The Noxious Avenger

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~My POV~
We got to the building after Strange has use the portal to get us there. "Thanks, Strange." Leo said before Strange nodded. "Be careful, kids." Strange said before he closes it. Miah makes the vine line. She fixes it and we test it. We heard the ride driving in then I peeked over the edge to see Bebop and Rocksteady, they got out of the van and they head inside. "They're going in." I said. "Alright, let's do this." Aaron said. I grabbed the vine with Aaron and Leo. "Here goes nothing." I said. We jumped from the edge with the vine to swing fast, we bashed through the wooden window for Aaron to hit Rocksteady. Then the others joined us once we got inside. "What the what? How'd you find us?" Bebop asked before he hip laser at us. We dodged quickly. "That's nunya business to find out on what we just did." I said before Ein and Pierce 'oohed' at my roast to Bebop. "Sick burn!" Ein and Pierce said in unison before they yelped and ran to avoid the lasers. I used the katana to block it while the others, except Aphmau Crew, went to deal the two. Then Bebop tossed the mutagen. "Not my head!" Ein said before he ducked from getting his head hit. I saw it flew out the window. "Oh no!" I said before Waunu, Nessie and I jumped to grab it but we got head collided and we ran out the window to grab it but it was heading for the garbage man. "LOOK OUT!!" Nessie said before it was too late, it hit him and he falls into the trash bin. We landed and we got scared. 'Here comes Muckman.'. I thought to myself before we heard the roar in pain and agony. He got out before we helped him. "Easy there." I said before we saw Bebop and Rocksteady got away. "They got away." Waunu said. I turned to Muckman. "Listen, don't scream but you got mutated by Bebop and Rocksteady." I said. He noticed us. "You girls?" He asked. "Nope, not us no sir." Nessie said before we saw the team head out fast. Muckman noticed them. "Turtle men?" He asked before he roared in agony. We comforted him. "It's not their fault." Waunu said.
~At the Lair~
~Martin's POV~
I was meditating before got interrupted by Pierce getting my attention to Donnie and Zane once they came out of the lab. "Okay, Zane and I confirmed the two items that are stolen from the lab. Zane." Donnie said before Zane stepped forth with the clipboard in his hand. "Like Donnie said, two things are missing from the lab: Mutagen." Zane got cut off by Ein. "Which they threw at my delicate head." Ein said. Zane sighed softly before repeat what Ein said. "Which they threw at Ein's head, and Reagent-X, an ingredient needed to make a mind control serum." Zane completed the items. "So what's the game plan, big blue?" Raph asked me. I landed on my feet on the ground since I was levitated by the crystal. "Reagent-X still needs an additional chemical solvent in order to work. But that's the main problem, we don't know what the additional chemical is. So we have to look at each and every lab, then grab it before those two caccoons get their hands on it." I said. "Uh... Uh.... we forgot about the girls!!!" Kathlyn said. Then we realized it. "Oh no!" Aphmau and I said in unison.
~At The Alley in the night~
~My POV~
We're helping Muckman into the alley. "It's okay, take easy steps." Waunu said. Then Muckman stopped and saw his reflection. "That's it, let it out." I said before he roared in anger, the trash started to levitate and we lightly held the items nearby. Then he stopped and trash fell. We walked over. "Listen, we know you blamed on the team. But honestly, that's not them. Also, you got new powers and you're not a freak. Right, Joe?" I asked before the eyeball popped out, Waunu got disgusted and Nessie got sick. "That's right, Erwina. Plus, he got powers that none have achieved." Joe said. "Ah, what you guys know? You're just an eyeball and you're a teen girl." Muckman said. "I'm not just any eyeball. I'm your eyeball." Joe said. "Think of him as your higher self. And for your information, I'M NOT SHORT! I just have growth issues." I said. "Higher self? I already got enough people looking down at me." Muckman said. Nessie walks forward. "That's not true, when they looked down at you is because they wanna show you they're better than you. What they don't see what you're doing is you're trying your best to prove you're gonna make a better choice. I know cause I saw EC had been looked down a lot by people who bullied her or they talked rude words to her and she suffered through it a lot, but now Waunu has changed EC's live, her choice grew more and more then now she became something better with her live and she decided to have it with the family. And if my sister do it, you can too." Nessie said before we heard a scream and saw the man being mugged by Purple Dragons. We smiled softly before we turned to Muckman. "You want respect? Let's get out there and earn it. Be a hero." Nessie said. "Looking like this? Forget about it." Muckman said. "Come on, my sister changed! Now it's your turn!" Waunu said before I ran to kick Fong away from the man. Waunu, Nessie and I got into a stance before Muckman came in after Joe got back inside. "What the heck is it? A mutant?" Sid asked. "He's more than that." I said before Muckman throw the trash can at the thugs before Waunu and Nessie kicked them. I gave them the last knock out with my water abilities. "Take that! Taking trash is a force of habit." I said. Then a woman screamed. Then the man ran to tell her that he's a hero. Nessie freaked that her wings popped up. I tapped the watch three times that the golden portal opened and we jumped into Strange's house. "Whew, thanks Strange." I said before Strange closed the portal. "It's no problem. Besides, Muckman got his face on news, luckily yours aren't on there." Strange said. "Yeah, let's keep it that way." Waunu said. "Wait a minute... If this is Strange, that means... You three are the ones who saved us with the others!" Muckman said. "That's right. Girls, roll call. Erwina, aka Sailor Water." I said. "Waunuleta, aka Sailor Fire." Waunu said. "And Ness-Marie, aka Sailor Heaven." Nessie said. "We're the Sailor Nature Guardians, fighting for love and justice!" We said in unison. Then Joe came out. "OMG, first time meeting the guardians. So tell us, why hiding?" Joe asked. "It's their duty to stay in the shadows and must keep their Sailor identities a secret from the world. If the media finds out who they are, then the identities will be in jeopardy." Strange said. "True, also we gotta find Rocksteady and Bebop before they find Muckman and using him for something dire." I said. "I know, plus the Turtles and the others are worried about you three. I'll send you four there now." Strange said before he opens the portal below us and we yelped that we landed. We groaned softly and got up. "Thanks Strange! We'll keep things in check!" I said before Strange nods and closed the portal. "Man that was dizzying." Muckman said. "Trust us, we've been through this three or four times." Nessie said before we heard fangirl screaming and saw the crowd. We got shocked. "Snap!!" We said before we ran and Muckman follow us. We saw the fence before we jumped over and landed. "Hurry Muckman!" Nessie said before we heard slugging and saw Muckman came under the boards reflexive. "Nice." Waunu said before we ran more to the area. We panted softly to catch our breathes. "Okay, protecting Muckman is one thing but how are we supposed to keep an eye on things when there's a mob of fans chasing us?!" I said. "At least it'll be swift, with fans, they run and run and run and run, and run." Nessie said. "Okay we get it." Waunu said. Then Joe came out. "At least no one saw you three." Joe said. "Are you kidding? They saw us, but Strange has an idea to make sure the fans doesn't remember us three." I said. Then the Turtles and the others showed up. "Who, are you guys talking to an eyeball?" Ein asked before Zane hit him in the head to zip it. "Are they Bebop and Rocksteady?" Muckman asked. Nessie steps in. "No no, they're not them. Except for Ein, he's a big slippery serpent." Nessie said. "Well true, I- wait a minute, HEY!" Ein said.  "But listen, we can get out of this if we-." I got cut off by someone coming. "They're coming!" Erika whisper in fear. "Good thing we found Miles." Leo whispers before we ran to them and Miles uses his invisible ability around us for protection. Then we saw Joan Grody and her cameraman. Ein was struggling to sneeze but Raph and Aaron quickly covered his nose from sneezing. We saw them walked off. By the time they left, we sighed and Miles stops his invisible ability on us. "That's too close." Miah said before I noticed Muckman about to puke. "Quick!" I said before pulled the girls, Martin, Miles and Aph's crew fast, but I forgotten about Pierce as Muckman puked on the Turtles, Chris and Pierce. They got disgusted in fear from it. "Oh snap. Let's get them to the lair." Martin said before I tapped the watch again for Strange to make a portal for us to go to the lair.
~At The Lair~
Martin and Miles puts blankets on and around the Turtles, Chris and Pierce. Aphmau, KC and Kim get some bowls for the boys. I poured a cup of tea before gave it to Muckman. "Sorry I puked on your friends." Muckman said. "It's okay, but at least they get some time to rest." I said. We then saw the news. "At least she didn't caught us on camera." Nessie said. "True, one mistake and the turtles would've  been in trouble and get grounded." I said. "Good thing." Miles said. Erika plays Doctor and gave the boys the medicine but Pierce is freaking out. "Come on Pierce, just one medicine down and you'll be okay." Erika said. "But but..." Pierce said before Erika caught his cheek and glanced him at her. "Eh, I mean it." She said before he gave in and she gave some medicine to him. Erika got up and let's Aphmau, KC and Kim to give them some soup. "Okay, now rest guys. It'll be okay." Martin said before they nodded softly. "Don't worry, we got this under control." Aaron said. "Alright, they're gonna hit the second lab and get Reagent-X, in order to get through security, they're gonna use Muckman but not on our watch." I said. "Let's move!" Martin said before we quickly shushed him. "Martin!" Zane whispers before we pointed at the six boys on the couch. "Sorry, let's go get their behinds!" Martin whispers before we head outside to find them.
~At The Kraang Lab~
We got there and saw Bebop and Rocksteady. "There they are." I said before we jumped down. "Hey, looking for Muckman? Too bad." Waunu said. Then we started to fight them while Aph's crew hides somewhere. We kept fighting more before we got hit to skid on the ground. "Man, they got so rough." Martin said. Then Bebop threw a grenade. "Look out!" I shouted but the grenade sounded off and we held our ears in pain from the loud ringing sound that we fell on our knees. Aph's crew did the same that the sound was ranged. Then I felt Muckman came in to help us but felt they got him and they pulled him inside. The ringing stops, our visions cleared and we rubbed our ears. "What just happened?" Mac asked. "The sound got us losing our hearing but it cleared." Waunu said before we saw Bebop and Rocksteady came out with the chemical. "They got it!" Noi said. "Not for long!" I said before ran to charged at them but got shot by the side by. I yelped and fell on my side. I heard the team sounded before saw Ninja stars hit Bebops butt. Muckman helped me up and I held my side hip. "Muckman, puke some out. I got an idea." I said before Muckman puked, I used my water ability to hold the puke before spin fast and threw it at Bebop and Rocksteady. "Yes!" Martin said. Then the chemical blew up. We got into the stance. "Better run, suckers." Miah said. "You have keys for van, da? Is time we put the pedal into metal." Rocksteady said to Bebop before they ran and got into the van to see them drive off. "What are we waiting for? Let's finish 'em off!" Muckman said. I walked over softly. "Muckman, it's already done. Besides, we have been seen in different ways." I said. "Yeah, there's nothing gonna happened to us." Aph said once she and her crew came out from hiding. Then Nessie yelped and hides behind me. "Like being heroes of the city?" Nessie quoted before we saw Joan. "Oh no." Martin said. "Scatter guys, I got this." Muckman said. "You sure? Cause we sure can use -." Ein got cut off. "Trust me, thanks to the girls that shows me the new me, I got this." Muckman said. "We'll see ya big fella." I said before we escaped fast. I peeked over to see Muckman talking to Joan, I smiled softly before ran to follow the others to Strange's place.
~Timeskips To The Lair~
We walked in tired before we sat on the couch. "What a day to end like this." Noi said. "I'm so thirsty." Ein said before Jet and Slip walked to grab our drinks. I turned on the TV to the news. We saw Muckman told the camera about us but also told them that our identities are our one primary thing they should not to worry about. We smiled softly. "At least we trust him now." Miah said before we heard snoring. We saw Martin has fell asleep. "I guess we can do the same thing." I said before we yawned softly, laid on the floor while the others got the couch, closed our eyes and fell asleep. We heard the Turtles, Chris and Pierce came in, but we're already asleep.
~Leo's POV~
We walked into the living room after our fever is gone. "Hey guys, you gotta come and see this! It's amazing!" Pierce said before we saw the others are asleep. My brothers, Chris and I smiled softly before we place blankets over the girls and places pillows under their heads softly. Pierce whispers softly. "Aww, they're sleeping away. Like flock of sheep." Pierce whispers softly while he pounces softly in joy and my brothers, Chris and I smiled softly at the girls.

"Sleep well, girls."

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