The Multifold Trap

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~My POV~
I checked the notes and sketches of a brain worm Donnie did in his notebook. This is our only chance to figure out the secret behind the brain worm. "How's it going, guys? Any luck?" Raph asked. I set the notebook down on the table to glanced up and I remember this episode. "Donnie, Zane, Kim and I have been able to synthesize the neurotoxin from the brain worm based on your blood sample, Raph." I said. "Ooh, pretty. You think it'll work on Miwa and Shadow?" Mikey asked. "We're about to find out." Kim said. 'Oh man, please let it work.' I thought to myself before Donnie let Zane do the one drop into the chemical. It was going really well till it turned black and it oozed out. It failed the test. "Wh-What how's it possible?! We got things right!" Kim said before she got the notebook I was using to see what went wrong. "Guys, you tried your best." Martin said. Donnie pounded his fist that startled us. "Gah! It's useless. We're not even close! We can't do it. These brain worms are impossible." Donnie said. "What does that mean?" Aaron asked. I know what it means before got heartbroken and glanced at the others. "It means.... There's nothing else we can do to save Miwa and Shadow now." I said. I saw Izzy teared up before she hugged Sensei in tears and Sensei hugged her gently. "I know how hard you have tried, you four. Some things are simply not meant to be." Sensei said before he and Izzy walked to the entrance to the lab. They stopped for Izzy to speak. "At least he has four wonderful sons, an amazing daughter and lots of grateful students." Izzy said before they walked off to the dojo. I lightly ran my fingers through my hair while we walked out of the lab. Aaron and Waunu comforted me. "Guys, you know how much this means to Sensei and Izzy." Leo said. "Leo, we're trying as hard as we can." Zane said calmly. "Well, try harder." Leo said, angrily. That made Donnie snapped. "Try harder?! Zane, EC, Kim and I always have to find the solution! You're leader, Leo! You find the answer! Or what about Raph? Or maybe Martin?" Donnie asked furiously. "Guys stop." I said. "I got the answer for you! Miwa and Shadow are a lost cause-" Raph got stopped. "Don't say that, dude." Mikey said irritated. "Don't put me in this!" Martin snapped. Then the argument roses high. Aaron saw the girls fearing from the argument and Waunu hugged me to keep calm. He growled before he whistles hard for the others to stop. "STOP!!!! All of you! Look at us! We're all breaking apart because of an argument! Is this gonna be grateful for the two?! Think about it, would they be happy to see this?!" Aaron said. The others looked away softly with so much regret. Martin lightly ran his hand through his hair. "I-I gotta go out!" Martin said before he jumped over the turnstile. I ran after him. "Martin!" I said before ran through the turnstile to see Martin has transform into a bot, transform into the Shellraiser and drove off. "We got him!" Strongarm said before she and Sideswipe transform and they drove to follow after Martin. I softly lean against the wall before slid down softly in tears. 'Oh man.... What are we gonna do now?' I thought to myself. I heard a click, turned softly to see Aaron. I got up and ran to hug him, he hugged me gently.
~At the Surface~
~Martin's POV~
I drove to the alley with a stop and transform into a bot before transformed back to my human form and walked to the trash cans before kicked them in anger. I saw lights before blocked the lights with my hand and saw Strongarm and Sideswipe. They got out in their human holoforms before they walked towards me. "Prince, you can't be out here alone." Strongarm said. "Stop it, Strongarm! I'm not a prince really! I'm Martin, I shouldn't be royalty! I was supposed to be a man with dreams! But the dreams have shattered all because of Miwa and Shadow. The two best friends I ever had. Now.... Now...." I got cut off by my breaking down and cried into my hands. I felt hugs before hugged Strongarm and Sideswipe tightly for my tears to flow down. Then the statics was heard from the radio in Sideswipe's car before it spoke through the radio. "Mayday! Mayday!" Bee said through the radio. Sideswipe ran to get it. "Go boss." Sideswipe said. "Meet us at the warehouse! Something has gone down, we need- ah!" Bee got cut off. "Boss? Boss! Guys, something's wrong with the team." Sideswipe said. "We gotta check." I said while wiping my tears. "Let's go." Strongarm said before we ran. I got in Sideswipe's car before the two drove to the location. We got to the warehouse and I got out before the two transforms into bot mode. We got curious before I checked my radio. I heard a pss. We ran to one side before we saw Grimlock. "Grimlock? What's going on?" I asked. "Follow me, you should see it." Grimlock said before we followed Grimlock to the slide door. "What's up, big guy?" Sideswipe asked. "The Kraang are back." Grimlock said before he pushed them to the side to reveal the purple glow. We got shocked. "No! This can't be- how they-, I gotta call the others!" I said. "There's no time! They got Drift and the Minicons, hurry before they're gone!" Grimlock said before he ran inside. Sideswipe and Strongarm ran after them. I was about to follow them, but felt something was wrong. I gasped. "No wait!" I said before the two saw something, they screamed and the slide door closed. "No!" I said before heard robot sounds. I got my spear out and turned to stab the Footbot. "It's a trick!" I said before looked up to see more Footbots. I twirled my spear before yelled while charging at the Footbots and stabbing and slicing them. I grunted while kicked some down hard and slice their heads. I looked around before got hit in the back. I yelped before crashed on the ground before heard four evil chuckles. I slowly turned a bit to see four shadows. "Miwa... Shadow..." I said weakly before one kicked my face hard. I groaned softly before my head softly hit the ground. My eyes are closed softly and I passed out into darkness.
~At the Lair~
~My POV~
I was at the edge of the water to look at my reflection. "I can't do things right. Why can't we find answers to the worm?" I asked myself before slapped some water and sighed softly. Then I saw my reflection rippled a bit to see someone. I leaned a bit to look closer before it grabbed my arm. I yelped while got pulled into. I slowly opened my eyes to see darkness below me before turned to see light above and I got pulled down softly. I turned a bit to see the same silhouette. I gasped to see me, but in a spirit form. "Y-You're me." I said. "Yes, I'm a part of you. Just six hours from now. Listen to me! I heed you with this warning! The time is growing closer! The Hamato will be extinguish! The Foot Clan are about to-" It stopped by me being pulled. I yelled. "Wait, the Foot Clan are about to do what?!" I said  "Remember, heed the warning!" It said before it disappears. "Wait!" I said before got pulled into the light. I shot my eyes opened with a gasp, got up to the side with Chris' help and coughed out some water. I panted softly. "Oh, thank goodness!" Aaron said in relieved. The towel was wrapped around me and I lightly held it a bit. "EC, what were you thinking drowning yourself?!" Raph asked. "Sorry, I must've seen something that I kinda lost my balance." I said with a lie. "Well, don't do that again! We could've lost you!" Waunu said when she hugged me. I hugged back before saw half of the team is missing. "Where're the others?" I asked. "Oh, almost forgot. Miah went out when she got Martin's call about something important, then Donnie went out to see April about something after she called him, then Mikey went out to someone name Murakami's when Donnie called, Erika and Nessie went out when Mikey called them. Now they wanted Drift and the Minicons' help, they left a while ago." Aph said. I got curious. "Wait, this doesn't make any sense at all." I said before heard someone walked in before we saw April. I looked down confused to think, before started to piece together and my eyes widen in realization. 'It's a trap!' I thought before looked up. "Hey, April. Where's Donnie?" Zane asked. "Um, I don't know. I just got here." April said. "But he said he was meeting you." Raph said. "I haven't spoken to him all day." April said before my phone vibrate before Waunu grabbed my phone to check. "It's Strongarm, she says she and Sideswipe spotted a Kraang and trailed him back to an old warehouse on Hobard." Waunu said. "No way. That can't be real" Bee said from the entrance. "It must be a Kraang sleeper cell." Leo said. "Well, then let's tuck them in and say good night." Raph said. "Guys, I felt something is wrong. Something ain't right here." I said. "Erwina is right. If April did not call Donatello, then who did?" Sensei asked when he and Izzy walked out the dojo. "I was thinking the same thing. It could be a trap. Okay guys, let's gear up. April, you stay here with the others." Leo said. "Stay here? Forget that. I'm coming with." April said. "Same here." Aaron said. "And if my cousin brother is out there, I'm coming with." Aph said. "I'm not leaving without protecting Aph, she's my best friend." Zane said. I got up and tossed the towel aside since some of my clothes are dry. "Leo, let them come. They'll stay close." I said. "Okay, let's go." Leo said before we head out and Bee follow us on foot. I stopped to hear Sensei's warning. "Be diligent. I sense something dire on the horizon." Sensei said. "I felt it, we'll keep our guards up. I said before followed the others. "Wait for me!" I said when following them.
~At the Warehouse~
We looked around before we saw Donnie, Miah, Waunu and Mikey chained. "Guys!" Leo said. "Guys, thank goodness, get us out quick!" 'Miah' said before we ran. I stopped and gasped after felt something is wrong. "Wait, guys, don't!" I said. Aaron tried to untie Miah, but it was holographic like the three before the the holographic disappeared. Then we heard Miah's voice but we saw Shadow had used Miah's voice. "Well, I was expecting only Erwina to be here, but having the rest of you here makes it so much easier." Shadow said in Miah's voice with Miwa beside him and the holographic of our friends beside them and holographics of Strongarm, Sideswipe, Drift and the Minicons on the floor. Some of us got irritated. "Miwa? Shadow?!" I said. "Pretty sweet, right? With just a little clever staging, we managed to captured you all." Shadow said in Miah's voice before he sets the mic aside. "Baxter Stockman and Zach Varmitech managed to hack into your T-Phone signal, and then he loaned us his mousers. It was our idea to use their holograms. Now that we have all of you, Splinter will have no choice but to fight us for your lives." Shadow said. "Free our friends now!" Chris said. "I'm afraid that's not happening, Chris Kratt. Our friends won't allow it." Miwa said before the Shredder's henchmen and the Decepticons came in. "This is gonna be fun." Rahzar said. "Greetings, little ones." Tigerclaw said. "Looks like it's about to go down really good." Cheyenne said. Some of us got our weapons out. "Oh sweet of Lady Irene." Aph said. "Oh, yeah! It's on like ping-pong." Bebop said before we started to attack. I dodged Steeljaw's claws before ran to kick Emilio hard. Then Fracture's Minicons grabbed me. "Let go!" I said. I felt their grips let go before saw Aaron had them before he tossed them aside. "Ya okay?" Aaron asked. "Thanks. Duck!" I said before he ducked, I jumped over him and kicked Fishface away. I turned to Aaron. "Now we're even." I said before we ran to hit more bad guys. We saw the others are weaken. "Aph, April, there's too many of them. Get out of here. You've got to warn Sense- ugh!" I got hit with Aaron by Rahzar. I got up and ran with Aaron.
~April's POV~
"Aaron!" Aph said. I grabbed her hand. "There's no time, we gotta run!" I said before we ran before we saw Rocksteady in our way. "Teenagers go squishies!" Rocksteady said before he charged. I pushed Aph to keep running before we jumped to avoid it. Then we kept running before we bumped into Bebop. "Come on, girl. What are you gonna do?" Bebop asked. I act quickly and punched him hard in the nose. He cried in pained and we ran to the slide door. I kneel to pull it a bit. "Go go!" I said before Aph started to crawl through. I was about to follow her but got pulled back by Miwa. I yelped. Aph looked. "April!" Aph said before she grabbed my hand. "Aph, run! Warn Sensei!" I said. "I can't!" Aph said. "Don't worry about me! Just run!" I said before my hand slipped and I yelped when I got pulled in. I saw Aph scrambled a bit to run fast to the lair. I got kicked to the side. "If it isn't the little wannabe Kunoichi, always trying." Miwa said before she kicked me. I groaned and landed on the ground, passed out.
~My POV~
I saw April got knocked out after Aph escaped quickly. "April!" I said. I got pushed by Aaron and Zane before they got hit by Rocksteady, which got them unconscious. "Aaron! Zane!" I said before ran to hit Fishface. Then I saw Bee got hit by Underbite to be knocked unconscious. "Bee!" I said. I saw the team got knocked out by henchman after henchman. "And there's one." Fishface said. I got in stance before charged with my yell to hit Bebop and Fishface, only to be hit by Rahzar, kicked by Tigerclaw and got slammed to the ground by Rocksteady. I grunted while collide to the ground. I heard some evil laughter before my eyes closed into darkness, passed out.
~6 Hours Later~
I slowly waking up before saw Miah, Erika, Waunu and Nessie inside with me. Then lights turned on, the small screens came in and they came on. I gasped before woke the others up. They woke up before they saw the screens and they gasped. We got up and saw each trap they're all placed in. "Oh no, this is bad." Miah said. "Instead of a four-way trap, we got a multiple-trap!" I said. I saw Raph's trap had started. "Oh no, Raphie!" I said, but he didn't hear me cause there's no speaker. "Greetings, Turtles and Autobots. It's time for us to play a game. Each and everyone of you has been placed inside a room with a unique trap." Shadow said through the speaker. "Doesn't seem like your style, Shadow." Raph said through the speaker. "Oh, we all had input. Isn't that right, Xever?" Miwa asked through the speaker. "I helped design yours personally, Raphael. Everyone loves baked turtle." Xever said through the speaker. "I'll bake my foot up your-" Raph got cut off. "Raphael, you're inside the first trap, aptly called the Hot Head. Can you figure a way out?" Shadow asked. I saw Raph struggling. "Oh no." I said then I saw Leo on the second screen. "Leo!" I said fearfully before kneeled a bit in fear. "Hello, Leonardo." Miwa said through the speaker to Leo's cell. "Miwa? Shadow?" Leo asked through the speaker. "Welcome to the Courage Slayer. To save your brothers and comrades, you'll have to face ninja blades as skilled as your own, which isn't all that formidable. So I cranked up the speed to 100." Shadow said through the speaker before the machine was out with blades and it's going fast. We gasped softly in fear. "Oh no." Nessie said. "Good one, Shadow." Rahzar said through the speaker. I saw Donnie on the next screen. "Miah, look!" I said before she saw Donnie and gasped. "Donnie-boo!" Miah said fearfully. "Donatello, are you smart enough to beat the Brain Boggler? Connect the pieces as they appear on the game grid. Make a mistake and you get zapped. Get zapped enough times and then you'll truly know what it feels like to be brain fried." Miwa said through the speaker. "Oh no, Donnie-boo." Miah said. We saw Donnie got electricuted and we yelped in fear from it. He must've made a mistake. Then I saw Mikey on the next one. "Waunu, look!" I said before she saw it and gasped. "Mikey! My sweet gumball!" Waunu said. "We have the Flush-O-Matic. Once the tanks are full, the flush valve will open and dump mutagen all over your poor, little Michelangelo." Shadow said through the speaker. "Oh no, this isn't good." Erika said. "First up, gross. Second, who came up with the lame name?" Mikey asked through the speaker. "Me and Rocksteady. I mean, Steranko. Yo, that name is tight." Bebop said. "Yeah right, pea brain." I said, since we didn't have the speaker. "Figures. You guys have no imagination. I mean, if I were an evil villain, I'd at least try to come up with something cool, like the Flush of Fear, the Toilet of Terror. Ooh, the Dump of Doom. Now, that's got sparkle to it." Mikey said. Waunu giggle a bit. "That's my Mikey." Waunu said. "But we're stuck here!" Miah said. "I told you that name needed some work!" Bebop said through the speaker. "Kind of liking the Dump of Doom. Is nice." Rocksteady said. Then I saw Chris on the next one, climbing up the side a bit. "Oh no, Erika look!" I said before Erika saw Chris and gasped. "Chris-kins!" Erika said fearfully. "Hello, Chris Kratt." Miwa said. "Miwa! Shadow!" Chris said through the speaker. "You're in the Danger Zone. You have to climb up the wall to avoid the floor. We know you and Martin animals, based off Zach's information. So we added the deadliest snakes in the world, the saw-scaled vipers. You have to hurry now, cause the top is your way out to avoid the bites they give off." Shadow said through the speaker. Chris grabs the rock but it broke and it fell. He yelped in fear while held the good one. We got frighten. "Grab the wrong stone and you'll fall to the pit below." Miwa said through the speaker. I saw the last screen with the Autobots outside the maze and Martin at the center in the circular glass with water at top. "Guys, look!" I said before they looked and they gasped. "Ucrystalis!" Erika said. "Last, we have the Maze Runner. The bots have to run through the maze to find seven deactivation buttons. Succeed and your friend in the glass gets out dry. But fail to find the buttons in time, the water value will slowly open to pour some water all over poor Martin Kratt." Shadow said through the speaker. Then the horn was sounded and the bots quickly ran through the maze to find the buttons after the cell doors they were placed in opened. "Miwa, Shadow! Have you two gone mad!" Martin said through the speaker. "It's the only way to show how much they care about you." Steeljaw said through the speaker. Martin softly growls through the speaker. "Almost forgot one thing. The girls are placed in a very special room, watching the events that's going on right now. With that, the room was designed not only to stop their transformation, but to also see what truly feels to lose a good friend indeed." Miwa said. "Good luck, everyone, and good riddance." Shadow said before the speaker was off. We ran to pound the wall but it was hard and steel. "This is bad." I said.
~Outside the Trap~
~Aaron's POV~
Zane and April struggled to get out of their restraints. I got mad when I saw my friends are in the traps. I got even madder when I saw four of my friends and my best friend are in the room being forced to see the event. "Let them all go, you two! You're under the control of a brain worm! Shredder's using you two as pawns!" I said before got punched by Emilio to stay silent. "Aaron!" Zane said fearfully before I spit out some blood to Emilio's shoe. "Lies! The only thing greater than watching the Turtles' and Autobots' demise and making the girls suffer the pain is to watch Splinter bear witness to it, right before we finish him off." Miwa said. Shadow has April's phone before he called Splinter's phone number. Then it was answered, Shadow has the phone to April to speak.

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