Tale of the Yokai

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~My POV~
We ran from the ninjas that are chasing us. "Ninjas!" We shouted while Peirce, Mikey, Travis and Noi screamed in fear. We stopped once the ninjas circled around us. "Where are we, EC?" Aaron asked me. "Not 'where', but 'when?'." I said. My eyes glanced before the ninja made the move. "Dodge!" I said before we dodged and started to fight the ninjas, I got kicked before skidded to the tree. I dodged fast before Aaron fell on top of me. I quickly rolled us fast from the oncoming katana, we got up. "Close." Aaron said. "Too close." I said before we dodged more, before I bend backwards, but then I saw the symbol on the star when I flipped to stand. "Guys, they're not just ninja, they're Hamato clan! Sensei's clan!" I said before got hit and kicked again. "But sis, the Hamato clan doesn't exist anymore!" Waunu said. "True, but honestly, I think we're back where Sensei's journey had started!" I said before we got kicked and we rolled to the others. Noi and Nessie helped us up. Once we got up, the ninjas spoke in Japanese, talking about the Turtles being the evil yokai. We got in defense once the ninjas started to close in on us. But the voice we heard, wanted me to faint right there. "What is going on here?" A voice asked before the ninjas moved aside before we saw the one man who started the mess. Shredder, in a younger version, or Saki! He got shocked when he sees us. "Yokai?" Saki asked. "Shredder." I said through my gritted teeth. "This cannot be." Saki said. Erika quickly reacted and uses her air element to raised up some dust. Once she did, we quickly escaped fast. The Turtles even have to ditched the medieval outfits. We hopped tree to tree to get away fast. "Close call, dudes. Awesome save by Erika herself!" Mikey announced happily. "Aww, thank you very much, darling." Erika said in her Rarity tone. We landed to the ground before I remember the episode. "Oroku Saki was part of the Hamato Clan before he became the Shredder. We're in 16 years in the past." I said "But why here? Why now?" Leo asked. "Beats me, but whatever is happening here, we gotta stop this." Miah said. "Plus it's all Renet's fault for not knowing time travel in the first place!" Raph said. "Not only that, but Martin and Aph are still there with Renet. Could they be-?" Aaron got cut off. "No, but when we last fought Savanti, he said he has to prevent the birth from Lady Irene. Who is she and why is it important?" I asked. "Guys!" We heard Nessie said before we ran to her. "Check this." Nessie said before she pointed to the dojo. "Ain't that Sensei's old dojo?" Nessie asked before I saw the Hamato logo on the banner. "It looks like it, come on, let's see if Sensei's inside." I said before we headed for the dojo slide doors, I secretly pushed the slide door slowly for us to hear voices inside. "I saw it with my own eyes. They were small green men in strange costumes and adults that clearly don't know what they're protecting. Clearly the Yokai of legend." Saki said from the inside before another voice spoke up after he laughed. "Yokai? Your imagination has run wild, Saki." A voice said before we slightly peeked inside before we saw Splinter in his human being. We gasped softly before we pulled away. "That's Hamato Yoshi, he's different in his human form." I whispered to the others. The others nodded softly. "Woah! Now that's a hunk." Katelyn said before we quickly pulled her away and covered her mouth for us to listen what they're saying. "Small green men? Adults don't learn ninjitsu? Spirits? Monsters? Your head has always been in the clouds, brother." Yoshi said to Saki before another spoke before I peeked to see the elder of the clan, Hamato Yuuta, Sensei's biological father and Shredder's adoptive father. "Do not be too dismissive of the supernatural world, Yoshi. There are many dimensions, many beings that permeate what we call reality." Yuuta said to Yoshi before Yoshi kneels and bows softly. "My apologies, Father. Please continue, Saki. Let us hear more of this interesting tale." Yoshi said before Saki snapped. "Do not mock me, Yoshi. I know what I saw." Saki said before Yuuta coughed softly and I lightly covered my mouth from his illness, but he's a strong elder before he spoke to the boys. "Some legends say when the Yokai arrives, tragedy is sure to follow." Yuuta said. "Guys, these Yokai sound like trouble." Peirce whispered fearfully before Aaron tapped his head. "He's talking about the Turtles, idiot." Aaron whispered to Peirce. "Yokai are mythical Japanese monsters." Donnie whispered to us. "Just like I saw some demon Yokai from Demon Slayer series, movies and mangas. Not much to talk about but it's worth a while." I whispered. "Shh! Listen." Chris whispers to us before we listen after the slide door was heard. "I tell you, Yoshi, we all saw them." Saki said. "It reminds me of the Yokai friends we invented as children. Remember, Saki?" Yoshi asked before they started to get into a sparing session. "You never listen to me. Just like... Tang Shen." Saki said when he kicked Yoshi back. I lightly covered my mouth from realization. 'So that's why we're here! To prevent Shen from choosing Saki and making sure the time is back on course.' I thought to myself before I looked again. "Yet again you speak of Shen?" Yoshi asked in anger before they kept fighting. "You care nothing for her. Only for the clan, only for yourself." Saki said before Yoshi overpowered Saki and tossed him, we heard glass shattered before some of us cringed in shock from the tension. We saw them stopped. "That is not true, brother. I have always been there for you." Yoshi said before he had his hand out, only to get his hand swatted away by Saki. That reminds me when I tried to help Zane, but only received by his harsh swat. I shook my head softly but Erika accidentally slide the door softly before I reacted by close it up and we escaped fast back to the woods. We jumped into the trees, I peeked a bit to see Saki and Yoshi came out to check. Yoshi founded my red scarf before lightly picked it up. I checked my neck before got shocked in fear. 'Oh no, my scarf!' I thought to myself. "Let's go." Leo whispers to us before we escaped to make camp.
~At Night after making camp~
I checked my small travel backpack with Erika, Waunu and Miah to see if we packed some snacks before we got time traveled. I checked my supply of apples, water and flashlight. I saw Erika has granola bars, protein juice and glow sticks, Waunu had bananas and bread and Miah only got some blueberries. We shared our supplies to the others for them to eat lightly to store the rest. "Good thing we come prepared. Cause if Mikey mopes about living on berries, I'll seriously scarfed some down his throat." I said. "But berries aren't useful for Turtles." Mikey said moping. "Are Renet, Martin and Aphmau ever gonna find us and bring us home? Seriously. I hate time travel." Raph said before Waunu raised the flames a bit more while Leo and Aaron tossed some woods into the flames. "I've been giving it some thought. Kinda seems like more than just coincidence we're here, right?" Leo asked. "Well, the odds we're in this exact time and place by sheer accident is like 879 quintillion to 1. But if we're here for a reason, what is it?" Donnie asked us. "I bet I got one answer, to tell Tang Chen to follow her heart. The problem is the conflict between the former brothers. And not only that,  Saki's past will be revealed in a bad certain way. To double the not only that, baby Miwa is born too, possibly baby Izzy could be born too and could be possible that young Shadow could be involved in this too, just maybe." I said. They got surprised. "Whoa, that's a mouthful to take in." Peirce said when he itched his side head softly. "Yeah, but it's true. I just know it." I said.
~??? POV~
I'm with my mother while held a baby sister while she held another baby sister when my dad cherished her cheek lightly with care. I smiled happily, knowing our lives will change. "Beautiful night, isn't it?" Mom said. "It is nights like this that I realize how lucky I am to have you little Miwa and Izzy, and also young Shadow as now the eldest son to care the family shoulder." Dad said before he lightly hands me the Hamato scarf. I lightly took it and smiled happily with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes to mom lightly petting my quills. "Yoshi, let's leave this place. Move away from here. I've always wanted to visit America. New York City." Mom said before Dad sighed. I got scared a bit, knowing the confrontation will began. "Shen, I have many responsibilities. You know this. With father being ill, the dojo…" Dad got cut off. "The dojo... When are you going to leave that life behind? This is the last clan of its kind." Mom said upset. "And that is why it must endure. Must I explain this again?" Dad asked in frustration that got my worried. "Ninjas have no more place in this world. You must decide. This is no life for Miwa, Izzy and Shadow. If they ever followed your path..." Mom said before she lightly took the scarf, tossed to the ground, lightly took my hand and we started to walk home by walking through the woods. "Shen! Let me walk you and Shadow home." Dad said when we stopped. I was about to answer but Mom stopped me. "I can take care of ourselves. I always have." Mom said before we walked off. I turned to Dad with a sadden face before turned to Mom. "Mommy, will you ever decide to trust Dad?" I asked. She sighed softly before we stopped and she lightly turns to me. "Listen Shadow, though you're young, but you have a heart of truth. Honestly, I don't know who to trust anymore. Now I have are your sisters and you to raise for. Soon, you'll be a young man and will be taking care of us." Mom said with a gentle smile and I smiled softly before we continued walking.
~My POV~
I checked my backpack before pulled out my canteen of water and drink it softly, wipe some water resistant off my lips and puts the canteen back after I closed it. "So hungry." Travis said with a moping tone. I sighed softly before Mikey hummed softly. We noticed. "What the heck are you doing?" Aaron asked. "Baking a pizza." Mikey said that got me turning pale. Waunu noticed. "Sis, ya okay?" She asked me. "No... Not really." I said before Mikey turned with a nature-made pizza that got me covered my mouth. "Berries, spider eggs, and worms on a thin slice of bark, covered in mud sauce." Mikey said. Some of us got disgusted. "Here, Aaron, try a bite." Mikey said. "Mikey, no!" Waunu said. "Mikey, yes!" Peirce said before Mikey scarfed the pizza down Aaron's throat, he gurgled a bit before held his puke, he growled before he tackled Mikey around and they rolled fast, towards the bushes. I gasped. "Guys stop!" I said but they when through and heard two cries. "Oh no!" I said before jumped through to see Tang Chen, holding Miwa while I saw.... Young Shadow holding baby Izzy! I got surprised. "Yokai! Yokai!" Shadow yelped in fear while babies Miwa and Izzy cried in fear. I quickly jumped in front of the others. "It's okay Shen, they're friendly Yokai. They're not gonna hurt you or your children." I said before lightly held baby Miwa and Izzy and hummed them soft songs that they calmed down and they resumed their sleep. I lightly gave them back to Chen and Young Shadow. They were surprised. "Thank you." Chen said to me while I smiled softly in kindness. Then I got pulled back by Miah's vines from an oncoming sword. Half of my shirt was cut off and we saw Saki. We quickly hide fast behind the trees. "Erika, we need an exit." Leo whispered to Erika. "Bad news, there's no dirt around us." Erika whispered back. Then a sword stabbed through Waunu's hiding spot that missed her by an inch. We saw Saki hit Waunu. "Waunu!" I whispered. "Fear not, Chen and Shadow. I will destroy these wretched monsters." Saki said. Before he destroyed Waunu, Mikey and Noi used the chains to hold the sword back. I ran to help Waunu up and we ran. I heard an oncoming dagger heading for us. Then we saw Miah jumped in and stopped the dagger from hitting at us and we disappeared. We joined the others. "Now's our chance. We can change the future. We can take Shredder down." Raph whispers before I stopped them. "No! We can't mess with time. Worse stuff could happen!" I whispered before Nessie yelped and dodged the sword. We ran quickly and jumped high into the trees to hide. I softly peeked from behind the leaves with Waunu, Nessie and Aaron to see what's going on between Saki and Chen. "Are you all right, Chen?" Saki asked Chen. "Yes, thanks to you." Chen said before Saki lightly ruffled Shadow's quills. "I would never let anything hurt you or Shadow." Saki said before I stopped Aaron and Chris from going further. "I overheard your conversation with Yoshi. It is futile, you know. He will never leave the clan." Saki said. "Perhaps you speak the truth." Shen said before I lightly covered my mouth in fear, knowing the future will changed fast. "Chen, take me back. I will help you take care of Miwa, Izzy and Shadow. We will go to New York together, the five of us. I'm a different man than the one you once knew. Believe me." Saki said before he pecked her forehead lightly. Shen smiled softly and the four left. I got irritated before saw Yoshi standing there on the tree. He had heard everything and is heartbroken and frustrated before he ran back to the dojo. I gasped softly. "Oh man, this is bad. If Saki goes with Shen, our future will be in jeopardy for sure." I said to the others. "Maybe Oroku Saki is kind of a good guy, right?" Peirce asked. "Are you mad, Peirce? He's a total monster, inside out." Nessie said to Peirce. "Maybe we should've take Shredder down." Leo said. "Guys, remember the warning. If we interfere with history, Yoshi will never move to New York and buy four baby turtles. Then after that, who's gonna encounter new friends, new family, new love. And then who's gonna stop the Kraang invasion, and save all of New York?" Kim asked since I told her about our story. "Uh, problem Kimmy Kim. We've just interfered with history. Shredder just saved Tang Chen from four monsters. The turtles!" Chris said. I remember. "Hold up!" I said before checked my phone and checked on our official teamwork photo to see Casey, Ein, Mac and the Autobot's pictures are fading away. "Casey, Ein, Mac and the Autobot's pictures are fading away like we never knew them. Time is starting to being altered." I said. "It's just like that movie." Mikey said fearfully. "And the Twilight Zone series!" Peirce said scared. "We're doomed, guys! Doooomed!" Mikey and Peirce said in unison with fear. "Calm down, you two!!!" Raph, Aaron, Chris and Miah said in unison that the two got scared and hugged each other fearfully. "We all just gotta make sure that Tang Chen doesn't like Oroku Saki." Miah said. "We got to convince her he's the evil jerk you all know and hate, so history stays on course." Noi said. "Yeah, so what's the game plan?" Katelyn asked me. "Okay, first thing tomorrow. We gotta find Chen and the children, I'll go to calm them down, signal you guys to come down and then we can convince them." I said. "Sounds like plan, now we gotta get to sleep." Chris said before he yawns softly. "Agreed." I said before we jumped down to get ready for bed. I glanced at the sky to see the stars, I sighed softly. 'I know this will work.' I thought to myself before fell asleep.
~The Next Day~
We stayed in the trees. I saw Chen and Shadow, walking while they're holding the infants. "Here they come." I whispered before jumped down and landed that spooked them. "No no, it's okay." I said while my hair gracefully waves in the wind. Young Shadow noticed me. "Hey mom, that's the girl who calmed my sisters down from last night." Young Shadow said. I chuckled softly. "True, but Chen listen. If I bring my friends out, will you promise you'll calm down?" I asked. Chen softly glanced at Young Shadow with his pleading eyes. She turned to me. "Of course dear." Shen said before I smiled softly, turned to the trees and whistles for the others to come down. Once they came down, Shen got scared a bit and held Shadow close. "It's okay, they're friendly." I said before she calmed down. Peirce slide over and does the funny moves. He even did the flip but failed with a yelp. Some of us winced with cringe. I helped Peirce up that he groaned softly in pain before we saw the twins giggled with pacifiers in their mouths. I chuckled. "At least you entertained them." I said to Peirce that he cheered in glee. "Are you aliens or Yōkai?" Shen asked. "They're, um, friendly Yōkai, Shen." Travis said. "Listen. We need to talk to you." I said to Shen before she and Shadow lead us to their place.
~At Tang Chen's place~
We were seated by Shadow while Chen prepared the Turtles cucumber and us some real nutritus meal. Leo was holding Miwa, same for Noi, but he's holding baby Izzy and I have young Shadow on my lap, which by the way, he's lightly pulling my hair. "I was raised in Fukuoka but my grandfather is Chinese. I moved here to be closer to Yoshi. I've heard yokai are always hungry. That's why I made a meal all Kappas love." Chen said. "Kappa? What's a Kappa?" Aaron asked. "Turtle Yōkai, Aaron-kun. And their favorite food is cucumber. At least that's what the legends say." I said when Chen sets out the plates of cucumbers out for the turtles and meals for us. "She's right, she's one expert on mythology." Chen said that got me flustered in embarrassment. "Oh stop, it's all for nothing." I said. "Pardon us, but my friend and I don't eat normal food like you, Miss Chen. We have other needs for resources." Slip said. "Oh yeah, they're different. So I feed them these." I said before I pulled out shards of energon for the Minicons to eat. "So anyway, what's the story behind the Kappa?" Kim asked with excitement. "My grandmother told me the story of a Kappa that came out of the river as a young girl was fetching water. The Kappa terrified her. But the girl always carried cucumbers with her to ward off Yokai. The Kappa was so thankful, it told her of a great hurricane that would devastate her village. It saved her people." Chen said before Raph stands up. "That's right, and we want to save you, Tang Chen hen." Raph said. "Which is why they, the Kappa have come to talk. We also bring you, um, dire news." Noi said. "Chen, listen to us. You can't leave Hamato Yoshi. He's a good man by heart. Oroku Saki is evil and cold-hearted, never cared for everyone but himself." I said while I held sleeping Shadow in my arms. "No. Saki is a good man." Chen said. "Listen, Chen. If you choose Oroku Saki, the world itself could be at risk of bad. Take it from them, the Kappa brothers." Chris said. "Yoshi is too dedicated to Ninjitzu to raise a family." Shen said. Nessie gulped some food she just ate. "But that ain't true. Yoshi loves little Miwa, Izzy and Shadow. They're so cute, delicate and very kind too!" Nessie said. "I don't know who I will choose. I must do what's right for my daughters and son." Shen said. I lightly handed Shadow to Miah and walked to Chen. "Chen, you may not know this, but you have to follow your heart. You know who's the right and better man is." I said. Chen smiled softly and turns away to cut some more cucumbers. "Please, let me get you more cucumbers and hot meal." Chen said. I got devastated before realized, pulled out my phone and showed the others. Zane, KC, Aph, Martin and the Sonic Squad's pictures faded away too. "What's the plan now?" Donnie asked Leo. "The only noble thing we can do is finish Shredder once and for all." Leo said to Donnie. I lightly pulled Waunu to the next room while the others planned. "If they destroyed Shredder, history will be in jeopardy for sure. What's the real plan?" Waunu asked me. I got an idea, but it's gonna be hasty. I glanced at Waunu. "If the plan backfires on them, we have to keep Shen alive, plus we have to make sure Saki doesn't kill her. Also, we have to make the riskiest part of all, we have to fight the Shredder ourselves while keeping Shen alive. So they're gonna have a caring mother in their lives." I said. Waunu nodded softly before we joined the others. "Alright guys, let's do this." Leo said before we said our goodbyes to Chen. I lightly patted Shadow's head before left my red scarf around his neck lightly and we head off.
~At night while the others are dealing with the betrayed Hamato ninjas~
Waunu and I standing behind the bushes, peeked a bit to see Chen and Yoshi talking while Shadow held his sisters in his arms. "I am sorry, Shen. You, Miwa, Izzy and Shadow are my life. Without you, I am a shadow." Yoshi said that made our hearts sting softly. "Yoshi, I understand your loyalty to the clan." Shen said. "Father is growing worse. The dojo is all we have left." Yoshi said. 'Come on Shen, tell him he got so much more.' I thought to myself. "You have so much more than that, Yoshi." Chen said before Yoshi smiled softly before he walked and cherish hugs his family. We smiled softly for them. "My love for you, Miwa, Izzy and Shadow burns inside my heart brighter than all the stars in the universe." Yoshi said. We got awestruck before a certain voice interrupt the family moment. We saw Shredder, we instantly got mad. "Pathetic. I will not abide by this dishonor." Saki said. "Saki." Shen said. "Shen, I ask you one last time. Make the right choice." Saki said, demanding Chen to make the right decision. She already made up her mind. "I have already made it." Chen said standing behind Yoshi with Shadow. Saki was clearing unhappy to see it before he got mad. Shadow lightly cringed Yoshi's robe with fear. "Take Miwa, Izzy, Shadow and go, Shen." Yoshi said. Shadow can't stand the fume much longer. "But, Dad, Uncle Saki, please! You are brothers." Shadow said with fear. "No, we were never blood, child." Saki said. Yoshi turns to his family, in a stern but calm tone. "Chen, Shadow, go now." Yoshi said. Shadow reluctantly lets go of the robe before walks off with Chen. They turned to Yoshi for the last time before they walked off. We got our weapons out quietly. "How can one love and hate someone so fiercely?" Saki asked before he got out his handmade Tekko-gaki claws. "If your desire is to fall by my hand, brother, so be it." Yoshi said before the fight began. We came out with our hoods on before we helped Yoshi hit Saki away. Saki was furious. "You fools! You turned against me?!" Saki asked us. We glanced up softly. "You have got the ninjas fooled, but not us. We laid down our lives to protect the Hamato clan." Waunu said. Saki growled before he fought us and Yoshi helped us. We dodged the attack and I kicked one off of Saki's hand. We kept on fighting. We grunted with fierce before I got behind the candle stand. I dodged for Saki to slice the candles and the stand off. We dodged fast before fire started to engulfed the dojo. We dodged fast.
~Outside the Dojo~
~Young Shadow's POV~
I turned to see the dojo is in flames. I got scared. "Mom! The dojo!" I said before she noticed and gasped. She looks at us before she handed me Miwa. "Shadow, if one of us comes out alive, we'll take care of you. Take your sisters and run." Mom said before she ran towards the dojo. I saw my baby sisters crying softly. I got scared before ran to hide Miwa under the stone stand, I held baby Izzy close and turned to Miwa. "Miwa, remember I'll find you." I said before lightly took off the scarf and has it on her. I teared up before ran fast. I heard Miwa crying. I teared before ran fast with Izzy. 'Im sorry Izzy, but I'll get you to an orphanage. We'll reunion again soon.' I thought to myself.
~Inside the Dojo~
~My POV~
We kept on fighting. We saw the flames are getting worse. "We were raised together, Saki. Do not make me fight you." Yoshi said. "How could I not after so many lies? After so much dishonor?" Saki asked in rage. "You only dishonor yourself. You were always jealous. Always scheming. Always filled with HATE." Yoshi said before we kept on fighting before the beams started to break. "Saki, Yoshi, this whole place is coming down." I said in a Japanese tone. "Then we shall both perish here!" Saki said before we dodged more. Waunu protect Yoshi but she got pinned down and Saki twist her arm that she screamed in pain. I yelled while kicked Saki off. Yoshi helped her up and we back away. I got hit by Saki to the slide door, I crashed through and landed hard. I got up softly to see Saki cornered Yoshi and Waunu. He jumped and was about to end them. Chen came in fast. "Please, stop!" Chen said. Just when he was about to strike her, I ran fast before jumped with my back facing Saki. I grabbed Chen fast before I screamed in agony that my back for slashed by Saki. We landed hard, Shen saw me and she gasped softly in fear. Waunu yelled and ran to protect me from Saki. Saki yelled before the beam surrounded us and it knocked Yoshi out. I heard the scream in pain. 'Here comes the Shredder to the future.' I thought to myself before I used my water abilities to wash down the burning beams. Waunu uses her bare hands to pushed them off. Chen helped me up and we escaped through the back. We got outside. I got set down before I slowly crawled to the stream, has my hand in and let the water streamed up my arm to my back to heal the wound. Shen got speechless when I stood up. "How did you-?" Chen asked. "My abilities healed me." I said. Shen gave me the Hamato scarf she kept. I lightly took it before uses it to wrap around my shirt and tied it softly. "Thank you, you two, for saving me and my husband's life." Shen said. "It's no big deal." Waunu said. "Hide now, don't leave this city till 16 years later. We'll be waiting." I said before Chen hugged us and she heads off for her home. We smiled softly before we headed to join the others. We pretend we got a devastated faces when we got back. "There they are!" Aaron said before we got to them. "What happened, girls? Is Shen-?" Leo asked before we lightly shook our heads. "We took her outside when she got wounded. But by the time we started CPR on her.... we lost her." I said with a fake sad tone that got the others gasping softly in fear. Kim hugged Noi with tears flowing down, Travis comforted Katelyn that she sobbed softly, Aaron looked away with tears, Nessie cried softly while Jet and Slip comforted her, the turtles looked down softly in despair, Chris wiped his tears softly, Miah and Erika held each other in a friendly way to calm themselves down from depression. I peeked a bit to see Yoshi woke up before he has the small flower before he lost it. "Chen!" Yoshi shouted in agony before he cried. We slowly backed away into the shadows to leave.
~The Next Day~
We sat around the burnt out campsite we made again. I checked to see the pictures of our friends are back on there. "Everything's back to normal... at last." I said before put my phone away. "Except for the part where we're stuck thousands of miles from home and 16 years in the past!" Aaron said in agony. "We might as well get used to it, guys. Maybe being a Yōkai won't be so bad." Mikey said. "Yeah, and maybe, just maybe if I can find a job for all of us to support in." Miah said. We waited before the portal opened. We looked up to see Renet, Martin and Aph are levitated down towards. Renet yelped when she fell, same for Aph, but Martin, he landed with a safety. "Land safely!' Martin said. Renet and Aph got up. "Yes! Finally, we found you." Renet said. "Renet!" Peirce said when he ran to hug Renet. "Aph!" Aaron said when he ran to hugs his girlfriend. "Aww, Aaron Waaron got worried about me?" Aph asked in a cutie tone that they embrace romantically. "It's good to see you too, Peirce." Renet said before Raph stepped in. "Where have you guys been? We've been stuck here for days!" Raph said. "It's not Renet's fault, honest. We've spent the last six months trying to find you guys down." Martin said. "Why? Why did we have to come here? Of all times? Of all places?" Leo asked. Renet motioned Martin to continue. "It was the scepter. It brought you all here to make sure Sensei survived." Martin said. "Wait a minute. So EC's theory was right? We were destined to come here in time and save Splinter's life?" Kim asked in shock. "Looks like it." Miah said. "Whew, got that off my shoulders." I said. "Ugh, can you just take us home now? My head is starting to hurt." Raph said. "No problem. Martin, can you?" Renet asked when she handed Martin the specter. Martin lightly took it, closed his eyes and both the scepter and the crystal gleamed. "Future New York, here we come!" Martin said before the portal opened. We jumped in and we started to head back to our timeline.
~Back in Future New York~
We landed on the roof, Martin hands Renet back the specter to open the portal for herself. Peirce walked over. "Will we ever see you again, Renet?" Peirce asked Renet. "Let's hope not." Aaron said. "Aaron!" Waunu, Aph, Nessie and I said in unison that made him yelped a bit. Peirce got fumed by Aaron's answer. Renet leans in towards Peirce. "Maybe someday, Peirce P. Peiriams." Renet said before she kissed his cheek that made him dazed and he fainted on the roof that got Aph and Nessie squealed with glee again. We saw Renet flew off towards the portal. "Good-bye, Turtle and Guardian Warriors. See you in history!" Renet said. "Goodbye Renet!" I said before she went through and the portal closed behind her. We smiled softly, that our adventure is over. "Let's go home, guys. It'll be good to see Master Splinter." Mikey said. "Yes Mikey, it'll be good to see Sensei again." I said before we headed home.

'See ya soon, Chen.'

A New Team (Book 3 Of A Whole New World~) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now