EC's Sick Day

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(Head's up! This might be a short chapter, but it'll be a fun chapter! Plus, Be With You song will be part of this)
~My POV~
I was making the boys some smoothies while the girls are our and Aph's girl crew were with April for the day. I had varieties of smoothies. I got them set on the trays before came out of the kitchen with them in my arms, walked to see the boys are napping on the couch, I set the trays down and smiled softly. "Aww, they're sleeping so beautiful. Now to wake them up with my angelic voice." I said before I shouted. "WAKE UP BOYS, YOU MISSED YOUR TRAINING!" I shouted that they scrambled up in fear. "EC, YOU'RE SUCH A BAD - brat?" Martin asked when he saw smoothies. "Oh EC, you should've done this." Aaron said. I smiled. "Hey, I know it's your chores day boys, but since I have done your chores, you guys got an official day off." I said. "Aww, thanks buddy." Mikey said happily. "It's all for not-" I got cut off by my sneeze into my sleeve. "Bless you." Ein said. "Thanks gu- gu-" I sneezed again into my sleeve. "You okay? You looked a little flushed." Chris said. "Oh I'm fine, just a slight spring fever- " I coughed into my sleeve. "Whoa, you're turning a little pale and sweating a bit." Zane said. "Like I said, it's just a little spring- " I coughed violently around with my sleeve, but I accidentally coughed on the smoothies then fainted on the ground and passed out.
~Martin's POV~
"EC!" We said before we checked on her. I lightly touched her forehead. "Oh yikes, you're burning up." I said. "No, I can't be sick... I put all my effort on this day. I even made smoothies." EC said weakly before I glanced at the smoothies. "You mostly coughed on them." I said. "Noooooooooooo. Try them, they're still good." She said delirious. The boys and I glanced before we took the glass, we fake drink the smoothies. "Ahh." I said before we threw the contagious smoothies into the water. We turned to EC. "Your smoothies are the best girl." I said before she has her thumbs up softly. "Okay, let's get you to bed." I said before we carried her carefully. Good thing she's losing her extra weight, she wasn't satisfied with her previous weight before she exercised and train harder. We got her to her room before we get her settled in bed. "Okay, stay in bed." I said. "Noooo. Needed some company." She said before I walked over and lightly took her glasses off. "It'll be okay. Just rest." I said before I set them aside on the night stand. I could've sworn but I heard Aaron, Ein, Leo and Raph's heartbeat beating fast from my eardrums. "Control your emotions!" I said before the boys got confused, I blinked in surprised before I cleared my throat. "We need to get her some stuff to cheer her up. Aaron, Zane and Mikey, make her the best chicken noodle soup ever. Leo, Raph and Ein, get her glasses of water, juice and puree beet juice ready. Noi, Peirce, Travis, Donnie and Chris, call April and tell her to get some medicine fast." I said before they nodded and they head off. "Marrrrty, staaaaaay." I heard EC said delirious. "No girl, stay in bed. I'm sure you're gonna be okay." I said before lightly patted her head. "Rest now." I said before head off to check on things. "Nooooooo." I heard EC said before I closed the door behind me and headed off to the kitchen.
~At the Surface~
~Waunu's POV~
We're walking home while we have extra clothes for us and we even have the newly space triangles. "Okay, let's see. We got a lot of clothes, we gotta make sure we are prepared unless one of us have lots of clothes." Erika said. "Sounds plan, oh better call EC to see who got lots." Miah said. "No no, I got it." I said before pulled out my phone, listened to hear it ring, then it was answered.

{"Hello?"} EC asked through the phone.

I could've sworn I heard her voice hastily. "Hey sis, we gotta tell you. Who got lots of clothes. You, Miah, Nessie, Erika or me?" I asked.

{"Oh I wish I could move but- *coughs*."} EC said through the phone.

"Sis, you okay? You don't sound too good." Nessie said.

{"Oh it's nothing. Just a fever I caught badly."} EC asked through the phone.

"Fever?! Oh no, you're sick!" Erika said.

{"It's fine, all I need is to rest my body and-"} Miah cut off EC's sentence.

"Who's watching over you?! Are Zane, Kim or Donnie there?!" Miah said.

{"The boys are here, they just went to get things for me. Aph's girl crew went out with April for the day. It happened this morning when I told them their day off is today after I cleaned up the mess and made smoothies. They're in a fussy mood about taking care of me."} EC said through the phone.

"Don't worry, Mom is on the way!" I said before we rushed home after I hanged up the call.
~At the Lair~
~My POV~
"Waunu? Miah? Nessie? Erika?" I asked weakly to the phone before saw the call had ended. "...Waunu's not my mom." I said weakly. Tikki came out. "Oh no, you don't look too good." Tikki said. "No, I'm not. I caught a fever. On top of things, the boys are making a total fuss about my fever." I said weakly. "Oh man, I'll peek a bit." Tikki said before she flew to the door and went through. I groaned softly and laid in bed. Then Tikki came back to me. "They're making a mess in the kitchen." Tikki said. "Makes sense." I said weakly before I coughed again. "You should rest now before things goes to worse." Tikki said. "Okay." I said before I closed my eyes and rest. I snored so cutely like a child.
~In the kitchen~
~Martin's POV~
I checked the chicken broth that Aaron, Zane and Mikey are making. "Okay, it looks good. Now just need to add some chicken, RAW chicken and-" I got cut off by sounds patting feet. "Now what?" I asked before I went to check. I saw the girls came back and I swear dropped in shock. They were out of breath and they're sweating from the running while holding their fresh new clothes in the bags. "We got the call... Is she for real sick?" Erika asked. "Of course, her forehead is warm, she coughed violently and she's delirious." I said. "YOU LEFT EC?! HOW COULD YOU! LET ME AT HIM!" Waunu said when she was an to get me but got blocked by Miah, since she's strong. "Waunu, calm down! There's no solving problems with violence!" Miah said. "Yeah!" Nessie and Erika said. "Like I said, she's resting and -" I got cut off. "Let me check!" Waunu said before she ran for the door. "No, stop!" I said before ran after her. Waunu has got inside and I groaned softly. 'Man, I'm like Aaron. Better stop sounding like him.' I thought to myself before got in the bedroom to see Waunu checking EC's forehead. "Waunuleta Wauneka, what did I just say about EC need some rest?!" I said. "But she's really burning up! We gotta take her to the hospital!" Waunu said. "It's just a flu. It's not like it's gonna spread like crazy." I said. "Oh! You'll see!" Waunu said before she rushes to get the cold water in the bowl and a rag. I groaned. I turned to EC, I checked her forehead. She's really burning up quickly. I rushed out to the kitchen. "Code deep red! We gotta get her ice fast!" I said before the boys quickly gets some ice. "Hurry!" I said before we rushed to set some ice on her head and body. We softly backed away. "Okay, let's wait." I said before the boys left, I stayed and wait.
~The Next Day~
~My POV~
I slowly waking up before saw some group sleeping around me before saw Aaron sleeping with my hand on his hand. I smiled softly before softly pulled my hand out to lightly pat his head. He woke up softly before he saw me. I smiled softly before he hugged me. I hugged back. "It's okay Aaron, it's not my first day I got a sick day." I whispered. He pulled away softly. "I know." Aaron whispered before he softly pecked my forehead softly. He pulled away before I got my glasses on. "Stay in bed, I'll make all of us breakfast." Aaron whispered before he got up and left. I smiled softly. 'Aww, father figure. Ehehehe.' I thought to myself before I tapped Mikey's head softly. He woke up and smiled. I smiled softly before we chatted softly.
~After waking the others up and having breakfast~
We thanked Aaron before he picked the dishes up. "I'll help!" I said. "No!" They said before we broke out into a laughter.

'What a fun day.'

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