Serpent Hunt

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I was washing Waunu's blood carefully around the bandage while she's resting for the day. I put some incense around her and checks her temperature for fevers, luckily she isn't getting it. 'Please heal, sis.' I thought before goes to check on Izzy. I saw her holding the picture. I walked over to see her holding Shadow when he was only a little one. I go over and kneel. "Hey Izz, holding up okay?" I asked. She glanced and I can see her eyes puffy. 'Eesh, guess not.' I thought to myself before patted her head and remembered the episode. "Hey, it's okay. We'll find Shadow as soon as we can. Meanwhile, you stick by Sensei and stay here. Kay?" I asked before she nodded, she stood up, stretched a bit and heads off to bed. I got worried before saw the others gathered and I joined them. "Guys, this isn't gonna help us. The longer he's out there alone, the more he risks losing his humanity." Miwa said. "We can help him. We just need to keep looking, as soon as we can." Strongarm said. "For all we know, Shredder or the Kraang have him." Raph said before Optimus stepped in. "Not really. I saw him only a few days ago roaming the streets at night. But I was not in my right mind, I couldn't help him." Optimus said. I got determined a bit. "We still have to find him. The more Shadow's out there, the more depressed Izzy will gathered on. Donnie, been updating the surveillance tech with Fixit?" I asked. "Yep, plus we're just a few days off from finishing more retro-mutagen." Donnie said. "All right, guys let's do this!" April said but I stopped her. "Sorry, April, you and Casey have to stay here with the fam. Ninjas only. Plus, Waunu will need help when she wakes up." I said before Leo agreed. "Agreed, Waunu has been losing blood from the stab she got when we last fought, we're not losing her again." Leo said. April and Casey nodded softly in agreement to stay. "Autobots, kids, roll out." Optimus said before he and the bots transforms. Grimlock turned into a dinobot and he got on the flatbed. We heard out and heard April's thought. 'Be careful.' I heard April's thought before follows the others.
~At the Surface~
We came to a stop as Optimus stops at the very spot. "Here, that's where I last saw him." Optimus said before we got out. The bots transforms. "All right team, this is the last place Optimus saw Shadow." Leo said. "Good thing Donnie made these sensors to find mutagenic data." I said before Donnie came out with the goggles. "Picking up trace amounts of mutagenized DNA. Scanning now... That's it! Snake cell/Möbian hybrid DNA sequencing. It's Shadow!" Donnie said before I ran over, gently picked up one and feel it. "Shadow must've shed here. He went that way." I said when I stood up and pointed to my left. "All right, guys. We follow the DNA trail. Lead the way, Donnie." Leo said. I turned quickly. "Mikey, think about eating the scales. You'll have nightmares." I said before Mikey backed away from the scales and follows us. I ran after them. 'I got a big feeling we're not alone.' I thought to myself.  We looked once we got onto the roof. "See anything?" I asked. "Nothing yet." Jet said after Drift sends the minicons up here. Then I felt something. "That way." I said before ran passed the others. 'I know Shadow's nearby.' I thought to myself while running before jumped to the next roof. I saw Steranko is aiming the gun at something. I got my goggles before it activated to inferred to see a silhouette of a snake/Möbian. I got shocked when I took it off. I comm the others with my t-phone. "Guys, get down here! I found Shadow, we have to stop them!" I said.

{"We're on it!" Bee said}

I hanged up and saw Mikey was there, distracting them. I jumped before tossed the ninja star to struck at the small telescope. That got their attention when I landed next to the others. "Mother Russia!" Steranko said. "Leave Shadow alone!" Martin demanded. "Aw, man, not these freaks again!" Zeck said. "Freaks? Nice outfit. 1987 calls. It wants its jumpsuit back." Sideswipe harassed Zeck that made Miah chuckled. "Uh-wha-wh-wh-wha?! You making fun of my suit? I will bust you in your dang head!" Zeck said before he uses his plasma mohawk at us. "Scatter!" I said before we dodged to avoid the hit. Optimus helped us by tossed me the Decepticon Hunter. I grabbed it but it turned mini that fit my hand, it  turned into a katana. I smirked. "Nice touch." I said before uses it to fight off the plasma hits. I saw Steranko uses the big gun on us. "Look out!" I said before we avoided being hit. "Turtle, kids and machine pests! You are like fleas on back of powerful Russian bear!" Steranko said. "Does a flea do this?!" I said before jumped to kick his gun off. He growled before he tried to get me. I jumped and dodged. I got on Slip's staff. "Now!" I said before he flinged it up and uses the Decepticon Hunter to toss to hit the gun over the edge. It did a boomerang fly back. I grabbed it and landed. "Ha! Now whatcha gonna do?" I asked. Steranko pulls out his knuckle metals. I got stunned by them. "Whoops." I said. Steranko tried to punch me. I used the katana to block the blows. I grunted while trying to avoid being hit. I was at the edge but jumped over him and he missed me. He got mad and pulled out a grenade. "Freaks." Steranko said. "He's got a grenade!" I shouted before I got hit and my eyes had flashed. I grunted while trying to fix my vision. "Is perfect." I heard Steranko said before ran to push him off aim to miss the shoot. My visions are back to normal before I saw Shadow slithered away fast. "Guys, Shadow's on the move! We gotta go after him!" I said before the others gathered and we disappeared after Mikey tossed down the smokebomb. We appeared on the different roof and we went after Shadow as fast as we can. We saw Shadow slithered fast when we stopped. "What's it look like, guys?" Bee whispered. "He's moving fast. We gotta get down there." Donnie said. "But, Kraangdroids are everywhere." Chris said in fear. I tapped Chris on the head. "Keep it stealthy, team. Let's do this." I said. We started to avoid the Kraangdroids and Kraang zombies as fast as we can while we followed Shadow as fast as we can. We got to the other side with ease. Donnie got something with goggles on. "She's this way." Donnie said before I remember one spot he could be. The warehouse. He's hiding in the warehouse." I said. "There's one." Strongarm said when she pointed to the one near by. "Nice." I said before we ran towards it. "Bots, stay out here. Jet and Slip, you're with us." I said before we head inside. "All right, guys, let's split up and find him. But we have to be quick before the Kraangdroids find us." I said before we split up and shouted for Shadow. "We have to find him. He is gonna lose humanity by the day." I said while I walked with Chris and Mikey. "What are we gonna do with him once we find him?" Chris asked. "Great question. But the retro-mutagen isn't finished yet." I said before we heard beeping. We ran to the balcony to see the Kraangdroids surrounded Martin. "We gotta take them down before they alert more!" I said. But we heard hissing and saw Shadow in snake form came out and attacked the Kraang. He hissed while he took the last one down. We jumped down when Shadow hisses softly and glance at us. "Shadow, remember us! We're your friends. Remember who you are!" Leo said. "He's becoming more snakelike by the hour. He doesn't understand." Donnie said. "Hee understands, Donnie. You're changing, Shadow. We wanna help you. Please, we can help you. You have to remember, one person who changed you to see the truth." I said before Shadow glanced at me and he hissed softly. I stood my ground. "Erwina." Shadow said in a snake tone, he hissed before he changed into a Möbian with slightly grey fur. "Wow." Nessie said with a slight blush, that pissed Jet and Slip more. Shadow opens his eyes carefully to reveal his crimson red snake eyes and he opened his mouth lightly to reveal snake fangs. "Help me. Pleasssse." Shadow said with a 'ssss' in please. I walked carefully to him. "Come back with us, Shadow. Izzy is worried." I said when I tried to get his hand but he sits in a depressing sit. "No. Tooo.... Danger-oussssss." He said again. I got really worried before a voice interrupted the moment. "I told ya, I smelled Turtles!" A voice said. We looked up to see Fishface, Rahzar, Steeljaw and Thunderhoof. They jumped down to us. "Looks like they've made our job a whole lot easier!" Fishface said. Shadow got mad before he turns into snake form and tried to attack. But Steeljaw uses the clam to hold Shadow and he got electricuted. I got mad. "Shadow!" I said before we ran towards them but Thunderhoof pulled out the small smokebomb. "Have a whiff of poison, team scum!" Thunderhoof said before he tossed down the smokebomb to reveal green smoke. I got dizzied and started to cough. I felt my hand grabbed. "Come on!" I heard Erika said before we ran up the stairs to the second floor and saw Mikey, Donnie, Jet, Slip and Erika tried to make the smoke go down. "We can't let 'em get away." I said before we escaped to the rooftop. The bots are waiting for us. We got them and they noticed. "Did you find him?" Bee asked. "We did, but -" Martin got cut off by a motor and we saw the bike going off fast. "Shadow! No!" I heard Nessie said in sadness. I got determined before pulled out my tablet to reveal the spy roaches. "We're not giving up yet. Bet I know where the deal will be held." I said
~At the docks~
We got there and the bots followed us. "You sure they're here? Cause I'm lost." Sideswipe whispered. "Donnie planted a whole bunch of spy roaches on Steranko during the fight. I'm pretty sure he ate most of them, but there's still one little guy left." I said when I checked my tablet to reveal the last roach on Steranko. It waved and I deactivated. "Yeah, yeah, they're definitely down there." I said before we got close to listen in. 'Come on.' I thought to myself. "Sensei Shredder don't make deals." I heard Emilio said. "But perhaps this is worth the exception." Shredder said. "Give me Shadow, and you will leave this city alive." Cheyenne said before I grabbed the ninja star before tossed it and it hit Cheyenne on the cheek. That got their attention to me. I reveal my eyes to white. "Let him go. And we'll let all of you walk away alive!" I said before pulled out my katanas and the others appeared. We started to fight as much as we can. I fought my ex and bully. I grunted while struggling to get on my feet. But remember to soar free and started to pick up my strength. I grunted before I skidded to the container. I panted softly when the others are taking care of Shredder and his trusted henchmen before I heard hissing and saw Shadow being used as a defense for Steranko while Rahzar and Fracture are trying to get him. "Shadow!!!" I said before ran to kick them away from Shadow. I used my katana to slice the collar off and held Shadow's head carefully. He slowly opened his eyes and glanced at me. "Shadow, you have to get out of here. Hurry. don't let them take you and don't look back." I said before Shadow slowly pointed East and he spoke weakly. "Co..met.. Co..met." Shadow said before he disappeared into the water. 'Comet. I know where you'll be at.' I thought to myself before got kicked in the face and skidded to the warehouse. I got up and saw Cheyenne held the lit match in her hand. "Shadow! My love!" Cheyenne said before I got mad. "He's not your love!" I snapped at Cheyenne. "Shredder raised him and Karai. Cared for them. They are his! But you.... You have to take them away from him. You bitch!!!" Cheyenne said before I used gasoline liquid to splash some onto her. She yelped. I ran and kicked her, grabbed the match and glanced at Cheyenne. "Sorry Cheyenne, but you treating me like a low life bitch. Ends now. And I hope you wear a mask like Shredder, cause I don't like your face or your true colors of personality." I said before dropped the match on her by the face where she yelled and screamed in pain. The Autobots escapes, the turtles, Chris, Martin, the girls and I jumped into the water to escape. We made it to the other side of the warehouse. We got out quick. "Girl. That was so bruce." Chris said. "Yeah, you really stand up to Cheyenne." Martin said. "Yeah, but we were so close getting to Shadow!" Raph said. "Let's head back to the lair." I said before we head back to the lair fast.
~At the Lair~
We got there as soon the Autobots came in then I saw Waunu up and okay. I smiled, ran and hugged her. "Waunu!" I said before Waunu hugged me back. Miah, Erika and Nessie joined in. The boys went to the kitchen to talk. We departed. Then Waunu glanced at me. "What happened out there? I sensed you guys had Shadow but the foot got him and he escaped." She said. "Yeah, we were so close to catching him." Miah said. "But we still need to know where he is down." Erika said. "I do, when I told Shadow to escape as fast as he can, he pointed East and said comet. I know three places that has the word comet." I said. "But which one?" Nessie asked. I sighed softly. "One way to find out is we have to do the all girls' mission...

Without the team."

A New Team (Book 3 Of A Whole New World~) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now