The Pig and the Rhino

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~My POV~
I used the tablet to check the location, I went to join the girls while Nessie gathered Alix, Aaliyah, Anna, Izzy and Courtney to join our girls' mission; to get the food, drinks and finding Shadow. I joined them in Donnie's lab as I remember the episode, like the back of my hand. "All right, I got things to do and bad guys to mess up." Miah said when she pounded her fist together. "Settle down, Miah." Alix said. "Alright girls, listen up. Shadow's still out there. The last thing he said to me before he escaped was the word 'comet.'. Luckily, I researched three places that has them." I said before shows them on my newly hologram projector. "He's hiding in one of these locations. Comet Cleaners on Bleecker Street. Earth vs. the Comet Creeps is playing at the Argosy Theater. And we've got Coney Comet roller coaster on Coney Island." I said. "So one of these places could be his lair, theoretically." Anna said. "So what are we supposed to do? Search these places as a team?" Courtney asked. "No, we do this three of three. Erika, Anna and Courtney, you three take Comet Cleaners. Miah, Alix and Aaliyah, you three take the movie theater. Waunu, Izzy and I will check out Coney Island. Plus, Donnie, Fixit and I have just enough retro-mutagen brewed for three doses. Each team gets one. It'll be weeks before we finish more." I said before passed out the retro-mutagen inside the spray bottles to the girls. "So in other words, don't waste it up. Got you." Aaliyah said. "But Shadow's condition is really unique. There's no guarantee this will even work on him." Nessie said. "All we can do is try, Nessie. Plus, you stay here to take care of the boys. And promise not to tell them." I said before I grabbed my scandal bag and places it over my shoulder. "Gotcha, I'm a big secret keeper." Nessie said. I nodded softly. "Let's go." I said.
~At Comet Cleaners~
~Erika's POV~
We looked around before we spotted nothing. We got out through the window. "Okay, no food, no drinks and no Shadow." Anna said. We walked down the alley. "Maybe the others had better luck than us." Courtney said. "Maybe so, but let's keep- ah!" I got kicked to the ground and my skirt was up a bit. I blushed and gasped before pushed it down. "Okay, this isn't my day." I said before got up. "Old what's-his-name, the fly guy, Baxter Bughead? He fixed my invisibility tech, plus I can see your sweet legs, girl. Wow to the wow to the wow to the wow-" I cut him off by punching him to the wall hard. The invisibility device cut down to reveal Anton Zeck, aka Bebop, good thing my cousin told me this. "Oh! Oh, man. How'd you find me?" Bebop asked. "Cause I can sense you and you don't shut the hell up!" I said. "Yeesh, he's got a little mutated." Anna said before I charged at him. "Air nature power!" I said before I pulled out the wand. "Make up!" I shouted. After my quick transformation, Bebop tried to get me by shooting lasers at me but I dodged quickly. "Hold still, so I can get you. And maybe take you out on a sweet date." Bebop said, flirting with me before I smirked. "Thanks, but no thanks. I just got myself a sweet guy who doesn't flirt with me much, unlike some warthog who smells like shit that talks too much!" I said before jumped up midair. "Take this. Heart spiral attack!" I said before let five spiral hearts to hit Bebop hard and I kicked him to knock out. I landed and smirked. I turned to Anna and Courtney, I ran to them and lightly held their arms. "Let's get out of here." I said before we escape fast by me flying in my sailor outfit.
~At Argosy Theater~
~Miah's POV~
We looked around, no sight of Shadow. At least we got food and candy to stock on for the team, except for the Autobots since they only eat Energon. We got outside while I pressed the button for the sensor. "No sign of Shadow. We searched and searched, squat." Aaliyah said. "She's right. There's no one here." Alix said. "Yeah, but at least we got snacks to stock on. Once the invasion is over, I'll go shopping sometimes. It's not easy to be normal but it'll be- whoa!" I said when we heard a crash, we glanced to see the now Rocksteady. Great thing EC told me this before we split. "Well, well, well. Comrade Zeck made good slight detail on info. Three pretty ladies." Rocksteady said. "He's rad, but bad." Alix said. "Miah, can you do the honors?" Aaliyah asked before I cracked my neck and knuckles. "Sure thing, let's see what guts I can take to break the spirit of a rhinoceros." I said before he lifted the car and tossed it. "Move!!" I said before Alix and Aaliyah move to the side, I jumped over, skidded on the car and landed before I ran to hit him three times, jumped back and skidded. I pulled out my wand. "Earth nature power!" I said before my wand glowed. "Make up!" I shouted. After a quick transformation, I ran fast before jumped up to pound the ground that it send ripples and he stumbled to fall, same for Alix and Aaliyah. I ran fast to hold him down with my strongest vines. He grunted while trying to get out. "Heh, you think you're strong? Watch me. Earth coconut cyclone!!" I said before send the ball of lightning at him, he got electricuted and passed out. I ran towards them and carried them over my shoulders. "We gotta meet up with the others." I said before I jumped to the rooftop and ran to get away from Rocksteady.
~At Coney Island~
~My POV~
We looked around as much as we can. At least we found and gather drinks as much as we can. "He's got to know we're here by now, right? Why doesn't he just come out?" Waunu said. "Maybe he's not in her right mind. Or maybe he's worried, he'll lose control and attack us." I said then I saw Izzy tearing up. "I feel so bad for him. I should've protect him or swap places." Izzy said before Waunu ran towards Izzy. "Izzy, please stay strong. We're gonna find Shadow. He's your family and the others too. We can find him." Waunu said before I smiled softly but the moment was ruined by something knocked over. I noticed a slither and gasped. "Guys, he's that way!" I said before we ran after it. We heard if slither into the ghosty mirror house. "Oh crap!" Izzy said. "Keep your guard up." I said before we walked inside. We looked around to see partly spooky partly hideous designs. "This doesn't see too scary." Waunu said but something popped in front of us and we screamed in fear. I walked up and lightly pushed it. "Just a painted cardboard. Nothing scary." I said. But something popped in front of me and I screamed. I quickly grabbed my sai and cut the line fast for it to fall and reveal a papier machete zombie head. I grunted softly. "Okay, that seriously looks real." Waunu said. We heard a hiss. We ran towards the light, I grabbed the spray, saw Shadow and sprayed it, only to reveal it was only a reflection. I ran to see Shadow in snake form. He hissed and slithered away fast. I ran after him with Waunu and Izzy. "Split up, we can't lose him!" I said before we went separate ways. I heard two thuds. I saw Shadow heading towards the exit. "This way!" I said before Izzy and Waunu ran after me. We ran out and followed Shadow fast. I quickly threw a ninja to make Shadow stop and we stopped too. We slowly approach him. "Shadow, it's us. We brought someone to see you." I said before Izzy stepped forth carefully. Shadow looked at Izzy and hissed softly. "Izzzzz... zy." Shadow said softly. "Yes, it's me Shadow. Your big sis, please transform." Izzy said before we heard something then Shadow slithered away. "Shadow!" I said. "Wait, we got company." Waunu said before we hid behind the crates. We peeked softly to see the van. I saw Miah, Erika, Anna, Courtney, Alix and Aaliyah came in fast and landed next to us. "Sis, they followed us. We got to do something." Miah whispered. "Don't worry. Erika. Do your thing." I whispered before Erika got up, transforms back to her civilian clothing and walked in a cat walk towards them. We looked to see Shadow slithered to attack Bebop and Rocksteady. "Shadow!" Izzy said before we jumped out to get Bebop and Rocksteady down. We dodged but saw Anna and Courtney got glued. "Meep!" Anna said. Waunu and I got mad before we pulled out our wands. "Water/Fire nature power!" We said before they glowed. "Make up!" We shouted. After a quick transformation, we helped them get them away as much as we can. Waunu uses her new move. "Fire dragon flames!" Waunu said before the fire dragon flies to hit Rocksteady. "Water aqua mirage!" I said before release ropes of water to hit Bebop to make sure they're double knock out. Waunu, Alix and I ran towards the coaster and we jumped to the rails, Rocksteady follows us. Alix accidentally turned on the coaster and we got on the ride then we remember something we really forgot. "WE HATE ROLLER COASTER!!!" Waunu, Alix and I said when we went up to the top then we screamed when it started to go down fast. We saw Rocksteady coming for us. "Look out!" Waunu said before she started to use her attacks on Rocksteady before we head to the top again. "HANG ON!!!" Alix said before we screamed again when it went down again. We saw Rocksteady and we yelped when we got flinged out after Rocksteady stabbed the rail with the pole. We grabbed the grapplers, shot some to make it grab the wood rail. We swing at Rocksteady. "Eat it, you iron fist!!" Alix said before we hit him. But I got grabbed by him that Alix and Waunu shouted my name. I yelped in fear when he placed me over the edge. "Girls, hurry!!!" I shouted. "Let her go, Rocksteady!" I heard Waunu said. "Girls, give retro-mutagen. Or I drop your girl friend." Rocksteady said. "Put her down first!" Waunu said. "I has your word you give?" He asked. "Waunu, don't give the spray to him!!" I said. "You got my word." Waunu said before I got tossed to Waunu, I yelped before got my balance. "Waunu, what are you doing?" I whispered to her. "Alix made a reverse plan." Waunu whispers to me. "Retro-mutagen now!" Rocksteady demanded. "You want it, sucka? Take it!" Waunu said before she tossed it up. Rocksteady was about to grab it but it was snagged by Alix swinging with he grappler. "No! You gave word!" Rocksteady said. "She did, but Alix didn't!" I said before Waunu grabbed my arm and we swang off fast, Alix tossed me the retro-mutagen spray. I grabbed it. "Oh no!" Waunu said before we saw the sharp boomerang cut the rope and we yelped. We crashed onto the coaster and we saw Rocksteady. "Yikes." Waunu said. "I got an idea." I said. We jumped to the coaster from the one heading towards Rocksteady. We heard him saying there is. We smirked and appeared as the coaster got to the top. "Eat it, Rocksteady!!" I shouted before it went fast to hit Rocksteady. He screamed as he went flying in the air. We saw him crashed into Bebop. Alix has turned off the ride and we got off. We ran to join the others. "Everyone okay?" I asked. "We're good." Izzy said. I ran to wash the glue off Anna and Courtney. Waunu got them up before we saw Shadow came out. He slithered towards us carefully. "Girlssssss." Shadow said. "Shadow, let us help you. We have a solution to cure you. With one inventory I just made with Donnie and Fixit. Retro-mutagen." I said before Miah uses the spray to spray on him. Once it's cleared, we saw he's still the same. "What, but how?" Aaliyah asked. "Like Nessie said, Shadow is special. He's not a normal mutant." Alix said. "So, it was all for nothing?!" Miah said in frustration. I got emotional. "Doesn't matter. You can come home with us, Shadow. We'll take care of you, I promise." I said but Shadow hissed sadly. "No. Too dangerous. My mind is going." Shadow said before he slithered to the pier. "Then why did you want us to find you?" Izzy asked. Shadow turned to us sadly. "Wanted... to say good-bye... to all of you." Shadow said before he slithered overboard to the water. Izzy got teary and tried to run after Shadow but got held back by Miah. "No! Shadow!!" Izzy cried in tears before she sobbed and hugged Miah. I wasn't gonna give up on Shadow. 'We'll figure out a way to help you, Shadow. I promise.' I thought to myself before Waunu spoke. "Guys, Bebop and Rocksteady are gone." Waunu said. "Let them go. The next time we see them, they won't walk away." Erika said. "Come on, team. Let's go home." Alix said before we head back to the lair with our stuff.
~At the Lair~
We got home and we sat down to stretch our legs. We heard a throat cleared. We stopped, slowly looked up to see the turtles, Chris, Martin and the Autobots there. We yelped and we stood up. "Guys, waddup?" Alix asked. "Don't 'waddup' us, Nessie told us what's really been going on." Martin said before Nessie got pushed to the middle, all freaked out. "It's not my fault, they were onto me! Honest!" Nessie said in an honest answer. "But how did-?" I asked before heard a creak, saw a spy roach came out and it scurry back to Donnie. "Got everything, right here." Donnie said. "Care to explain, girls?" Leo asked. "Also, we saw what Shadow really wanted to make sure you find him." Sideswipe said before he wiped his lubricant off his optics. "Now, explain." Bee said. We slightly gulped.

'Oh scrap...'

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