Battle for New York, Part 1

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~My POV~
I was in the lab with Mikey and Martin, Martin uses some of his DNA to make the chemical formula for retro-mutagen to work, Mikey mixes the chemicals with the DNA formula Martin put in and I wrote down the info, in case we need to make more. "You sure this is gonna work?" Martin whispered to me. "Trust me, it has to work. If not, what else can we do?." I whispered back. "Hmm, I do believe this plutonium should react flawlessly with the sodium bicarbonates. What do you think, Professor Ice Cream Kitty?" Mikey asked with a British accent that made me and Martin chuckled softly and ICK meows and licks herself. "Maybe add it to the Retro-mutagen. Just a suggestion." I said. "Good idea lassie, we definitely need to add this to the Retro-mutagen." Mikey said when he held the vile of retro-mutagen. I felt Donnie's presence and got shocked and stood still like Pierce on Aphmau. Yeah, I recently watched Aphmau a while ago on YouTube and is amazed by its creation. 'Uh oh.' I thought to myself. "Guys. HAVE YOU LOST YOUR SHELL?!" Donnie shouted next to me and Martin before we covered our ears. "Dude! We're right here. Don't shout." Martin said. "Donnie, relax bro." I said when I rubbed my left ear. "Relax?! EC, you know we've been brewing that Retro-Mutagen for months! Oh, if Mikey've ruined it, I swear I'll-" I cut Donnie off. "Dee, relax, he got this." I said before Mikey carefully drops one drop to the Retro-mutagen. Nothing happened. Donnie sighed in relief. "Hold on to your shells." I said before it started to bubble and glow. "Uh, uh EC?" Martin asked in freaking out mode. "Relax." I said before it glowed that send us flying, we skidded on the floor. Donnie and Martin held me close. "It's gonna explode!" Donnie said. "Relax!" I said before the glowing stopped and we looked at it. "Okay, now we wait for the sparkles to appear." I said before we heard a shout, saw Nessie rush over to tackled Mikey and yells at him for ruining her nap. We quickly tried to get Nessie off Mikey. "I am gonna teach you such a lesson for ruining naps! I'm gon-!" I cut Nessie off by giving her the pulse pressure. Mikey got up with Donnie and Martin's help. Nessie twitches by the pressure I held on her neck. I heard Sensei, April and Waunu came in. Sensei walks over to Nessie. "What is going on in here?" Sensei asked Nessie. Then we heard Waunu. "Since when did Retro-Mutagen start doing that?" Waunu asked before we saw Retro-mutagen sparkling. I smiled. "Donnie, check out the results." I said before Donnie ran to check on the result. He smiled when he saw the quick results. "Wow! Its bonding rate is phenomenal. Haha, I can't believe it! This will save us months of lab work! Okay, let me see." Donnie said before he lets me took the sample of retro-mutagen to drop into mutagen after release Nessie from the state. "One small drop and we're able to transform an entire vial of Mutagen into Retro-Mutagen!" I said before Donnie hugged me and Martin. "Mikey, EC, Martin, you're amazing!" Donnie said. "Thank you, thank you and also, thank you." Martin said with his eyes closed. "We know." Mikey said. Then we heard the others came in. "Wow, did we step into some kinda alternate dimension here?" Sideswipe asked. "Okay, EC, did you see what chemicals Mikey use to help create the rapid cellular bonding?" Donnie asked me. I smiled with my eyes closed as I held up my notebook. "Yep, and I wrote them down, in case we need it to create it again for rapid bonding. And not really, Sideswipe." I said before Sideswipe groaned in disappointment. "Donatello, be glad that Michelangelo's tomfoolery yielded the gift that it did. Focus on the goal at hand. You must find all of the transformed people of New York and change them back." Sensei said. "I definitely know where they could be. They were taken to Dimension X by the Kraang. I can see them in my dreams during my nap, millions of mutated humans trapped there, enslaved. Just like the black people are being slaves to the whites." Nessie said. "All we need to do is go to TCRI, hack into the system and into Dimension X we go!" I said. "And I've got the perfect new invention to storm Dimension X!" Donnie said.
~Timeskips to the rooftop~
Some got skeptical. But the turtles, Chris, and the minicons, they laughed. "A water tower. That's your new invention?" Leo asked. "Wow, that's one giant step for turtle kind, Donnie. Nice." Raph said before Miah quickly slapped Mikey, Leo and Raph behind their heads that shocked Waunu and I. "Donnie has been working his butt off for this day." Miah said. Erika quickly rushes over. "Maybe it's not nice to slap our friends behind their heads." Erika said before I heard something. I got stunned, knowing what it is. "Get down!!" I said before we ran to hide. Erika uses her small compact mirror to see the stealth ship went by. "They're scanning for humans." I said before Waunu and I jumped to find the humans fast. We ran fast to see the Kraang had two humans out, ready to be mutated. Waunu and I pulled out the light saber when we searching for parts last night for Donnie's newly invention. We jumped in fast with the sabers on and slice the Kraang fast. I saw the mutagen was about to hit them, but I tun quickly to get them out of the way with me. We landed before I heard mutagen splashed onto the ground. "Are you two all right?" Waunu asked that they nodded. "Run and hide, don't be seen by the Kraang and stay hidden till it's over." I said. They said 'thank you' to us and they ran off to hide. "Remember, don't make a sound!" Waunu shouted. We heard beeps and we turned with the sabers on. "Let's go!" I said before we ran to slice the Kraang before we saw more coming in. "Definitely no good." Waunu said. Then we saw the others came in. "Booyakasha!!" Mikey said when they started to take the Kraang down. We kept fighting as fast we can. Nessie suddenly get tired and fell on her side. "Nessie!" I said before ran to help her up. "You okay?" I asked. "Not really, just weak." Nessie said weakly before I fed her, some packet of blood I saved. She opens the top and drinks it. We saw we're surrounded. "Not good." Leo said. I held Nessie close before a bread appeared and we got confused. "Uh?" Strongarm asked. I got excited. "Pigeon Pete!!" I said before he appeared and crashed onto the Kraang to grab his bread. He saw is. "Oh, hiya fellas!" Pigeon Pete said before two silhouettes destroy the Kraang fast. The second mutant came out, Waunu and Mikey got excited. "Leatherhead!" Then we saw Kraang shoot at each other. Then we saw the third mutant, Miah  is excited and Donnie is shocked. "Doctor Rockwell?/!" Donnie asked and Miah said. "Pigeon Pete?!" Raph, Chris and Martin said in unison. Then the fourth and fifth silhouette destroy the Kraang by bashes and webs. Then we saw the golden whips slice the Kraang down and he came out. "Dr. Strange!!" Miah, Erika, Waunu and I said in unison. Then the familiar spider boy came out with a black suited spider boy. "Spidermen?!" Nessie said in shocked. Then we saw one person we would never seen again with a ninja we never seen. "Spike!" Waunu and I said. Spike noticed us and smiled. "Mama! Auntie Waunuleta!" Slash said before we ran and hugged him. He hugged back. Then we felt the Autobots shock modes. "What exactly did we just missed?" We heard Grimlock asked. "Let's go to the rooftop." I said before we all headed to the rooftop. Raph and Slash fist bump. "Good to see you, Papa, and the rest of you. Turtles, Mama, Aunties, Uncles, meet my team, dedicated to fighting the Kraang. The Mighty Mutanimals! Ya already know my second in command." Slash said before Waunu and Mikey ran to hug Leatherhead. Miah, Erika and I ran to hug Leatherhead. "Heh heh, it's good to see you, too. All of you." Leatherhead said. "We missed you, big guy." Waunu said. I departed before goes to Rockwell. "And what, dear lady, are you staring at?" Rockwell asked me. "Doctor Rockwell, been a long time since we last saw each other." I said before he turned to me. "Indeed! The Kraang experimented on my mind, giving me psychic powers and accidentally returning my vast intellect in the process!" Rockwell said before he telepathic levitated and float around me. I smiled softly. "Nice." I said. "Rockwell's the brains of the team. And this is the final member of the Mutanimals." Slash said before Pigeon Pete was on top of the billboard. "Pigeon Pete? The world's most chaotic mutant?" Martin asked. "Martin!!" Waunu and I snapped at Martin that he shut up on. "Hey!" Pete said before he flies towards us. Martin pulled us away before Pete crashed on the rooftop. I helped him up to his feet. "I've toughened up a lot since the last time you all saw me! I was just a pigeon-boy, now I'm a pigeon-man. I'm the team spy!" Pete said. "More like a distraction." Martin whispered before Waunu and I socked him on the arms. He yelped and held his arms. We saw Strange came to us. "Kids, it's been a while. I tried to find you guys in the lair, but it was a mess." Strange said. "Yeah, the Kraang found the lair cause of Kraang Subprime, we escaped three months ago to stay at April's old farmhouse in Upstate New York. But luckily, we came back and Martin destroy the scanner to repair the lair." Waunu said. Then I saw Nessie talking to the ninja and the Spidermen. I walked over. "Hey Peter." I said to the original spiderman. "EC." Peter said when he took off his mask and we fist bump. "Oh yeah." We said in unison. "I found the two during my search to find you guys. Meet-" I cut Peter off. "Randy Cunningham and Miles Morales." I said before the two got shocked and they took off their masks. Nessie blushes so furiously once she saw them. 'Wow... they're so FUCKING HOT!!' I heard Nessie's thought and I got shocked on the inside before I turned and goes to join the others. "Oh Mutanimals, Strange, Peter, Miles and Randy. Meet the Autobots, aka the Bee Team. Bumblebee's the leader of the team." I said before Bee softly pulls his chassis a bit. "Well, not really a leader, but still." Bee said. "Come on Bee, you are SO set for it." Martin said. "What, no way! That's so Bruce!" Randy said. "The only femme blue cadet is Strongarm, the red hothead Punk is Sideswipe, the strong green Dinobot is Grimlock, The sensei of the team is Drift and his minicon pupils, Jetstorm and Slipstream." I said. "Wow! Liking the new team." Miles said. "Come, everyone. Meet the benefactor for the mission." Dr. Strange said before he opens the golden gateways to the warehouse with his mystic ability. "Okay, let's go." I said before I got stopped by Waunu when the others are ahead. "What is it?" I whispered to her. "I sense it, the Kraang send the scanner to find us." Waunu whispers. "Don't worry, we got this." I said before we ran to follow them. We landed before Strange closes the gateways. We head inside the warehouse. We looked around to see it's dark. "This is new." Sideswipe said before we hushed him. Then we saw the Mutanimals, Strange, Peter, Miles and Randy ran off separately. The others got confused before the light turned on and we yelped a bit before we covered part of the light. We saw the shadow. "Greetings, Ninja Turtles, Guardians and Autobots." A voice said before I got stunned and amazed. "Jack!" I said when the lights came on. "Good to see you kids. Been a long time." Jack said. "But how? We thought you got mutated like the rest of New York!" Chris exclaimed. Strange came to us. "He made it through with the help of my vision through EC's memories. He tried to find you guys, plus the Autobots, but you escaped." Strange said. "Fortunately, I tracked down these noble warriors to help keep up the fight against the Kraang." Jack said. "I wouldn't exactly call one of them 'noble.'." Nessie said before she glared at Slash. I then remember I accidentally took her out when she was an infant. She remembers! "No one in the outside world knows what's really going on. The military, the media, they're no help. They're all controlled by the Kraang. But now that the Turtles, Guardians and the Autobots are back, we can stop the invasion, together!" Jack announced and we got excited, but Nessie quickly stepped in. "No way! I'm not teaming up with the one who almost killed my sister." Nessie said before Waunu pulled Nessie back. "Cut it out!" Waunu said. "She's right Nessie, we can't wait no time. Kurtzman, presentation." I said before Kurtzman starts the projector. "Gotcha, EC. The Kraang have spent the last few months building a Mutagen Missile, which they're gonna fire at the earth itself." Kurtzman said before he accidentally clicked the slide to the next image of a alien lady in Kurtzman's outfit. Waunu quickly covered Nessie's eyes. I quickly signaled Kurtzman about the slide and he quickly changed the slide with his throat clearing. "Just ignore that." Kurtzman said. 'Awkward.' I thought to myself. "There's enough Mutagen in that payload-" Donnie got cut off. "To mutate the earth into another Dimension X." Rockwell said. "That's a little rude to finish other people's sentences, Rockwell." Miah said. "Well then, clearly your lover turtle have to speak faster, Miah." Rockwell said that made Donnie and Miah flustered at what he said. I quickly broke the fight up. "Okay okay, you three. We can't afford to lose time. We need a plan to work together." I said. "She's right, if we're gonna make this plan work, we have to work together as a team to stop the missile from launching to turn our planet into Dimension X." Martin said. Then I felt something before I looked to see the shadows and Nessie got scared. "They're coming!" I said. "They found me! I don't know how, but they found me!" Kurtzman said before the front door bursted open. "We got big trouble!" Bee said. "It is the ones called the Turtles, Guardians and Autobots! And the others calling themselves the Mighty Mutanimals." Kraang said. "Take them down!" Martin shouted before we charged to destroy the Kraang. I saw Nessie ran to protect Kurtzman. "Nessie!" I shouted before got hit to Miles. We got up and Miles jumped to web them down. I ran to hit the Kraang down. I saw the gorilla Kraang thing got the guns out of the butt. "Look out, it's loaded in a chamber!" I said before we dodged the lasers.
~Nessie's *Short* POV~
I peeked with Kurtzman to see the others are struggling to stop the Kraang. Then I got scared for real. "The Kraang intel!" Kurtzman said before he ran to type in the files and grabs the flashdrive. I got a vision he got shot right the moment he gets the drive out. I gasped softly ran out quickly. "Kurtzman!" I shouted before pushed him to the right with the drive. I got shot on my side and I screamed in pain before landed on the floor and passed out.
~My POV~
I heard a scream before turned to see Nessie landed on the floor, passed out. I got scared. "NESSIE, NO!!" I shouted. The others noticed and they got shocked. "NESSIE!!" They said. "Little Nessie!" Kurtzman said when he saw her. Jetstorm and Slipstream ran to Nessie to help her up. Leatherhead joined them and he lightly picked up Nessie. I got mad before uses the saber to stab the Kraang gorilla on the side to shut down. I noticed the Kraang are coming. "Fall back!!" Martin shouted before we quickly got out of the warehouse and we ran back to the lair to tend Nessie's care.
~At the Lair~
I carefully washed the side that has blood seeping out slowly. Nessie groaned and yelped in pain on the couch. Martin puts a bandage on Kurtzman's head lightly since Nessie saved him from being shot on the side. "All the intel I have on this Kraang missile is on this drive." Kurtzman said when he handed me the drive and I took it. I felt my hand being grabbed and I turned to Nessie. "Sis, I'm sorry I... I remembered what had happened to the others before. I know I should've forget about the memory you warned me not to remember, but it haunts me every night and I feared for your safety." Nessie said weakly before I lightly patted her head. "Sis, it's not your fault. We made mistakes sometimes. The best we forgive others for what happened in the past is we give them a second chance." I said. Nessie smiled softly and passed out again. I checked her pulse on her wrist. "She's okay. Sensei, can you cauterize Nessie's wound?" I asked Sensei when he came over. "I can do that." Sensei said. "We need alcohol, bandages, meds." April said. "We're on it, Red. There's a pharmacy down the street we'll hit for supplies." Lightning said before he and Casey head out to get supplies for Nessie. "The five of us will take care of her. You all must unite and stop that missile before it is too late." Sensei said. We nodded softly. I held Kurtzman's hand. "Stay here till Nessie gets up." I said. "I'll do my best to calm her down." Kurtzman said before I pulled my hand lightly and headed to Donnie's lab with the others. I put the flash into the drive. I typed on my laptop to get every detail of the missile. "Got it! We can disable the guidance system, or better yet, hack in and send the missile somewhere it can't do any harm!" I said. "That's amazing, but how are we gonna do that stunt? We can't be in two places at the same time." Martin said before it gave me an idea. "Actually there is. Mutanimals, Autobots, Strange, Peter, Miles and Randy takes the ground for ground attacks. We'll take the sky and drop down to the missile to hack in and making sure it goes somewhere else." I said before the Mutanimals, Autobots, Strange, Peter, Miles and Randy nodded and they head out for a head start. "EC, you never ceased to amaze us." Fixit said. "And I've got something that just might work." Donnie said.
~Timeskips to the same rooftop~
The others groaned when Donnie and I go up. "Not THIS again." Chris said. "Are we gonna flood the place?" Jet asked excited. Donnie and I got on. "Not really Jet, not really." I said before Donnie turns on the helium tank and the balloon blew up to push the parts of the water tower. I smiled when it inflates into a blimp and it went up before I activated the propeller. "May I?" I asked Donnie. "Be my guest." Donnie said. I cleared my throat. "He gives you, the Turtle Blimp!" I shouted to the others. They got amazed. "Get in, everyone!" I said before drops down the rope ladder. "We got a missile to stop." I said.
~Timeskips to the Missile~
I peeked through the telescope and smiles. "Guys, check it! The ground attack is a perfect distraction. While the Kraang are busy on the Ground Team, the Air Team takes the sky." I said. "Okay, we drop down, hack into the missile and send it somewhere else. Chris, you stay here. The air way up may cause a person to knock out badly." Martin said before Chris nodded softly. The turtles, Miah, Erika, Waunu and I had our collars install on our necks. "Let's go!" Martin said before we dropped the rope and goes down fast. Raph puts the rope around my waist and it ties it carefully before I gave the comm to Waunu, puts the earpiece on and go down. I uses the small knife to trace the window into a perfect square, knock it open and set it aside before saw the guidelines. "Now, according to Kurtzman's data, the missile guidance system uses a form of binary code." I said. "Um, guys. What's worse than regular Kraang?" Slip asked through the comm. I heard it before turned carefully to see Flying Kraang. "Flying Kraang!!" I said. "Everyone, cover EC!" Leo said through the comm before heard fighting and I quickly started to hack into the code. 'No pressure girl, no pressure, no pressure!' I thought to myself while pressing codes. Then I felt the missile running. I got scared. "Oh no!!" I said. "Hang on!" Leo said through the comm. We felt lifting off. I hurried up by pressing codes faster. 'Come on!' I thought to myself. "EC, don't pressure! Keep steady!" Martin said through the comm, I breathed softly before pressed more. "Okay, setting it for the course to the heart of the sun!" I said before pressed it. I smiled before felt the missile change course. "Guys, abandon missile!!" Martin said before the others jumped, felt the rope got loose, I jumped to join the others. "Whoa/Ahh!" We screamed. Martin quickly activated the suit into Bald Eagle and grabs us by using the talons. We cheered. "Martin, set for the Turtle Blimp!" I said before Martin makes a dive down fast to the blimp, opens the wings and sets us inside the carrier where Chris came to hug us. Just in time to hear the boom. "Wow. Too close. I saw my entire life flash before my eyes." Erika said. "What did you see?" Donnie asked Erika. "Fashion. Mostly fashion. It was awesome!" Erika said before we facepalm. "Oh brother." I said. I noticed the head is about to shoot at Pete, I grabbed the saber and jumped down quickly, landed to activate it and blocked the lasers, ran fast and yell while stabs it multiple times. I turned to Pete once I was finished. "Ya alright?" I asked. "I'm good, thanks to you." Pete said before I saw the trash balls shoots out to hit at Kraang who are retreating. We cheered before the blimp came down and the others came out. "Okay EC, we're all ready." Martin said. "Okay, once the ground team invades TCRI, we air team storm into Dimension X and save the citizens of New York. Any questions?" I asked. There was none. "Great." I said. "Let's rev up and roll out!" Bee said. "Let's ninja up and roll out!" Martin said. "Nice Martin, cool saying!" Mikey said. "You found your words for the team, nice." Leo said. We ran towards the lair to be prepared for the biggest fight of our lives.

Let's take back what's rightfully ours!

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