyes and focused on the team. We then fell into trance when the force and April's telekinesis pulled us into their dreams.
~In The Nightmare Zone~
~Miah's POV~
I ran till I saw Donnie and Sonic ahead. We ran fast through the sewers then we got to the office then we ran through the fridge to the lair. We were out of breathe then Sonic noticed something. "Look!" Sonic said before I picked up the can of coffee grind to see the person looks like April. "Is that... April?" Donnie asked. "Can't be, can it be...?" I asked before the person spoke. "Wake up!!" It shouted before we looked up to see lots of Dark Beavers and we screamed in fear.
~In Leo's dream~
~Leo's POV~
Bee and I can't stop Dire and Drift has appeared to help us. We get hit and get striked at. Then we get striked upward to the sky. We spin and whirl fast. Just as Dire was about to strike, my t-phone rang and we got shocked. "Well, aren't you going to answer?" Dire asked. I got annoyed before pulled out my phone to answer. "Okay." I said before answer the call. "Leo! You three have to wake up. Wake up!" I heard Waunu's voice from the phone. "We are awake. I got super powers from a meteor, and now we're fighting a giant beaver. And- Hey, are we dreaming you?" I asked Dire. "Not a chance!" Dire said before he punched us hard to the sun. I screamed as we got closer.
~In Raph's dream~
~Raph's POV~
I screamed with Sideswipe and Strongarm when we got wrapped by snakes and a giant snake is behind the band when they're playing. Then the giant snake ate them, one by one. "We're next!" Sideswipe said in fear. Just as it was about to get us, it opened his mouth and we closed our eyes for a fearful lunch, a voice spoke through the snake's mouth. "Guys! You three have to wake up! Pronto!!" I heard EC's voice and I opened my eyes in shock. "EC?" I asked. Then the snake closed its mouth and cleared his throat. "Pardon me." It said before it tried again.
~In Mikey's dream~
~Mikey's POV~
Grimlock and I grunted in pain when we are, WERE, playing ping pong. We don't have the energy to keep it up. "Man, this ping-pong is really wearing us out." I said. "That's because I'm draining your life force!" The blue beaver said. "Oh yeah, no wonder we're tired." Grimlock said. "Psst, hey, Mikey, Grimlock! April says you two should wake up." The talking lollipop said. "Please. I know better than to listen to a giant talking lollipop. Ha! We learned that one the hard way." I said before the ball hit Grimlock hard and he got dizzied.
~In Chris' dream~
~Chris' POV~
Erika and I ran fast to get away from the dark version of me when he said he wanted what's rightfully his. We panted as we ran fast through the forest. We kept on running before we stopped at the cliff with the waterfall that leads to the pond. We turned to see birds flying off due to the sound. We got worried and we huddled to each other. "This is it, I didn't even have a true love's kiss!" Erika confessed that made me blushed and held her closer. "Me neither, I haven't even confess my love to the girl I love." I said, admitting the truth. We held each other as the dark version of me came out to attack us. Then it stopped midair as my creature pod binged, I checked to see a message from April. "Hey, April tells us to wake up." I said. "But that's not possible, we're awake." Erika said. "Not really!" Dark version of me said before he pushed us over the edge and we screamed in fear.
~In The Real World~
~My POV~
"They're not waking up!" April said. "They're getting weaker by the second. If they get to the final stage of the life drainage, it's game over for them." Fixit said. Nessie them yelped in fear. "Ahhh!! What are we gonna do?!" Nessie said. Waunu and I knew what we have to do. "April, put us in the dreams. We'll rescue them and get them out of the situation." I said. "You two can't, if we lose you two, Martin will never forgive us." April said. "We know, and that's why we're Guardians. We lay down our very lives to protect Martin and the crystal. Protect Martin for us." Waunu said to Nessie before we laid on the ground on our backs. We held our hands before I gave April a nod. April has her hands on our foreheads and focused on getting us in. Once it succeed, we closed our eyes and fell asleep into darkness.
~In The Dream Realm~
I opened my eyes to see glass chards flowing by then I saw Waunu, I ran to hug her before we heard a voice. We saw a lady holding the infants in one of the chards. "Hey, that's her. The lady in my dreams. " Waunu said. "Wait, the infants... that's us! Are we.... looking at.... our true past life?" I asked. "Come my little girls, time to celebrate. Let's invite everyone." The lady said before she walked out to see the crew cheering for our birth. "Wait, the fighters. That's the same one in my dreams." Waunu said before we saw little Miah and Erika in their sailor uniforms running towards the lady, including little Martin in his prince outfit. Then we saw little princess Serenity running towards the lady. Along a boy about the same height as Martin ran towards them. "Congratulations, Leia/mom! Yeah!!" The group said. "Thank you kids, welcome. Welcome Earth, Air, Ucrystalis, Serenity and my little Ben. Ben, you are now the official big brother to your sisters." The lady named Leia said to Ben. The four bowed as Ben came to our infant versions. "Hello little sisters. Welcome to the world, you two are going to make a big difference for all of us. I can't wait mom." Ben said to Leia. "Me too, I wonder what kind of princesses they're gonna turn out to be." Leia said before the chard flew off. We smiled in tears before we wiped them. "Come sis, we gotta rescue the others." Waunu said before I nodded and we ran towards the darkness. We got through and landed on the streets of New York. We saw the others landed and we jumped to avoid their hard landing. We landed before we ran to them. "Guys!!" We said before they saw us. "Girls!" They said before they hugged us. Then Sideswipe pulled away. "Girls, we got these terrible dreams and we can't even escape from them." Sideswipe said. "That's because we're all in an eternal  nightmare of terror. And we're all stuck here. But don't worry, the others got this one in the real world. They gotta find a way to wake us up." I said. "But that's impossible." Miah said. "Nothing's impossible for the Dream Beavers!" Dark said before Donnie laughed amusing. "I'm sorry, did you just say Dream Beavers?" Donnie asked. "He did." I said. "Olly-Olly-oxen-free!" Dark Beaver shouted before the ground and everything shake. We yelped and we stayed still. "Hold on!" Waunu said. We heard laughter then we saw three more coming out and joined Dark Beaver. The others got scared. "This can't be good..." Erika said. "You think you are alone in your dreams. But no! For years, we have lurked in this dream dimension, stealing the life force of humans. Draining them dry and-" Dire for interrupted by Chris. "But boys. The turtles, Sonic and Autobots aren't human!" Chris said before Dread came under us girls and we yelped from it. "That is precisely what makes your and their life force so delicious." Dread said. "Seriously. Human life force, every meal, for thousands of years. Then one day, Turtles, Autobots, Möbian and gifted humans!" Dark said. "I like chocolate chip cookies." The blue beaver said. "Shut up Dave!!" The three snapped at the blue beaver. Then Dire has all of us in his hand. We yelped a bit. "We're gonna drain you all dry and spit out the shells, parts and skin!" Dire said before he tossed us up and we screamed in fear. Then the whole scene changes to the comic like work. We look different in black and white. "What? Where are we?" Raph asked. We saw the bubbles popped up and words were shown. "Whew. Back in the real world at last." Mikey said. "This looks real to you?" Donnie asked. Chris facepalmed. "It's been confirmed; we ARE stuck!" Chris said that made Erika yelped in fear. "More or less." Mikey said. Waunu then look up and got scared. "Not really... look up!!!" Waunu said before we looked up to see the beavers are still in their color. "Scrap." The Autobots said. "I spy with my little eye, something colorful." Dave said. "SHUT UP DAVE!" The beavers said before Dire jumped to get us. "Destroy them all!" Dire said that we screamed before we crashed on the pipes, upside down. We looked to see the beavers are coming at us. "Scatter, remember, don't let them hit you at ever corner!" I said before we ran to get the beavers. But when we tried to get the beavers, they are one step ahead that we got whacked. Waunu and I clashed again before more flashbacks are shown and we grunted when we held our heads. "No, not again." Waunu said. Then Dark got us with his paddle tail, he laughed and he grabbed us. "The turtles and the others may have life force. But you two, your life force are the strongest ones of all. Once we're done with them, you two are gonna be our delightful dessert." Dark said. Then Drift came and hit Dark that he let us go and Drift grabbed us in his servo. "Not if I protect them from the likes of your darkness." Drift said. Then we heard rushing. "That can't be too good..." Waunu said before a lot of water rushed in. "INCOMING!!!" I said before we got wiped out. We screamed as we are out of the water and spun around fast through places we remembered and fought in. Waunu and I crashed into something. We groaned softly before we looked to see the shells hanging on the hook. We gasped before the flame bursted and we saw we're holding one. We screamed before we landed on the side with chains on our wrists with Miah and Erika as we saw the others are on the conveyer belt. "They're done for!" Miah said when we tried again. Then the beavers started to get their foodwares out and puts toppings on the turtles, Chris and Sonic. We saw the conveyer belt move to the flames. We got really scared. "No!!" I said. The others screamed in fear as the Beavers are ready to feast. Waunu, Miah, Erika and I screamed in agony.
~In The Real World~
~Nessie's POV~
When we saw EC and Waunu aren't waking up, I grabbed EC by the collar of her shirt and slapped her as much as I can to wake her up. I got really scared of losing my family as April and Fixit tried to calm me down. We heard the four came in. "You said that wouldn't work." I heard Casey said before I looked up with a fear look on my face. "April don't know what else she can do! We can barely find their pulses anymore. If we can't wake them up, they won't make it! We're gonna lose everybody!!" I said. Martin pulled Bernie in fast. "Oh, my gosh! Is that TV set an Astroview?" Bernie asked. "Really? Not, 'oh my gosh, giant Turtles, Robots and different people?'." April said. "You see them too?" Bernie asked before Casey grabbed him by the collar and Jet and Slip tried to stop him. "Bernie! The Dream Beavers are sucking out their life force! How can we wake them up?" Casey asked. "You can't. The Obturaculum keeps the beavers trapped in the dream realm, and as long as they're there their dream powers are unbeatable. That's why I don't sleep! Got any coffee, by the way?" Bernie asked. Fixit rolled in fast with a sensor in his servo. "We got a problem, they're being drained fast!!" Fixit said. I checked on EC and got scared. "She's not breathing. EC's not breathing!" I said fearfully. Casey lets Bernie go and held out the book. "So this is what keeps them in the dream realm?" Casey asked Bernie. "Yeah! Wait, what are you-" Bernie got cut off by Casey. "Slip, Martin, peirce this!" Casey tossed it up before Martin and Slip uses their weapons to pierce through the book as hard as they can. "No!" Bernie said.
~In The Nightmare Zone~
~My POV~
Just as the beavers were about to feast, we heard a sound before we looked up to see lightning and listens to the machine dying. "What's this?" Dire asked. "The barrier is broken!" Dark said. "We are free! Free!" Dread said before the Turtles, Autobots and Sonic popped to disappear. Then we disappeared as well.
~In The Real World~
I slowly opened my eyes and sat up with Waunu and the others to rub our heads. I heard the Autobots got up from outside. We groaned softly in pain. "Sis!" Nessie said before hugged me. I hugged back and smiled softly. "The Obturaculum is broken! The beavers are free! Free to destroy our world! All is lost! All is- Aah!" Bernie got cut off to see the dimension vortex open then the beavers came out and noticed they're... small. "Wait a second. Aw, dang." Dire said. Grimlock peeks through the window and saw Dave. "Hiya, Dave." Grimlock said happily with a wave. "Hi, Grimlock!" Dave said waving back. "SHUT UP, DAVE!" The beavers snapped at Dave before he shakes his head. "This is it? This is what I've been protecting the Earth from for 40 years? Plush toys?!" Bernie said. If I were you guys, I'd be-." Casey got cut off. "Leaving. My thoughts exactly. Come, beavers! Let us leave this world for one that is-." Dire said before Nessie stops them that she hugs them and turns to me. "Can I keep them? Please? I haven't got a stuffie since I was young." Nessie said before I remembered that she didn't have one, not even once. I eventually gave in. "Okay sis, but you gotta learn to-" I got cut off by seeing Nessie running to the room to make sure they're obedient to her orders. Waunu smiled softly. "Can't resist her cuteness, huh?" Waunu asked. "Not even once, what I gonna do with her." I said before glanced at Bernie with the others. "April, Casey, Fixit, giant talking Turtles, Autobots, Sonic, everyone, I've been awake for 40 years for no good reason. So If you'll excuse me..." Bernie said before he yawned and fell to the floor. We heard him snore. "Looks like he's finally getting some sleep after his 40 year trauma of life force drainage." Miah said before we nodded in agreement. Martin helped us up and Waunu and I dusted outselves. "Man, you guys really scared us. What the hey were you two thinking?" Martin asked us. "We have to, they're family. And we always watch over family, no matter what." Waunu said before Martin hugged us tight. "Just don't ever do that again." Martin said that made me and Waunu shocked by his worried side for us. "Well, who wants to help me carry him back home?" Casey asked before Miah goes over to carry Bernie in one throw over her shoulder and walks to the van. Waunu and I stretched a bit. "Hey, I know it's all sudden and yet, but we started to grow up a bit into real ladies." I said. Martin hugged us from behind. "See? Told ya, a few things can be lesson, with or without help." Martin said before we smiled softly.

'Dream on Martin, dream on.'

A New Team (Book 3 Of A Whole New World~) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now