Vision Quest

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~My POV~
I was in the tree with Leo and Martin, I noticed something before Martin started to aim at it with an arrow on the bow. Then the deer heard it and it ran off. We sighed. "It's late, we should head back. Strongarm, get us." I said through the communicator before we jumped down and landed. But Martin stumbled and we stood him up. "Sorry, I just have a sudden feeling when I walked passed Nessie's door, it felt like.... she has an unspoken pain." Martin said before I got worried. "We'll talk to her, let's head back and-" Leo cut me off by grabbing the arrow and held it on the bow. He was about to let go of it but I quickly stopped him as I felt a spirit among us. Then the light shunning around the deer. The boys got surprised before Leo lowers the bow and arrow. "Whoa." Martin said. Then I noticed the deer's anger face. I got scared. "Uh oh." I said before it charged forward. "RUN!!" I said before we ran but heard a thud, I jumped to the branch on the tree with Leo then turned to see Martin had tripped. "Martin, look out!!" I shouted before the deer uses the antlers to hit Martin upward. He screamed and got kicked to the tree we're on. Leo fell overboard and landed next to Martin, I saw the deer was about to stomp on them but I reacted by jumping down, landing between them, has my arms out and the deer stopped with a huff. I kept my determination expression on my face when I drawn the boys voice out of my ears. I only hear the deer's huffing. But then I heard a voice I haven't heard for a while. "Anata ichi-ri jaarimasen." A voice spoke to me before the deer ran away from us. I got shocked before I fell on my knees and the boys came to me. "Did you hear it? What did it say?" Martin asked before I looked up with tears and a soft smile. "You are not alone." I said.
~At the Farmhouse~
~Nessie's POV~
I was out of the room after my night of sorrow, I got pulled out of bed by Miah to join the others on how to hit woods, Farmhouse style and I was gonna watch it to get it right, cause Sensei is gonna see my skills are worth for it. "All right, team. If you can clobber Kraang, you can crack logs. Watch and learn." Raph said. "Aw, yeah. Time for some ninja training, farmhouse style." Mikey said before Raph and Chris showed off a few moves before the others tossed up the woods and the two punched them hard. "Whoo!" Erika said. "You like that?" Raph asked. "Okay, Nessie. You're up." Chris said to me before I faced to Jet and Slip, holding a piece of log for me. "Sure you don't want us to smooth it out?" Jet asked. "Or soften it up for you? Cause it'll hurt." Slip said. I smiled before got it straight. "Just hold it straight. Wouldn't want to miss and accidentally kick that perfect smiles off your faces." I said before got into stance. I can tell they blushed cause I compliment them. "Ooh, love hurts." Erika said in a cutesy style. "Erika!" Miah said. "Remember, it's not just physical strength that breaks the wood. It's also inner strength." Sensei said to me. "I got this, Sensei. K'ya!!" I shouted before kicked them too hard that send them flying in the air with yelps and they crashed into the bushes. I got shocked and the others winced from the sight. "Whoops! Sorry boys!" I shouted. "Ha! This is wicked, can't believe I got it down on video." Casey said before the minicons came out from the bushes covered in leaves and slight of mud before they shake the leaves off them. "Casey, delete the video now!" Waunu demanded which got Casey scared and he deleted the video. "That's better." Waunu said.
~My POV~
I got off the back with Martin and Leo's help after Strongarm got us. Then the others noticed when my knees gave up and I fell on my side. "Sis!" Nessie said when they ran over. "What happened?" Bee asked. "Just got a realization in the woods." I said. "That going into the woods with a sudden headache from last night is a bad idea?" Miah asked when Raph and Leo helped me up. I shook my head. "No, it's just what I need. What we all need. We're so caught up in T-phones, junk food, TV and technology that we've become at odds with nature. A true ninja must become one with it to master himself." I said before Fixit came over. "Hey, you out the technology keep." Fixit said. "Even I did it. Only when you become one with nature can you make peace with yourself." Sensei said. "Make peace? You serious? We're Ninjas, for Pete sakes." Chris said with his arms crossed. "We'll do three days of meditation and practiced awareness in the wilderness, only eating what we can forage." Leo said. "I second that." Martin and I said. "Three days? We're gonna live like animals!" Mikey said before he screamed like a banshee. My knees started working before stood up. "I think Leo might've taken one too many kicks to the head." Sideswipe said. "No, Leo's right. Camping's a great idea. I'm tired of being stuck at the farmhouse." April said. "Yeah, I agreed." Nessie said before I stopped her and April. "Sorry, girls. This trip is ninjas only." I said before we go to get our stuff packed to do our three day training. "But we're almost a Kunoichi!" Nessie said. "Almost." Raph said. I can feel April and Nessie's temper rising a bit. I know it is wrong, but it's the only way. I saw Jet and Slip. "Jet, Slip, we need you two to aid us." I said. They got shocked. "You want us? To aid you guys on the trip?" Slip asked. "Yes, unless Drift gives a go." I said before Drift agreed and the two goes to get their small parts ready. I walked towards the farmhouse, got inside and head to my room getting a few items for the trip. I looked in the mirror before saw the earrings and Tikki came out. "You can't be serious. It'll be scary out there." Tikki said. "Relax, it's only for three days. Besides, it's not like it's gonna be a day longer." I said before taking off the earrings before puts them into the box. "I'll be okay." I said before I grabbed my backpack and head out.
~Waunu's POV~
I saw my sister came out and went in to get my stuff packed before saw the ring and Plaag came out. "You can't abandoned me, who will feed me cheese?" Plaag asked. "I have to, accessories will distracted us if we don't get our focus on." I said before takes off the ring to put it into the box. "Trust me." I said before I grabbed my backpack and head out.
~My POV~
I got downstairs to see Jet and Slip are watching from the window, see Knuckles, Ron and McQueen tried to grab Nessie into a hug, but she quickly dodged and sticks her tongue at them. "Okay, we're all for getting in tune with nature. But those three are gonna be getting in tune with Nessie." Slip said. "Yeah, who's gonna protect her when we're gone?" Jet asked that got me skeptical before gently gripped the strap. "Drift will watch over Nessie when we're gone. Plus, you two have to learn to let it go. We all need to leave our worries and fears behind." I said before I go to join the others. I saw Waunu, Jet and Slip came out. We head out into the woods. We walked deep into the woods. "We've mastered our weapons, stealth, and hand to hand combat, but we haven't achieved the very first of the 18 Ninjitsu disciplines." Leo said. "The Seishin Syuyou, or 'spiritual refinement.' All true ninjas must master it." I said. "Got it." Martin said. "Hey, who says I'm not spiritually refine- *burps* ugh, -ed. Whoa. Heh. Must have been *burps again". Okay, you win. Let's get refined." Mikey said. We started to pick some berries and nuts for us to eat. Then squirrels are chasing Mikey. Next we went to walk on the river with our bags above our head. My knee started to twitch a bit, I grunted silently before catched up to the others. Then night came, we camped out and Raph is trying to make fire before Waunu helps out by making a small spark that it started to grow. We cheered before I hugged with Waunu, which surprising she hugged back. Them the next day we did some training on the rocks above the creek. Then Jet accidentally knocked into some of us that we fell into the water. Then we meditate on the top of the trees. Then a squirrel came and gave me a nut and I smiled. Then night time came and I felt the wind, I opened my eyes to see leaves flew upward to see the stars split open to see a void. "Ah it's happening!" Mikey said before he fell down the tree and crashed onto the ground. I jumped down and landed before helped Mikey up. "Hang on, bro." I said before the others landed down on the ground. Then Martin saw something. "Guys look!" Martin said before I looked for see nothing. "I'm sure I saw the same deer." Martin said. "You sure it's been following us?" Miah asked. "I know it did." Martin said. "It's probably laughing at us lost in the woods." Raph said. "Raph!" Chris said. "Actually, in the Shinto religion, deer are considered messengers of the divine. Maybe it means we're on the right path." Donnie said. Then I saw the humanoid deer from behind the tree.

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