Team in Time

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~My POV~
We're on the roof with Peirce, Noi, Aph, Aaron, Katelyn, Travis, Jet and Slip. Nessie had been searching for Miwa and Shadow after I threw in details to Aph's friends to let them know what just happened. I sat on the roof edge with Raph while the others leaned against the wall and Nessie is standing over the edge. "Give it up, Ness. There's nothing we can do. It's been weeks since we last saw them. When they poisoned us and almost poison you!" Raph said before I tapped his head to shut up. "Yeah, Nessie. If EC, Kim and I can't find a cure, we might have to let Miwa and Shadow go." Donnie said. "It's not that easy, Donnie. You should know." Nessie said. "That's because some of us are still hung on our ones we really love. Just saying." I said with a blush when I think about Leo and Raph. "Sometimes we don't have a choice. We think about someone or somebody. A lot." Nessie said. I looked up when my blush faded and saw Nessie is hugging her arms to take in the memories when the day we were poisoned. I got worried for Nessie. "Good thing, we stayed back and help the others out." Aph said. "True." Aaron, Kim, Noi, Travis and Katelyn said. "Oh man. Guys, I'll never gonna have a crush on a girl. Cause this boy's got one thing and one thing only. My sheep!" Peirce said when he held up his stuffed sheep and hugs it. "Yeah, cause you're heads over hooves." Mikey joked before Donnie and Chris snickered softly. "Hey!" Peirce said. Raph came from behind the door with something in hand. "Yo, Peirce. I got a little one thing for you right here." Raph said. I remember the episode. "Oh boy." I whispered to myself before Raph came out with a hose and sprayed Peirce. "Ah! Raph!" Peirce said laughing. "Shell soaker!" Raph said before us girls ran from the water but Kim, Katelyn, Travis and Aph got soaked. "Whoa! Cold!" Aph said. "Head's up!" I said while we dodged from the water. Raph sprayed at me but I used my water abilities and splashed at Raph. "Gotcha." I said. "Hey, no fair!" Travis said. "We're not gifted!" Aaron said. "True, but still!" I said before sprayed the water at the two. "Haha!" I said before ran from enraged Aaron. "Ah! Sorry, I forgot about it!" I said while dodged Aaron's catch. Then we heard something and I stopped Aaron from catching me. Then we saw a figure came out. Then I noticed her. 'Renet!' I thought to myself before saw Renet fall with a scream. "Whoa!" Peirce said before he ran to catch her but he got toppled with her on top of him. We winced softly. "Oh!" Aph said. Peirce groaned softly before I ran to help Renet up. "Renet! You okay?" I asked before Pierce got up and is shocked to see her, he yelped and ran behind me. Renet saw us. "Whoa! The great king of Crystal New York, Neo-King Ucrystalis!" Renet said that got Martin shocked. Then she saw us. "The queens of Nature, Queen Erwina, Queen Miah, Queen Waunuleta, Queen Erika, Queen Ness-Marie and their hus- I mean, friends. The leader, Leonardo. The warrior, Raphael. The inventor, Donatello. The cute one, Michelangelo. And the wisdom one, Chris Kratt!" Renet said before she saw the Aph team and the Minicons. "OMG! The warriors of Cybertron and Ness-Marie's hus- oops friends, Jetstorm and Slipstream. The queen, Aphmau. The king and warrior, Aaron Lycan. The potion maker, Kim. The guardian of Justice, Noi. The fighter, Katelyn. The sweet one, Travis. And the sheep lover, Peirce!" Renet said. "Whoa, that's me. She knows us, guys!" Peirce said excited. "Of course she does Peirce, she's a time traveler." I said to Peirce. "Say what now?!" Aph said. "I found you. I actually found you. The Turtle and Guardian Warriors of Legend. This is so grokking cold!" Renet said before Aaron stepped forward. "Wait a minute, us, legends? The heck are you talking about? Nobody even knows we exist." Aaron asked. "Well, Martin got the Turtles and us to know. It's you guys that no one knows. Yet." I said. "I came from the future, and wow. You guys are, like, so infamous. Meeting you is way more interesting than meeting Genghis Khan or Billy the Kid or Socrates!" Renet said happily. Travis has stepped forward with curiosity on his face. "You're saying you're from the future, and we're important enough to be in history books? You expect us to believe that?" Travis asked. "Yes. You save the world. Many times." Renet said. "Sweet! High-five!" Noi said before he and the others high-five, the girls and I smiled softly in amuse. Then we saw Peirce walked over to Renet and man, he used the manly tone. "Hey, there. The name's Peirce P. Peiriams. But you can call me Peirce. Charm is my middle name. What's yours? Wait. Let me guess. Future Girl? Amazonian Princess? Wonder Warrior?" Pierce asked in a manly tone. "No, but I'll let Erwina introduced me." Renet said. "Alrighty. Guys, meet Renet. She's the assistant time master in training from the future." I said. Peirce instantly fell in love for Renet. 'So much for not crushing on a girl.' I thought to myself before Peirce got pushed to the side by Raph and Aaron. "More to the point, Renet. Prove to us you're from the future." Aaron said that got Peirce furious by the push. "Oh, right. Almost forgot why she came. She's kind of followed by an evil freak from the future who wants to control all of time and space." I said. "And possibly steal the Legendary Silver Crystal Neo-King Ucrystalis held close." Renet said. "Uh, wait a minute. What did you just say?" Leo asked before the portal opened and saw the yellow mutant goat demon. "That's the guy?" Peirce asked fearfully. "That's the one. Savanti Romero." I said before he landed. He stood up and looks around. "How droll. The early 21st century. Why would you pick this era?" Savanti asked before he saw us and some of us got our weapons out. "Oh, I see. The Turtle and Guardian Warriors. Of course. But you must realize they can't defeat me. Your history is wrong. Give me the time scepter with the crystal and I shall let you live." Savanti said when he got his hand out. "Never! We vowed we never hand the crystal over that easily!" Erika said. "Ninjas, Guardians, let's welcome this freak New York-style." Leo said before they charged. "Guys stop!" I said but Savanti uses the device to make the orb that protects him before the others attacked then they got pushed back. "Give it to me, girl." Savanti said to Renet. Nessie grunted softly before her wings has been unveiled that got Aph and her friends surprised. "No one harms my family and gets away with it!" Nessie said before she charged at him before she punched him up. "Now Renet!" I said before Renet opens the portal. Nessie flies up and kicked him hard for Savanti to flew through the portal and it closed. Nessie flew down softly, her wings folded up and it faded to being the tattoo again. "Ness. That. Was. AWESOME!!!" Kim said. "Like no kidding, now that's a protector." Katelyn said. Nessie smiles softly in bashful. "No worries, guys. I sent him a hundred million years into the past." Renet said. That got some of them upset. "I think I speak for us all when I say we have no idea what is going on!" Donnie said. "Oh, right. Yeah, sorry. I'll let Erwina explain everything since she's the expert on us." Renet said. "Thank you Renet. Okay. In the future, the Time Masters are the protectors of time, space, and reality themselves. Also they're the ones who maintain the universe, based on originals and alternative universes of the originals. Renet is apprenticing to the top guy in their order and her father, Lord Simultaneous. That night before she got here, someone tried to steal the Time Scepter, a piece of tech so advanced it can not only control time, it can also bend reality and change universes itself." I said. "It was designed by Donatello and Zane Ro'Meave themselves, with Strange's mystic abilities." Renet said. "Anywho, the one who tried to steal the Specter was Savanti Romero, the evil mutant Time Master. With the scepter, he could rule all of reality, changing history to suit his cruel ways and making sure no hero will be able to exist in every universe. So Renet took it from him, and she used it to lure him to the one era he could be defeated in, ours." I said. "But we didn't defeat him. Nessie did. So history was totally wrong." Aaron said. "Aaron! Don't blame it on Renet." Aph said. Then Martin's crystal inside the brooch and the Spector glowed at the same time. "Oh, grok. This isn't good. Savanti is making changes in the past. He's trying to wipe us out in the present." Renet said. "Same thing for the crystal. We gotta end this." Martin said. "He can do that?" Noi asked. "Oh, yeah. That happens a lot." Renet said. "Guess you should've let us defeat him like history just said." I said to Renet. "I know. So can you you guys help me?" Renet asked pleading with sincere. "Help you? We don't even know you!" Travis said before Peirce came in. "Come on, guys. One day we're going to be famous for doing great things. This is one of them." Peirce said. "Peirce is right, we have to stop Savanti from making changes in the past to make sure we don't disappeared in the future too. This is our chance. And yours too to make it happen." Nessie said before the thunder was heard before we saw the sky was turned before the white face was shown on the sky, that nobody can see from the ground. "Renet!" The voice boomed. That got Peirce and Aph scared a bit. "That's Lord Simultaneous." I said. "Aw, man. I'm so busted." Renet said. "Foolish child, what have you done?" Simultaneous asked in rage at Renet. "We gotta get out of here. Lord S is gonna kill me!" Renet said before she uses the Spector to make the portal and ran to jump through the portal. "Renet, wait up!" Peirce said when he ran towards the portal. "Is he gonna-?" Aaron got cut up. "Oh, we're going where Pierce is going while following Renet." I said before Peirce jumped through the portal. "Let's go!" I said before the others followed Pierce. "Renet, you cannot escape me. I will find you." Lord S said before I followed them and jumped through the portal. I screamed with the others before we landed on the ground in the middle of the forest. We groaned softly before we sat up softly. "Where the heck are we?" Aaron asked. "You mean, 'when the heck are we?'." I said. We got up and I dusted my leggings carefully. I saw Martin in a medieval outfit and same on Aph. "Guys.." I said. "What something on my face?" Martin asked. "Uh." I said while pointing at them before they noticed and yelped a bit. "Whoa! What just happened to us?!" Aph said freaking out. Chris noticed something. " 'Avalon. Camelot. The Tower of the Demon?' This ain't good, guys." Chris said. I saw the village and castle before whistled for the others to look my way. "Guys, look!" I said before they noticed and got surprised. "We're in Medieval times!" Donnie said. "Holy yowkasaur!" Noi, Pierce and Travis said in unison. "England in the year 980 A.D. That is so cold, right? Isn't that what you say in your time? Cold?" Renet asked. "It's actually "cool." And no, this ain't cool. At all!" Aaron snapped at Renet. "Aaron, calm down." Aph said hugging Aaron to calm him down. "Um, well, I meant to send him back 100 million years. You have to help me stop him." Renet said. "There's no turning back now, guys. We gotta save history from making us fade away into nothing." I said. "Yes! You guys are such groovy daddy-Os." Renet said. "Oh, just got the raddest idea!" I said before goes to whisper to Renet and points at the others. Renet smiles. "The scepter can do that. It's just a little quantum manipulation." Renet said. "Yes!" I said before joined the others. Renet twirls the specter before hits the ground with the end. The specter glowed and we covered our eyes from the blindness of light. Once we opened our eyes we saw the medieval outfits. "Whoa! This is so cool!" Miah said. Miah, Erika, Waunu and I are in a real warrior princesses outfits. We saw our turtles and Chris in their real knight, wizard, elf, barbarian and hunter outfits. We dazed in delight. We saw Nessie in her real princess outfits then she saw Jet and Slip in their real Robin Hood outfits that Nessie dazed. We saw Aaron as a real knight, Noi, Travis and Katelyn as travelers, Kim as a potion maker and Peirce as a real sheep herder. "I'm a sheep herder!" Peirce said with glee and chuckles. I slid to the others. "We gotta blend in to match the timeline. Plus, I gotta wow you to impress Renet, Peirce." I said before Peirce hugged me. "Oh thanks EC, you're the best!" Peirce said before the clamping was heard. "Sounded like horse hooves. They're coming this way!" I said. Then the knights came over on horses. Aph got amazed by the sight of horses. "Halt, strangers. This land belongs to the King. What business have you here?" The knight asked. Then he saw Martin and Aph, he gasped before he and the other knights got off and kneeled. "Your graces. What brings you and your wanderers to our lands?" The knight asked. "Who are you calling wanderers?" Aaron asked in an offended tone. "Let me." Martin said to Aph before turned to the knights. "We have came from the Eastern Side of the mountains! Please good knights! We may need your horses for two loyal princesses cause they can't bare to walk and to carry some supplies and wanderers." Martin said in his Medieval accent before the knights stood up. "Oh, of course fair prince." The knight said before he and the others lended their horses to us. "Anything else in particular?" The knight asked again. This time I stepped forward. "Of course. We're trying to find the tower of Savanti Romero." I said in a medieval accent as well. They got surprised by my request. "Egad! You do not want to go there. You don't even want to speak his name, lest you summon him." The knight said with a fearful tone. "Who? Savanti Romero? That punk? Please. I can take that horn-headed freak in my sleep. He's chump change. A crump snatcher. I'm not scared of him in the...." Aaron got stopped by Martin and I pointing fast. "He's right behind me, isn't he?" Aaron asked before he got swatted away by Savanti. "Fools!" Savanti said before he snatched the scepter and Nessie's brooch. "My brooch!" Nessie said. "Finally, the scepter and the silver crystal are mine!" Savanti said. "Tis the Demon of the Tower!" The knight said before they ran off. "Give back the brooch!" Miah said before she tried to use her element of vines, nothing happened and Miah sweat drops in surprised and shocked. "M-My element. It's not working!" Miah said. "The Time Scepter will never stop the Turtles and Guardians! So maybe you'll give it back?" Renet asked. "Never! You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time!" Savanti said. "Stop him!" Martin said before he and Aaron tried to get him. Then we started to get looped. The others got surprised. "What just happened to us?" Noi asked before we got looped again. "We're in a time loop! Not for long." I said. Waunu has got out her Fonda. "I got this." Waunu said. Then when Savanti told us, Waunu ran, jumped up and has her Fonda ready. "Evil spirit, be gone!" Waunu said before she placed it on his face and he screamed in agony before he bursted into flames. That's where the time loop break and we landed hard. "Whoa! Did you just - ?" Katelyn asked. "Used my Fonda to knockout that bozo to get us out of a time loop? Yeah, now let's go." Waunu said. "Waunuleta, you're the grooviest gal!" Renet said. "Aww shucks." Waunu said. We got on the horses, I helped Raph on me and the others got on. Aph and Martin got on the main horse. I galloped the horse to the one path. "Let's try that way. Come on!" I said before we galloped down the path. I lightly galloped my horse to Renet's horse and Peirce is behind her. "So now we're riding a horse together. Is this our first date?" Peirce asked Renet. I chuckled softly. "Peirce. In the future, we're probably gonna be a slight bit older. In fact, Renet hasn't even been born." I said. Peirce whined quietly with anime tears. "Don't worry, Kim in the future has been develop some youth potions. So there's a chance I'll be with Peirce in the future." Renet said. "Oh baby! Now that's my type of potion making!" Kim said happily. We chuckled. "Full speed ahead!" Martin said before we galloped our horses fast.
~At the graveyard in the night~
We got there before we stopped the horses. "Savanti's tower is just past this uber-creepy cemetery." Leo said. "Let's go forward. But don't step on the graves." I said before we galloped carefully through the cemetery. Peirce yelped with fear. "Can't we all go, like, around the uber-creepy cemetery?" Peirce asked fearfully. "Little sheep herder scared?" Raph asked Peirce in a teasing way. I lightly elbowed him. "Raph, be nice to Peirce. He's not used to this bravery." I said. "Sorry, but teasing Peirce is fond." Raph said. Then Savanti appeared that my horse got spooked. I yelped while hold the small ropes that Raph yelped and he fell off the horse. "Easy easy boy!" I said while tamed my horse down to calm down. "Fools! Do you think you can sneak up on the greatest Time Master ever? Savanti Romero rules everything, even death." Savanti said. "Does that count as a bad thing?" Jet asked. "Big time!" I said before Savanti started to summon the skeletons in the grave to rise from the dead. Travis and Katelyn yelped. "Oh no, not now!" I said. The skeletons have emerged from the ground. The horses neighed with fear that got us thrown off with yelps. We got up fast and some of us have our weapons out. "Guys, this is the worse part times 20." Peirce said fearfully. "Even worse than the world without sheep?" Aaron asked Peirce. "Okay, second worse!" Peirce said. We got in position. The skeletons started to charge at us. "Now!" I said before we started to attack the skeletons. Waunu and I does the duo kick and hit at the skeletons. Then we saw the skeletons started to repair. "Head's up! They're repairing!" I said before Waunu and Erika tried to use their elements but saw nothing has happened. "Renet! Something's not right!" I said. "Oh yeah, once we time traveled, your elements aren't active to be use for. Forgot that detail." Renet said. "Great! At least we got our weapons!" Miah said. "Plus, Miah's strength is the only option to destroy the specter." Renet said. "Destroy the specter? But if we do that, we're gonna be trapped here forever!" Katelyn said before Nessie whistled and the horses came out. "Come on!" I said before we got on and I pulled Raph on. "Giddyap!" I said before the horses galloped fast towards the other side of the cemetery. I turned back to see the skeleton fell down. "Thank goodness." I said before we galloped more before we got to the castle. I got mad before we all war cried like Xena. We headed towards the castle. We got off the horses before we started to head inside by the side to the rooftop. We got to the top, Miah punched the hole for us before we got in and we headed to the beam that we're on. "Hm, I suppose I could conquer the 25th century fairly easily. But really I want to see the look on the other Time Masters' faces when I neutralize them. Or maybe, just maybe, I could go back in time so I can make sure the little prince and princess of Lady Irene ain't born." Savanti said. I quietly pulled out my katana. "Come on, attack. I haven't got all the time in the world. Most of it, yes." Savanti said. "Now!" Martin said before we jumped down but we got stopped by time, then we got reversed and landed back on the beam. "Okay, guys. We'll sneak across on that chandelier chain and-" Leo got cut off by Aaron. "Wait, didn't we just do this?" Aaron asked. Erika groaned. "Aw, no. He's messing with time again." Erika said. "Charge!" Travis said before we jumped but we got stuck in the golden bubbles while Martin and Aph are chained in golden chains that restrains their actions. "Prince!" Erika said. "Martin!" Miah, Waunu and I said. "You make it all so easy. Hmm, shall I freeze you in time forever? Devolve you all back into four little sea dinosaurs and a monkey? Ooh! Or, perhaps, primal sludge." Savanti said. "Oh, primal sludge doesn't sound so bad." Mikey said. "They're bad Mikey." I said. "At least I have my entropy dart." Renet said before she uses it to aim at the scepter. "I think I'll simply wipe you out of existence." Savanti said. "Renet, don't use it on the scepter. If you hit it, we'll never get home." Nessie said. I looked around before saw the bubbles. "Renet." I said before pointed to Mikey and Peirce's bubbles. Renet got the point before she aimed at the bubbles before she shot it for her and the two to get out. Savanti got shocked before Peirce uses the crook to hit Savanti then Mikey restrains him that we got freed. "Whoo!" Noi said before we go. Then the gears started to move. We yelped before the scepter fell. "Quick!" I said before Waunu and I jumped for the scepter but Savanti hit us and he goes for it. Miah jumps down and kicks Savanti for Erika, Waunu and I jumped down to the scepter. The gears moved and we yelped while we lost it. "No!" We shouted before the crook grabbed the Specter and we saw Peirce. "Peirce!" We said. He smiled. I quickly kicked Savanti back before saw the source. "I got it!" I said before used my small computer and dodged for my small computer to hit the button on the gauntlet on Savanti's arm to deactivate the gears. I dodged for Chris, Mikey and Noi to hit Savanti to the ground. Donnie gets the scepter. "Donnie, use the blue button!" I said. "Oh! Let's see how this thing works." Donnie said. "Turtle, let's talk before you make any rash decisions." Savanti said to Donnie before Martin punched Savanti hard and he snagged Nessie's brooch back. "There's nothing to talk about. And you just snatched the wrong brooch." Martin said before he backed away. "Now!" I said before Donnie uses the scepter that it send Savanti through the portal and he's gone, for good. "So, are you sure this time? Is he gone for good?" Raph asked. "Of course, hopefully." I said. "96% certain." Renet said. Then Lord S appeared again that we got shocked. "He better stop doing that." Slip said. "Renet! You must come back to the future now. You are grounded." Lord S said. "Oh, grok. On my way, Lord Simultaneous. Just got to drop off the Turtles and the Guardians first." Renet said before Lord S saw us and Peirce was even waving happily. "Oh, The Turtle and the Guardian Warriors of Legend. Very cold." Lord S said before he disappeared. "Okay, let's blow this popsicle stand." I said. Then Peirce walked to Renet. "Renet, um, can we kick it in the future together? Just you and me? For a little while?" Peirce asked that got Aph and Nessie gone fangirl mode. "Aw, I would love that, Peirce. Maybe someday." Renet said before she pecked Peirce on the cheek before he got lovey dazed and fainted. Aph and Nessie squealed happily. "Oh, KC will be so surprised Peirce got his first kiss from a girl." Aph said. "I know!" Nessie said. "Okay girls, you can talk about it when we get home." I said before Renet opens the portal. "Let's go home, Turtle and Guardian heroes." Renet said before the others jumped in. Renet and Peirce jumped in. I followed and jumped in. We zoomed through then lightning occurred. I yelped. "Guys, what's going on?" Noi asked. "Oh, no! Time interference! Something's wrong." Renet said before she, Aph and Martin turned to us that we screamed and we got separated from the others. "Martin! Aph! Help us!" Aaron said before Renet uses her Specter to hold us and Martin and Aph helped her. "Guys!!" Martin said fearfully. Then the portal opened behind us. We extended our hands out but it pulled us into the portal.
~Martin's *SHORT* POV~
The portal closed with our friends that we got pulled away. "Guys!! Aaron!!!" Aph said fearfully. I turned to Renet. "Renet! Where are they going now?!" I said before Renet checked before she gasped. "Oh no, they're going to one era. The one era that started it all right before you guys' journey began!" Renet said before I realized what she said, remember Sensei's stories and got scared. "Oh no!" I said.
~My POV~
We screamed when we got out through the portal and we landed on the ground. We groaned softly before we got up softly. I saw my original outfit is still on. Then I saw the girls and the boys' outfits changed back to normal but the Turtles, not really. "Ugh. Where the heck are we now?" Raph asked before he helped me up and the others stand up. "Aph! She's stuck with Renet and Martin!" Aaron said fearfully. I got up and slapped him that they gasped. "Buddy! Calm down, you're gonna make this worse if you panicked so much!" I said before Aaron breathed. "Right right, panicking won't help." Aaron said. "The time stream must have been messed with. Now we're in..." Leo got cut off by Nessie. "Tokyo, Japan!" Nessie said before we followed Nessie before we saw Tokyo, Japan in person. "Whoa, that's amazing!" Kim said. "Well, at least we're back in modern times." Donnie said. "Yeah, the problem is... WHEN THE HECK ARE WE!?" Katelyn asked in paranoid before ninja stars hit the ground that some of us yelped before we saw ninjas in red circled around us. Some of use our weapons out. "Yo. Ninjas." Noi said happily. "We're in deep trouble." I said before Noi feared and we kept our guards up.

'Oh shit....'

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