Return To New York

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~My POV~
We are watching the new Crognard episode till the breaking news came on and we gathered to see what's going on. "Ever since the invasion that is known as the invasion of New York, humans want to know what is going on. Everything is fine. No human is allowed in or out of the city until Kraang, Uh, the military allows it. This is Carlos Kraang O'Brien K-Gambe." Carlos said in mind control. I quickly turned off the news. "They may have the world fooled, not us. Cause we're not easily fooled." I said. "Also, I have a vision. I saw Optimus' mind is no longer one with his body. Something must've happened to him." Sensei said. "What's the plan, Leo?" Chris asked to Leo. "Step one is, storm the castle walls." Leo said. "It may not have heavily armored like the Shellraiser, but it got more maneuverable, has more weapons, and gets better gas mileage for getaways." I said when I rolled the plan to reveal the Party Wagon 2.0 and lays it on the table after Erika and Miah got their cups of tea. "Then let's stop jabbering and build this sucka!" Casey said. We went into the barn to see the Party Wagon there. "Let's get building." Martin said before we started to build the newly party wagon. Harry uses his wand to send us drinks and snacks in need. I helped Waunu weld the top carefully. Nessie tossed up the toolbox to Jet and Slip. Fixit, Tails and Donnie are helping Dr. Cluckingsworth start up the coding for the Party Wagon. I grabbed the big tire and pushes it to Chris and Aviva. Koki welds the metal for defense. Erika paints the top carefully. We almost got done, I even saw Raph paint so carefully. "Wow Raph, you painted so good. Maybe you and me should do art sometime." I said with a slight giggle when Raph blushes lightly and smiles bashfully. Martin quickly lead Raph away and whispers something to Raph which I can't hear. Then we got finished. "The new and improved party wagon!" Donnie said when he moved to the side to see the perfect result. "It's so awesome!" Raph said. "Sa-weet!" Sideswipe said. "All right, team. Let's do this!" Bee and Leo said. We high five. Then we started to prepare to go back to New York. I saw Mikey carried the ice cooler with Ice Cream Kitty inside. Harry uses his wand to carry all the bags to the back of the party wagon carefully. Jet and Slip transforms and they got on Drift. The bots turned into cars while Grimlock turned into a dinobot before he got on the flatbed. Erika uses her wind to put the sheet over him and Miah uses her vines to tie it down since it's a long drive back to New York. I felt a nudge before saw Dr. Cluckingsworth. "Say, wanna come with us?" I asked before she clucked and she went to the party wagon. April looks at the farmhouse with Kirby. Martin goes to her with Sonic and Harry. "Hey cousin. We can come back here for summer vacation." Martin said that made April nodded, Miah and I felt we can't come back cause of Uncle James. But we know we can remember him from the bottom of our hearts. Miah and I kneel and we placed James' dog tag in the old lunchbox. Miah got it to hide it under the steps and we stand up. "Guide us as we get home." I said to the lunchbox under the steps before we head to the rides. I got in Drift with Nessie and we buckled up. Then I saw the others got in the party wagon. I turned on the comm. "Alright team, let's go." I said before the Party Wagon goes first then Bee, Sideswipe and Drift drives forward and Strongarm drives behind us since she's carrying Grimlock behind her bumper. We kept on driving till night came and we saw the gate that enters to New York. "Alright team, we stick to the plan and we have to do this as swift as we can." I said while Nessie is waiting. "Hopefully this can work. Nothing can stop us." Mikey said before lights beamed on and we made a swift stop. "Mikey, you better stop saying that!" Sideswipe said from the comm. Then we saw a few Military aim at us with guns. Then we saw some came over. "Bots, holograms on." I said before Bee, Sideswipe and Strongarm turned on their holograms and I rolled the window down when the military came to me. "Authorized personnel only. No one goes in or out of New York City." The military man said. "Sorry sir, we'll turn around as soon as we can." I said, secretly gave Waunu Morse's code with the secret static for the comm to use her sense to see what's going on. Then he walked off. Waunu comms quickly from Sideswipe. "Sis, they're mind controlled. The devices the Kraang made are making them do things." Waunu said. I nodded. "Thanks sis. Guys, they're being mind controlled. The Kraang did this. Miah, release the vines. Time to bring in, the element of surprise." I said before heard a roar and saw Grimlock charged forward after Miah lowers the vines. The Military shoots at Grimlock but he dodged. "Let's rumble!!" Grimlock shouted before he ram through the gates. "Go go go!" I shouted through the comm before they started to go forward and we got through the gates. We drive down through the empty streets. Grimlock quickly got on the flatbed. "What were you thinking, EC?" Raph asked through the comm. Nessie took control. "She had no choice, Raph. They were about to power up their blasters and blast us away." Nessie said through the comm before Drift cuts in. "Silence you two, listen." Drift said before we listened. There's no sound, no screaming, nothing then we saw there's no people in sight. "That's strange. There should be people." Strongarm said through the comm. Then Martin comm from the party wagon. "Guys, the crystal glowed. It only sense a few hundred people left in the entire city. They're gone. Millions of people just gone!" Martin said. "Good thing, we haven't run into any Kraang." Sideswipe said when we turned the corner. But we stopped when we saw the Kraang. "Oh no! Sideswipe, now you got the Mikey jinx!" I said to Sideswipe from the comm. "It is the humans known as Casey Jones and April O'Neil. Kraang! Eliminate for Kraang!" Kraang said. I pressed the Party Wagon comm. "Man the defenses!" I said before the Party Wagon started up. First they use the soda cannons and Waunu came on top to use her ofundas to hit them and they short circuit. Miah uses her vines to stab through the Kraang by the chest and Martin quickly uses the Spector to make the Kraang break apart. "Let's go." I said through the comm before we go forward. "Take a left. There's a secret entrance to the subway right here." I said before clicked a button on the t-phone and the cars go in after the hatch opened up to the subway. We came to a stop, Nessie and I got out of Drift before he transforms with the bots. Grimlock got off and transforms. "That was worth the price of entry fee." Grimlock said. "Shh, let's go forward. Full ninja mode." I said before we started to go forward. We quietly got on the platform. Martin stopped us when he saw the brooch glowed. "They're coming." Martin said before we hide on the side of the stairway while the bots ran to hide to the nearest tunnel. We heard robot steps. Nessie was about to pop her wings open before I stopped her and we heard a Kraang. We quickly got up to the beam, just in time for the Kraang to see there's nothing and it kept walking. We sighed in relief before Nessie bows softly in a sincere apology. I pat her head gently. "Phew, that was close." Leo said. The bots came out hiding and we jump to land on their servos. "April, you think you can use your powers to track Optimus? You did it to help Splinter before." Bee said to April. "I can try Bee, but Sensei said Optimus' mind is no longer one with his body. Which means he could be crazy or unconscious, or...or who knows what?" April asked. "Please April, Optimus is out there. Who knows what's gonna get him." I said. "Let's check the lair first." Sideswipe said before the bots ran towards the lair by following the train tracks. Once the bots got there, they gently set us down and we peeked to see the lair is a mess. "All right. Mikey, Nessie, you two stay here." Leo said. "But we want to - Whoa!" Mikey said when Nessie pulled him back. Leo, Raph, Donnie, Miah, Erika, Waunu, Chris, Martin and I go in to grab our wands we dropped. I spotted mine before grabbed it. We kept looking around. Then we heard something and we hide fast. I saw Martin was on top from my hiding behind the thick beam as we saw the orb floating, scanning to make sure we never came back. He has his spear out before he jumped to stabbed it through and he landed. "All clear." Martin said before we came out of hiding. "It's now destroy." He said. "Good, let's clean the mess and go search for Optimus." I said
~Timeskip after the lair fixed and cleaned~
I got the wire to the Space Heroes pinball machine working and smiled. "Perfect." I said before came out. "Good let's-" Bee got cut off by Martin yelled and held his head quickly. We noticed and we ran over. "Martin!" We said. He grunted. "Guys, I-I think, I think I sense Optimus close by. It's faint, and he seems oddly different. Come on, hurry." Martin said before he ran and we ran after him. We got into the sewers then I heard yelling and slicing. "That way!" I said before we ran fast to the sewer to see... Optimus slicing mousers with his sword, but he wasn't himself. "Optimus!" Bee said before the bots ran to hold him down, Optimus grunted while he pushed the others off and tried to slice us down. We dodged before I grabbed the sword, jumped up to his shoulder side and landed to face him. "Optimus, listen to me. You have a mission to fulfill. You have to search for your son, and you know from the bottom of your sparks you missed him more than everything else in the Galaxy." I said before Optimus calms down a bit and I slid off his arm to the floor. Optimus kneels softly to remember but he got stopped by a mouser screeching. Miah stabbed it but Nessie yelled before we looked up to see the Footbots coming in. "Oh no, not them!" Erika said. "Get ready team. Remember, don't let them harm Optimus!" Bee said before we ran and took down the Footbots. Optimus ran passed us and slice some Footbots down, but some Footbots uses the Autobot hunter to shock Optimus. "Oh no, Optimus!" Strongarm said. I ran to slice the Footbots. "There's too many of them!" Miah said before she uses her vines to stab the Footbots to let Optimus go. We saw Optimus ran off and Nessie following him. "Optimus! Nessie!" Leo said. "After them!" Martin said before we ran after him. Then we ran fast but I saw the Footbots dragged Optimus away unconscious, Nessie was hung over the Footbot unconscious and the others noticed. "OPTIMUS/NESSIE!!!!!!" Bee and I shouted.
~At Shredder's Lair~
~Emilio's POV~
I held the picture of Nessie as a child. I felt strangely attached to Nessie's beauty and personality. I blinked once before hides the picture in my pocket as Tigerclaw came to get me to the throne room. We walked in and we stood in front of Sensei Shredder. "Master Shredder, your enemies are defeated." Tigerclaw said. "I agreed, Sensei. Do we wait for the lowly Kraang to mutate the entire Earth? Destroy all of humanity?" I asked. "Watch your tone with me, Tigerclaw and Emilio. I am well aware of the Kraang's plans. When the time is right, we will destroy those putrid aliens, and the city will belong to me. Now keep searching for Karai and Shadow." Shredder said before we bowed softly. But we heard the doors open and we turned to see the Prime of all Autobots and the one girl I never saw before. "No way! It can't be!" Tigerclaw said. "Optimus Prime lives? He survived, but not intact. He has clearly lost his mind, become the hopeless bot I should've knew he was. And little Ness-Marie Chee, just as weak and unskilled as I predicted." Shredder said. "May I do the honors of putting him out of his misery, Sensei?" I asked when I gripped my sword handle. "No. Take them to the scientists." Shredder said before we bowed softly and we did as told. I carried Nessie and lightly touched her cheek. 'Strange, I feel very attracted to her. It's like it's telling me to keep her away from everyone else.' I thought to myself while walking to the lab.
~In the Sewers~
~My POV~
We got there and we peeked the corner go see the Footbots are guarding the way into Shredder's lair before Erika makes a gassy mist and Waunu sparked the flame to make it go off. Leo and I jumped in to slice and dice the Footbots down. I turned and signal the others. They came running and I uses my tablet and cord. I hacked into the key lock and saw it open. Miah lifts it open. "Okay, let's go." Martin said before we heard Chris yelped. "Now what?" Sideswipe asked before we saw the shadow and we yelped and glanced towards the silhouette. "It's Shredhead." Mikey said before we saw... A shrimp sized Shredder. The others laughed at it, except me. "What the helix is that supposed to be? Mini Shredder?" Strongarm asked. "Haha, it's really cute, like a shrimp." Grimlock said. "Uh, I don't think you all should laughed at it." I said. "And why not?" Bee asked before the Mini Shredder goes to attack us. We yelped in surprised. "That's why!" I said. Erika yelped when it got her by the head before Miah grabbed Casey's bat and swings it hard away from us. "Go go go!" I said before they started to go in. I got in and saw the Mini Shredder came running. "Oh no, you don't, you shit shrimp!" I said before closed the hatch and heard a crash. I chuckled before followed the others. We got to the lab. Then we saw Optimus in one cage and Nessie in the other. I ran to tap on Nessie's glass cage, she noticed us and ran towards us with tears of joy in her eyes. "You came for us." Nessie said from the glass. "We never leave you two." I said before go to the keypad, hacks with my tablet and it slide up open. Nessie ran and hugged Jet and Slip. The other cage open and we went to see Optimus back away a bit in fear. "Optimus, listen. It's okay, it's okay." I said but Optimus backed a bit more. "Not working." Miah said. Then it hit me and Waunu, we remembered. "Wait a minute. April, remember the time you reached to the others through the dreams? What if you could do the same thing for Optimus." Waunu said. "True. But it could be impossible." April said. "Not impossible, we have to find out based off telepathy, it could be possible. But one way to find out--." I got cut off by Eggman, Zach and Baxter came in. "What is this? The team, here?!" Eggman said in shocked. "But you were all destroyed!" Zach said. "Not really!" Martin said. Then we saw bug bots and mantis bots came in. We yelped and dodged when the mantis bots tossed their claws. "April, Martin, you two better wake Optimus up! He needs to know who he is!" I said before Eggman and Zach ran towards the button. Miah jumped from the net and used the vines to grow tall and grows thorns. I dodged and bug bots and slice them off, but jumped to ride on one to slice the mantis bots. Baxter grabbed me by the waist and tossed me to the bots. I sliced and glanced at Baxter. I nodded softly before ran and heard Baxter fly off to splatter the bots. I saw Zach and Eggman crashes on the cement wall. I noticed it before remember and jumped to them with the others. "It's over." Miah said. "Not really." I said. "Why?" Strongarm asked. "Cause of... That." I said when Zach pressed the button to make the wall go up to reveal more creations. They noticed and got shocked. We saw the crab Shredder and the lobster Shredder, then we saw the same shrimp Shredder. "Oh great, it's the seafood of Shredder!" Sideswipe said. "Do you like our Shredder mutants? They make excellent watchdogs." Eggman said before they moved to the side with evil laughters. We saw the Shredder seafood charged at us and we quickly dodged and fought them as much as we can. "They're too strong!" Miah said. "We have to keep fighting!" I said before the crab Shredder grabbed me and it tossed me to the wall. I yelped from the collision and landed on my side. "EC!" I heard someone shouted. I grunted softly before grabbed the canteen of water, opened it and pour some into my hand. I felt the water rushed go heal my bruise and I got up to fight the crab Shredder as much as I can. "Martin, how's it going?!" I said. "Not good!" I heard Martin said. I kicked it away before ran to see Optimus back away more when the three are trying to approach. "Optimus? Wake up, Optimus!" Casey said. I got over there. "Come on Optimus, you can fight the bad side." I said. "You are not a glitched machinery. You are Optimus Prime." April said before she and Martin closed their eyes to focus the Sonic waves to hit to Optimus memory bank. He grunted before he saw Casey as Shredder, he yelled and charged at Casey. Casey yelped while trying to avoid him and Martin ran to Casey from Optimus' servo. "That was not cool." Casey said. "Then quit leaving the mask over your face, Jones." Martin said. I heard the others are struggling. Then the alert sounded off and I saw Sideswipe has accidentally leaned on the button. "Sideswipe!!" The others said. "You clumsy punk!" Strongarm said. I ran to touch Optimus' head. "Come on Prime, wake up." I said before he got up to push me away. I yelped and landed on the edge. "EC!" I heard Martin said before Optimus ran and grabbed me. I yelped before April and Martin did the psychic telepathy. "Optimus, remember who you are! Remember why you're here! You have a mission, to find your son, your long lost son!" I said before Optimus' optics shrink when he remembers everything he needs. I saw Optimus closed his before he carefully set me down on the ground. Martin and April helped me up. I glanced up at Optimus. "Optimus-sama?" I asked. He turned and lightly smile at us. Then he heard something and he glanced to see the others are in danger cause of the Shredder seafood. "Excuse me." Optimus said before he ran to first take down the Shrimp Shredder that tried to eat Donnie's face off. "Yeah Optimus-sama!" I said. Then he ran to hit the Lobster Shredder that tried to get Leo and Chris over the edge to the mutagen container below. "Yeah!!" Martin said. Then Optimus easily got the crab Shredder by the hits and a flip over to the edge to the fan below. The bots and the turtles ran towards Optimus. "Optimus." Bee said before Optimus turned and he saw Bee with a light smile. "Bumblebee." Optimus said before Bee ran and hugged him. Optimus hugged back. "You're back, OP." Mikey said happily. "I can't believe it." Donnie said excited. I smiled softly at the small reunion but heard something. I dodged the dart but heard a gasp. I saw Waunu got hit on the side by the dagger and she collapse into Mikey's arms. "Waunu!" I said before ran to get the dagger out of her side. I saw Shredder and the foot. I got mad when I saw Cheyenne held the dagger in her hand. I growled when I was about to grab my katana but Leo stopped me. "Wait, EC." Leo said before I nodded softly. "Right, now's not the right time to fight." I said before Mikey tossed down the smokebomb and we escaped. We're inside the bots before I saw Emilio landed on the party wagon. I turned on the comm. "You got company!" I said. "Hey Jerkface, that's for touching my face without permission!" I heard Nessie said before she releases the manned deer to let flames burn Emilio's butt where he yelped and the party wagon drives fast that he got flinged off. "Let's head back to the lair!" I said before the bots drive fast.
~At the Lair~
We waited before we heard Waunu screamed in pain before Sensei came out. We ran over. "Is she okay?" I asked. He breathed softly before he smiled gently, indicated she's gonna be fine. We sighed in relief. "Thank goodness." Martin said. "And good thing, we made it." Nessie said. "Yeah, by the skin of our shells." Raph said. "Next thing, we take back our city." Sideswipe said. "Plus millions of people. It's just somewhere. Next door." I said before held the fire wand Waunu held. I got scared on the inside and gripped it.

'Please, wake up sister. We can't lose you.'

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