Eyes of the Chimera

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~My POV~
I'm in the barn with Donnie, Dr. Cluckingsworth, Fixit and Sideswipe as Donnie and Fixit are getting things prepared for Martin, Sonic and April to test their relative teamwork since Harry is halfblood, he prefer to pass and watch us. "Say EC, is this supposed to be safe?" Martin asked me. "Of course. Now, hold still while I put these on." I said before puts the cable ends attached on the side. "Now for adjustments." I said before I softly tighten the side carefully. "Done." I said. Fixit started to start it up but it sorta short circuit a bit. "Yikes." Sonic said. "Relax, it won't hurt." I said. "That's what you said, every time." Sideswipe said. "Who ask you to butt in?" I asked. "Hey hey hey, easy you two." April said. Then we heard Mikey and Izzy came in. "Whoa, you three. Check you out. Is that a tiara? I love tiaras." Mikey said before Izzy calms him down. I readjusted the straps and rehook the wire carefully. "It's not a tiara. It's a psychic neurotransmitter. Donnie, Fixit and I salvaged it from the Kraang ship. We're gonna use it to test April's psychic powers. Plus, to make sure Martin and Sonic are linked with her, since Harry is too sensitive to be apart of it." I said. "Whoa." Izzy said. "Excuse me." Harry said. "Guys. Back up, we're about to mart. Fart. *got hit by Donnie's bo staff* Start!" Fixit said. "Okay, now." I said before Donnie started the machine to test the neurotransmitter. We can hear the whirring from the radio. I glanced af April, Martin and Sonic. "You feel anything, guys?" I asked them. They think and feel. "Nope." They said. Donnie hits the radio a bit before the statics are heard. "How about now?" I asked. "Ooh. It tingles." Martin said before April and Sonic nodded in agreement. I pick up the first card and face the picture away from Sonic. "Okay. Sonic, focus on the card. Close your eyes, let April's power synced with your mind and tell us what you see." I said before Sonic closed his eyes to focus. "I see... I see, a bird!" Sonic said when he opens his eyes. "Ooh, so close. It flies like a-" We quickly shushed Sideswipe. "You'll spoil the test." I said before Donnie picks up another card and faces the picture away from April. "Now, you try April." Donnie said before April closed her eyes and focused. "Hmm. I'm gonna say. A fish?" April asked when Sideswipe mimics a monkey. I lost it. "Sideswipe!" I said when I glared at him. "Just trying to help." Sideswipe said. "Well next time, use charades!!!" I said before turned to see Fixit picks up the card for Martin. I look behind Fixit to see the picture of all of us as his family. I smiled before faced to Martin. "This one's super easy, you got this, MK!" I said. Martin closed his eyes to focus. "It's... It's... A worm! Definitely a worm." Martin said. I got shocked with the others that a buzzer was heard in the background, I imagined Strongarm fainted from the answer. I shook my head and looked at the three. "Honestly, they're all wrong." I said. "Wrong? Seriously?" The three asked. "But the images inside of our heads, they feel so right for us." Martin said. I got confused before talked to Donnie. "Try again. We need to make sure." I said before Donnie tries again. "It's not working, it's all bunkers." Sonic said. "Give us time. Maybe, try a few adjustments." I said before Donnie turns the knob on the neurotransmitter and Fixit taps it a bit. Then the light flickers and I saw the electricity coming out of the psychic neurotransmitter. I got scared. "Guys we better-" I got cut off by Sonic, Martin and April screamed in pain. We yelped when we stepped back. Then the light stops. I look up to see the cards levitate. "Whoa...." Strongarm said when she saw it all. "Donnie, before you blame Mikey, it's not his fault honestly. Look at this, that means April, you, Martin and Sonic are syncing to telekinetically levitating the cards." I said before saw Sonic lost one half of an eye on his right due blindness, I checked on April to see her left half of the eye is blind, then I checked on Martin to see both half of left and right of his eyes are blinded too. "Guys? Guys, can you hear me?" I asked before I snapped my fingers. Then they got out trance and the cards fell with Dr. Cluckingsworth to the floor and they saw what happened to part of their visions. "Guys. Part of our visions are missing!" Sonic said freaking out. I calmed them down. "Guys calm down. Tell me, where do you think you three are now? What do you see? Close your eyes and focus." I said before they did as I told them. "Clouds. I think we're flying!" Martin said. My heart immediately froze after remembering the episode. 'CHIMERA!' I thought to myself. "Quickly, get them off their heads." I said before Donnie, Fixit and I did so. "Did it help?" Donnie asked. "No, we're still flying. But we're heading straight down." Sonic said before April gasped. "Outside. I see Casey, Raph and the Autobots." April said. "They're under attack!" Sonic, Martin and April said. "Sideswipe, keep them safe! Rest, let's gear up and go!" I said before we ran outside and ran to see the Chimera in the sky, roaring.

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