Casey Jones vs. The Underworld

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~My POV~
I'm on patrol with Casey, Waunu, Nessie and Miles. I have no idea why Peter tells us to watch over Miles when he and his Aunt May are helping the city. Then we got to the edge to see Peter, Aunt May and April as they help April and her dad to pass out food and drinks to the people who had been starving. We kept patrolling when I put my hair up into a ponytail. Then we heard the alarm go off. Nessie closed her eyes to listen then she got it. "That way." Nessie said. "Let's get 'em, team." I said before we headed to the bank fast. Then we saw Purple Dragons trying to steal cash. We jumped in fast, just in time to see them coming out of the volt. "No one messes with our town and gets away with it!" I said. "It's them!" The big guy said when Waunu, Nessie and I cracked our necks, knuckles and loosen our arms. "After we save our beloved city, you jerks don't know the meaning of it." Waunu said. They charged at us but Nessie uses her vampire speed to easily knock them out in less than five seconds. "Done." Nessie said. "Ness, that was amazing!" Miles said. "Thank you." Nessie said but we got stopped. "Guys, there's another one." Waunu said before we saw the one new person and I gasped softly knowing who is it. "Who's that?" Casey asked. "The new leader of the Purple Dragons...." I said before he shows his face with sunshades on. "Hun." I said. "So you three are the girls with the prince. Let's see if I can break one of your bones so easily" Hun said. I got mad before clenched my fist. "Oh, you may see us as meek, but you haven't seen how we are when we're stronger together." I said before Casey and Miles ran to take him down but he easily take them down. "Okay, that's it!" Waunu said before Hun charged at us. But we easily took him down by me skid to trip his legs, Waunu uses her ofunda to make him twitch once and Nessie tossed him outside through the window. "That's hurting Casey." I said. "And poor innocent Miley." Nessie said when Waunu and I helped Casey and Miles up. Then Nessie took Casey's puck and threw it to Hun's 'spot where it doesn't shine.'. He winced and held it between his legs as he fell. I got shocked when Nessie gave a thumbs up and throws it down. "Score." Nessie said. Then we heard sirens, I snapped my fingers, Miles held us close and we turned invisible to leave.
~At the Lair~
We got in when Nessie laughed hard and jump to sit next to Renesmae and Bella. Edward came over. "What's going on?" Edward asked. "Apparently, Nessie has a little laugh. But she's not talking about you two." I said to Casey and Miles. "Yeah, we thought Nessie was laughing at us for messing up." Miles said. "Hey, just be glad she helped you two by repaying Hun back by a little throw and hit in the nuts." I said before Terrance laughed at Nessie's story. I got skeptical. 'Nessie forgot about us, foolish of her.' I thought to myself. "Nice Ness! Sideswipe like." Sideswipe said. That made Waunu, Miah and Erika facepalm when I shook my head with the turtles and Chris. Then Martin spoke up that got me out of thought. "Hey, my sense is telling me we have somebody that came in. We have to check it out." Martin said. "Gotcha, Nessie stay here." I said before Waunu, Casey, Miles, Martin and I left to check this out. I heard Nessie groaned softly in frustration. I know it's wrong, but we can't let Nessie's lies spread. She was supposed to be the prophet.
~At the Surface~
We jumped from building to building. "I'm positive it was around here." Martin said. "Then we must-" I got cut off by bumping into someone. I yelped before landed on the roof on my rear. I heard a squeal. I quickly moved fast to grab them by the arm. Then I saw a familiar player and I got shocked when I pulled them to view. "Aphmau?!" I said when I set her onto the roof. Then she saw me and is starstruck. "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! It's you! THE Erwina herself!!" Aphmau said. I smiled softly. "Yeah, it's me alright." I said. Then Martin came with the others. "Wait a minute... that's ApHmAu!?" Martin asked. "Yep. OMG! You're Martin Kratt! And Waunuleta Wauneka herself!" Aphmau said. Martin lightly tugs his collar a bit. "Ya know, we have solid materials to get the fight start." Martin said before I cross my arms. "You know how to startle us." I said. "Oops. I was looking around with the guys and-" Aphmau got cut off. "Aphmau, when are we gonna come out?!" A voice said. Aphmau giggles before turns to the shadows. "Come on out, you gotta meet the heroes of New York!" Aphmau said before they came out. I got super awestruck. "Oh no grinding cheese! The Aphmau crew!" I said before ran towards them, saying their names in the right order. "OMG!! You're Aaron, Ein, K.C, Kim, Mac, Noi, Pierce, Kathlyn, Travis and Zane!" I said in excitement before got pulled back by Martin. "Sorry about EC, she's super hype." Martin said before he tapped my head to get me to focus. "Oh yeah, sorry MK. I'm super hyped to meet the crew themselves!" I said. "Aww, we are so glad to meet you guys too." K.C said. "Especially the fire girl herself~." Ein said flirtatious towards Waunu but Waunu gave Ein a quick pin down with his arm bend back that he yelped in pain. "I'm already seeing someone else." Waunu said before I snapped my fingers to make Waunu let go and Ein stood up. "Excuse me, but what about us?" Casey asked. I facepalm in realization. "Guys, meet Casey Jones and Miles Morales." I said before the crew greeted them. "Casey's the second human member of the Ninja Turtles." I said. "What?! The NINJA TURTLES?!" Kim said in excitement. "OMG! I better look cute for them." K.C said before the rumble was heard and we looked to see the foot heading somewhere. "The Foot, looks like we must investigate this." I said before we head down while the crew are trying to catch up. "Slow down! We're not fast like you guys." Pierce said. "Speed up! Speed up!" Martin said before we jumped down to the side of the alley and ran to see they stopped in front of the restaurant and Tigerclaw, Shredder and Cheyenne who's wearing the similar mask as Shredder but with no spikes, head inside while Fishface held the door. "There they are." I said. "Things just got interested." Casey said. "Hold up, I'll go in. With the help of the crystal, it'll be useful for once. Let's go to the alley behind the restaurant." Martin said before we ran across the street to the alley then we saw the crew came running in tiredness. "Man, you guys... *Huff* are very... *Pant* Fast." Aaron said. "That's because we're Ninja's, Aaron." Waunu said. "Now, Martin needs hair and eye color. So I say, Noi and Aphmau." I said. "On it." Martin said before he lightly touched Noi's hair and lightly tapped Aphmau's eye. Then he touched his own hair and eyes before the color changes. "OMG! Martin did it?!" Noi said. "Great, here." I said, handing Martin the tie with the hidden camera between the knot. "We'll see and hear from the inside once you head inside and putting it on." I said, holding my tablet out. "Gotcha, wish me luck guys." Martin said before he heads inside. Once we look at my tablet, the static is shown before the vision cleared, signing Martin has entered good while got the tie on and we saw him walking into the dining hall in a waiter outfit, where the private meeting is held in with The Foot clan and Don Vizoso's gang. "Now shh, we need the info the Foot are cooking up." I said to the crew before lightly turned up the volume and they remain quiet. "I already control the Russian mob through Steranko, the Asian gangs via Hun, and the South Americans through Xever, so either declare your allegiance to me, or-" Shredder said before the slice was heard and saw the meatball bits fall off then the candles. We saw Cheyenne has uses her katana to slice them off to get Vizoso's attention. K.C has fainted from the sight. "So how might I be of service?" Vizoso asked. "Access to certain chemicals for a project I'm working on." Shredder said. I remembered the chemical. 'The chemical from Auman factory!' I thought to myself before looks again. "Well, I already told you about the shipment at the docks. What more do you-" Vizoso got cut by Martin yelped, he was pinned to the wall by Cheyenne and has her katana pointed at him. Aphmau and Zane yelped in fear before Miles and Waunu shushed them quickly. "Who sent you, spy?" Cheyenne asked Martin. Then he quickly lied. "M-Me? I'm-I'm just a waiter. First day on the job!" Martin said before Cheyenne let's Martin go and he fixes the tie carefully. Then Shredder faces to Martin and Martin silently gulped. "Very well, but do not let us see your face ever again." Shredder said. "Yes sir, sorry sir. Won't let it happen again!" Martin said before he walks into the kitchen but ran fast to the back. I turned off the tablet and turned to the door, just in time for Martin to come out. We ran to him. "Martin!" We said in unison. "That was close. Super close. Oh, man, my heart's pounding so fast. That was so radical cool!" Martin said when I have my phone out to text Raph to meet us at the docks and also bring Bee, Sideswipe and Strongarm to help us. "Got it done, now let's go to the docks." I said. "Dokku? Naze soko ni?" Noi asked in Japanese before I spoke in Japanese. "Kore de, shureddā no kakurega ni jiken o todokeru koto ga dekimasu." I said before we head off the docks.
~At the Docks~
KC has lend us the small mirror to see the reflection of Rahzar and Fishface near the van, Fishface has grabbed the case while he and Rahzar are arguing about who's in charge. "That's one big UGLY dog and fish!" Ein said. "But they also got the case, what now you five?" Zane asked. "What we usually do, we ninja them hard. Let's go team!" Martin said "OMG! We're gonna see them fight in person!" Pierce said before the five of us jumped out quickly and ran at the. "Goongala/Booyakasha!" We said before we kicked Fishface in the face that he crashed onto the containers and Miles has uses his web to grab the case but he fell with it as well. We circled around him with our rollerblades on our shows. "Hello boys." Casey said. "Believe you got something that doesn't belong to you." Waunu said. "Looks like it's back to school for you two. Today's lesson: Pain 101!" I said before cracking my neck. "Your instructors, us." Martin said. "You kids know how to tick us off." Rahzar said before he charges at us. "Scatter!" I said before we moved quickly and landed in a safe skid and pose. I ran to kick Rahzar before jumped onto the van and jump off backwards fast. "Now Waunu!" I said before Waunu has Casey's puck in her hand and she lit it up. "Hey Rahzar, fetch!" Waunu said before she tossed it at him then he grabbed with his mouth, he got confused when we smirked. Then it exploded in front of him and he crashed onto the deck. We ran to help Miles but we got tripped, Waunu and I got lift and got kicked upward. Then we got kicked down and crashed into the crates. Waunu and I pushes some crates off us. "That was a dirty move, Johnson!" I said, knowing who did it to us. "Yeah, well let's see if Rahzar gets a good snack from you two." Emilio said. "Snack??" Pierce asked before Aphmau and Zane pulled him out of view. Then Emilio whistles for Rahzar to step forward at us. "I'm gonna enjoy taking you two apart, piece by piece." Rahzar said before we got out and landed with Martin and Casey as Miles struggle to pull it. "Bring it on, boys. We ain't going down without busting a few fangs." I said when I have my katana out. "Only way I bust a fang is if I'm chewing on your sweet little faces." Rahzar said but he was crushed by the crate. We looked up to see Raph, Bee, Sideswipe, Strongarm and Nessie. Smoke came out of Strongarm's Decepticon Hunter. Raph and Nessie jumped in fast to knock Fishface and Emilio out. Nessie then ran to lift the case with one arm. Then the crew came out in amazement. "OMG! RAPHAEL, YOU'RE REAL!" K.C said in excitement. "Yeah, I am as long as my muscles are touched." Raph said. "Guys, let's go." Bee said before we got in the bots once they transform.
~At the Alley~
"Have you guys gone mad, bringing new friends to see you guys fight bad guys?" Strongarm asked. "Not our fault, they wanted to see us in action." I said. "Whoa! So that's the real Decepticon Hunter, may I touch it?" Mac asked but Strongarm held it close. "No, it's not a toy for you to touch." Strongarm said to Mac. "No way can you beat those two alone while the others are watching." Raph said to Martin. "Well, we stopped them from getting away with the case." Martin said. "Ness, open up the case, we have to see what's inside." I said. "Gotcha." Nessie said before she opens it after she sets it down on the trash lid. She lightly pushed it open to see four silver vials of chemical. " 'Dangerous chemicals.' Good things we were flinging this case around." Raph said. "Raphael." Zane said. "You guys take it back to Donnie. He and Fixit will see what's going on." I said. "Meanwhile, the five of us are gonna snoop on Shredder's lair. Oh BTW, bring the crew back to the lair. They're hungry." Martin said. "We're gonna see their lair!" Aphmau and her friends said in glee. I smiled with my eyes rolled. "Let's go!" I said before we left while the others are heading to the lair
~At Shredder's Lair~
Casey has the suction cup on the window to listen while Miles uses his invisibility to get inside to listen in. I clicked on the walkie talkie to listen in with Waunu and Martin. Once Miles got close, we can hear them talk about something. "Master, given your Shadow issue, we have no equipment for such work." Eggman said. Waunu and I gasped silently, Shadow has been recapture by them!? "Then find me the equipment, you imbeciles." Shredder snapped at the scientists. They quickly got to work. Then we saw Hun. "Not him again." Waunu said. "You could take over the factory where we found the chemicals. It is on our turf. It would be my honor to show it to you personally, Master Shredder." Hun said. "Very well. Proceed." Shredder said. "Guys, we gotta go to Auman Chemicals, it has everything it needs." I said. "Right." Miles said after he got out of the lair and turned visibility again. "Let's gear up and roll out." Martin said before we headed to the factory.
~At Auman Chemicals~
We're inside to hear Hun telling Shredder about the items the factory has and asks that it's on Dragon territory, he should be in charge. Casey has the pucks out, Waunu lit them up and he tossed them. They exploded and we jump to land in front of Shredder. "Missing us?" Waunu asked. "I will make your end swift, kids." Shredder said. We have out weapons out and Miles has got his spider moves ready. "Let's do this!" I said before we dodged Shredder's blades but Martin got grabbed by Shredder and his second identity he had from the restaurant has been revealed in front of him. "Oops." Martin said in Screech tone from Saved by the Bell. "You? Now I will end this game and your insignificant-" Shredder got cut off by Martin electricuted him before Shredder tossed Martin to us and his original feature colors turned back to normal. We got up softly and got into stance. "You have spirit, boy, but I tire of this game." Shredder said. But he got hit and we saw Leo and Raph came in. My heart immediately raced. 'My heroes!' I thought to myself before the others came in. "Destroy them! Do not let them near that vat!" Shredder said when we fought them. We fight them then we saw Nessie came in with her wings then we saw Emilio and Cheyenne. "Girls, take them down. I'll help Donnie!" I said before jumped quickly to help him fight off Fishface. Then we got kicked to the storage room. We groaned in pain. "Wait, chemicals? This must be where they keep all the additives for Mikey's cheesy snacks." Donnie said before I saw the solution, got up and picked up the container of CHZ-33 and thinks of an idea. "If we contaminate Shredder's chemicals." I said when I think and giggled softly. "Oh, Erwina, you sly girl, I love your mind." I said to myself before a chuckle was heard and saw Fishface came to us. "What are you doing, Turtle and chica? Talking to yourselves like weirdos?" Fishface asked. "Who's being weirdo now!" I said before tossed down the smokebomb and we quickly moved when Donnie has the container. He tossed it me before he fought off Fishface. I ran to the railing, has the container and was ready to drop it but it was kicked off by Emilio. "Oh no!" I said before it landed behind Raph while he's fought off Tigerclaw. I quickly jumped just in time to see Tigerclaw elbowed Raph hard. I got mad and kicked Tigerclaw hard. "That's for my Raphie!" I said before tried to grab the container but it was blocked off by the pounder and saw Emilio grabbed it but his foot got smooshed and he screamed in pain, he accidentally dropped it. I yelped before Mikey has it. I sighed in relief before Mikey tossed it to hit Rahzar on the face. I yelped before it landed on the moving belt. I jumped quickly to grab it but Cheyenne pinned me down that I lost grip on the container that it landed behind Casey. "Casey! Quick, get that container into the mixing vat!" I said before kicked Cheyenne off and punched her on the face after the mask fell off. I saw burns on her face and is now wearing an eye patch to prevent me from seeing her eye. "You shitface, you burnt half of my face off, now you will pay for this!" Cheyenne said before we fought as much as we can. I elbowed her hard and tossed her to the moving belt. I jumped down to land next to Casey and help him fight off Hun. "Booyakasha!" I said before hit Hun to the wall with Casey. I grabbed him and tossed him over the railing to the vat below. "Later scum!" I said before ran to grab the container. "Stop her!" I heard Shredder said before a thud and a roar was heard and saw Tigerclaw. I yelped when he held me and he flies up with me in his paw. "Hi yah!" I said when I kicked him in the 'sun where it doesn't shine' and he screeches like a cat that he let me go. I ran fast to avoid the machine and the villains. I noticed Nessie over head. "Ness, kick it to the vat!" I said before tossed it fast. Nessie dives fast before she kicks it. It flies into the vat. "SCORE!!" Nessie said before the rumble and bubbling was heard. "EC, what's in it?" Chris asked. "It's the secret ingredient in Mikey's cheesy balls." I said. "Yeah! Wait, what?" Mikey asked. I noticed it's gonna take too much pressure. "SHE'S GONNA BLOW!!" I shouted before we ran away, except the villains had stayed behind. Just in time to hear the splashes, we got outside and cheered. "Yes, we did it!" Miah and Erika said. "Now, Nessie. What's the lesson you have learned?" I asked. "Well, I learned that teamwork is better than taking all the credit. And probably lying was the worst thing that happened." Nessie said. "Good, now let's go home." I said before we head back to the lair.
~At the Lair~
I was showing Aphmau and her friends all over. "And here is the living room." I said. "Ooh!" KC said before she pounces to sit next to Leo. I chuckled softly before go to sit next to Raph and Zane sat next to me. "Got to hand it to you, EC. You five just saved the day." Raph said to me. I smiled wistfully and blushed lightly. "Not to mention Casey and Miles took on Shredder, and you're still in one piece." Leo said. "They sure did." I said. "Aw, yeah, you guys! High three!" Mikey said before he high fives me and goes to sit next to Waunu. I chuckled softly. "We definitely worked as a team, yet we didn't even use our sailor outfit. It's a new change." I said. "Yeah, plus you guys aren't as good as me!" Ein said. "Ein!" Aphmau, Aaron, KC and Kim said that he kept silent. "Besides, it's better when we have new friends." I said. Then Donnie and Nessie came out of the lab, all scared. "Guys, this is even worse than we all thought." Donnie said. Nessie held the vial of chemical. "What's going on?" Aphmau asked. "Shredder's mixture, it's not really an explosive." Nessie said. "So what is it?" Leo asked. "I have a feeling he's working on a mind-control formula." Nessie said in fear. "If it works, he could use it on Karai or Shadow or us or every single person in New York City." Donnie said that got the turtles and Casey yelped. Then Martin realize something. "Not only that, if it really works, he could use it on Nessie or the girls or the Autobots, but the worst part of all parts is me, I might... I might even use the crystal for destruction." Martin said in fear before we yelped in fear. I glanced at the vial of a mind control serum.

'This can't be happening...'

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