Deadly Venom

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~Shadow's POV~
I grunted on the table and Miwa was doing the same on the table. I saw Zach and Eggman turned with worms on the clamps while Baxter watches the side with a worried look on his face. "Karai, Shadow. We're going to help you two. Just like we finally turned you human and Mobian again." Zach said. I gritted my teeth softly. "Zach, Egghead, if you two don't let us go, I'll tear your bots apart and stuff them down both your mouths." I said before they got irritated and they started. I heard Miwa screamed in pain. I felt the worm go inside of my ear and I screamed in pain before I passed out. 'Whats wrong with my body, they're not themselves!' I thought fearfully. Then my mind was controlled before I felt straps released and I slid on my foot. I opened my eyes to reveal snake eyes, I know I'm brainwashed. I softly glanced to see Miwa is brainwashed too. "Karai,, Shadow, attack Ivan Steranko and Fracture's minicons." Shredder said before Rock steady scoffed. "Ha! Snake lady and snake man no troubles for Rocksteady. Let us do this like the Brutus, eh?" Rocksteady asked. I saw Fracture released his minicons. I proceed by charged at the minicons and kicked them. "Oh you done it now!" Divebomb said before they charged at me. I charged at them before the emerald out. "Chaos control!" I said before teleport to hit them hard. I hit them as much as I can. Before I can end them, Shredder stopped us. "Stop. You two have done well, Zach and Eggman. But the true test remains. Karai and Shadow. Destroy Splinter, the Turtles, their pathetic human allies, their disgraceful Guardians and the Autobots. Eliminate them. But keep Ness-Marie alive, she is good use to us after I witnessed her abilities." Shredder said. "Yes, Father." Miwa and I said with soft smirks.
~At The Lair~
~My POV~
I held my wooden katana before did the duel with Sensei while Leo fought against Waunu and Nessie. I dodged the attack and blocked his attack, I grunted softly while held the ground, then got the upper ground to push him and was about to get him but stopped and hesitate a bit. "You had me at a disadvantage, but did not attack. Why?" Sensei asked me. "Uh, I kinda lost in thought, Sensei." I said. "Then stop holding back and attack." Sensei said. I got determined before charged at Sensei again, but this time with no hesitation. I grunted while dodging the attack and charged at him. I can hear the others whispering about me and Sensei. Then I heard Peirce squeal in happiness, knowing he found his stuffed sheep. I got the upper hand, got Sensei down and has the wooden aim at Sensei. "You succeeded." Sensei said. "Only because you're still recovering, Sensei." I said. "Very true." Sensei said before Waunu came over and does the healing hand since she's part Shintoism. "Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen." Waunu said before her hands glowed a bit and has them on Sensei's knee to heal. Leo and Nessie are amazed by Waunu's ability. "Waunu? What did you just do? And how did you do that?" Leo asked. Waunu turns to them as the others came in with amazed and shocked looks on their faces. "It is an ancient technique known as the healing hands. I learned about it since I was meditating a while ago before we started." Waunu said before she kneels. "Would you guys wanna know its secret?" Waunu asked before we kneel. "We're ready." I said. "Together with me." Waunu said before we started to do the healing hand movements. I softly glanced to see Nessie struggling and is a bit upset. I was worried but ignore it and focus on my healing hand movements.
I was watching Hawaii Five-0 season 3 with Anna, Izzy and Nessie as the others watched with us. Then we heard panting. We glanced and saw Kirby carried an unconscious April into the lair. "Help! Turtles!" Kirby said with a worried tone. "Kirby?" Leo asked before we stand and ran over. Kirby lightly sets April on the ground. "Snakebite. Please. Help me." Kirby said. "Guys, quick. Give her some space." Donnie said before Zane and Kim lightly get the others back for Donnie and me to check her body. "She's gonna be okay, right, guys?" Peirce asked before I checked her arm to see the snakebite. "Oh no." I said. We heard a grunt and saw Martin held his chest softly. "Martin?" I asked before he passed out and fell on the ground. "Martin!" We said. "Martin-Sensei!" Noi said before we ran over to check. "Quick! We gotta them to the lab!" I said before Miah carried Martin to the lab, Aaron carried April and he follows Miah. Aaron lays April on the table and Miah lays Martin on the ground. Then we heard a groaned and saw Aphmau passed out. I yelped before caught her. "Guys! Aph's passed out too!" I said before Erika helped and we set her beside Martin for analysing. I ran to help Donnie. I saw her blood vessels are carrying too much poison. "Her condition's getting worse. The poison's not showing any signs of stopping." I said. "Bitten by a poisonous snake in her bedroom? Doesn't make any sense." Leo said. "Plus Aph and Martin passed out after April got bitten? This is strange." Kim said. Then we heard Raph, Miah, Chris and Erika came in. "Guys, we got an S.O.S. from Casey's bike. Miah, Chris, Erika and I gonna check it out." Raph said. "Take Mikey, Sideswipe and Grimlock with you." I said. "What, why?" Chris asked. "Because you guys might need backup, and we're busy helping Donnie." I said before we started. "Okay. But no Turflytle." Miah said to Mikey before they headed for the party wagon. Sideswipe transforms into an alt car, Grimlock got on the flatbed with the tarp over him and they started to go. I turned to Kirby. "Maybe I should have taken her to a hospital." Kirby said before I held his hand in a comfort way. "No, no, you did the right thing, Kirby. How's it going?" I asked before Donnie gasped softly. "What's wrong?" Waunu asked. "None of the anti-venoms are working. If I can't come up with an antidote soon." Donnie said before some of us are worried.
~At the Surface~
~Miah's POV~
Raph stopped at the area where the signal was off. We got out, Sideswipe unhinged and transforms. Grimlock got off and transform. "This is the place Casey's bike was sending out the signal. Maybe we should split up." Chris said before we heard a groan. "Guys, listen. You hear that?" Mikey asked. "It sounds like Casey." I said. "Must be in the alley." Erika said. "Let's go." Sideswipe said before we ran into the alley. We saw Casey's bike. "There it is!" Grimlock said before I pushed the dumpster out of the way to reveal Casey on the ground, unconscious. "Casey! What just happened?" Raph asked. Casey woke up softly. " attack... Foot.... kiss..." Casey said hastily before he passed out. "He's not making any sense." Raph said. "I think he's asking Erika to kiss his foot. You better do what he says." Mikey said to Erika before he got pushed by Chris. "Make yourself useful and stop talking." Chris said before Mikey did so. I lifted Casey and we headed back to the spot where we parked. We drove back to the lair. "Hopefully Donnie will know what to do." Raph said. "We better sure." I said. "Oh, no. Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no. I think he's been bit. One of you gonna have to suck the poison out, guys." Mikey said. "I'm not sucking the poison out! I'm driving." Raph said. "I'm not doing it too Mikey, I have to alert the others that Casey isn't feeling okay." Chris said. "We can't do it too Mike, we're girls." Erika said. "You suck it, buddy!" I said. "But I think the bite's on his butt. That's gross, dudes and dudettes. You guys do it." Mikey said. "Just do it already!" We said in unison before we heard two screams. "Now what?" I asked before Raph, Erika and I looked to see Mikey and Chris are bitten before they passed out. The snakes launched at Raph and Erika. They screamed in pain. I saw the party wagon out of control, I tried to steer it but we crashed. I screamed as we crashed. I got out of the van with a couple of bruises and I grumbled softly. I saw Sideswipe stopped. Grimlock peeked from underneath the tarp. "What happened?" Sideswipe asked from the speaker. "Go warn the others! They got bitten by the snake! Hurry before- ah!" I said before I saw the snakes bite my legs. I groaned softly in pain. "Go now!" I said to Sideswipe before he drove off with Grimlock holding on. "Woah!" Grimlock said before they disappeared around the corner. I groaned softly before landed on the van side. Before I passed out, I heard robot noises and two hisses. My vision blurred and passed out.
~At The Lair~
~My POV~
I was pacing back and forth while Nessie tried to do the healing hand again but messed up and Donnie is working on the anti-vemon on April. "Any luck, Erwina? Anything?" I heard Kirby asked before I glanced and shook my head. "Nothing, every anti-vemon we tried, it won't stop or slow the poison." I said then we saw Sensei came in with the scroll in hand. "Sensei, what are you doing? You should still be resting." Leo said. "Not when April is in danger. Not when I have this. An ancient poison-draining mantra." Sensei said before my phone rang and I answered. "Raph? Where are you guys? Raph?" I asked. Then the voice I heard was the last thing I heard.

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