11 - Practice Makes Perfect

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Once the troops left, we all walked inside to talk.

"I almost shit in my wetsuit." Jake said as we all sat inside. I gave a small laugh and a small nod.

"You?! I thought I was going to die." I said and Ari took ahold of my hand on the table, and I smiled.

"I would never let that happen wife." Ari said and I gave a small laugh as did the rest of the group, all except for Sammy.

"Yeah, well if that solider hadn't been too scared to admit he missed, we'd all be locked up right now." Sammy said and it was hard to admit that he was right.

"Well, I think we need to discuss this whole situation going forward." I said.

"Well, we obviously have to keep up the married cover. I got us into this and I'm sorry I did." Ari said and I shook my head.

"No, it's okay. I've played many parts before." I said and Ari smiled.

"Never a wife." Sammy mumbled.

"No one ever gave me a reason to." I said shooting him a glare.

"What about wedding bands? Neither of you have them." Rachel said and I groaned.

"Well, I mean he showed up now and we were diving. Wouldn't wear on diving or working at a beach resort. Also, I'm sure not all couples wear rings." I said and she nodded agreeing with me.

Ari stood up and looked out to the beach and we saw the hotel guest sitting around, drinking, talking, eating.

"Come here, what do you see?" Ari asked. I got up and walked right in front of him and everyone else gathered around to see outside.

"Unsuspecting collateral damage." Sammy said and I glared at him.

"Best cover we could ask for." I said and Ari looked at me and I smiled.

"Imagine if the guest hadn't been here when Abdel arrived...the consequences of owning a resort and no guests..." Ari said.

"You're kidding right?! First you and Jo are married and now this, really run this place along with the smuggling! You're insane." Sammy said annoyed.

"Sammy it's the best cover we got. Be reasonable here!" I said annoyed.

"REASONABLE! Were you being reasonable when you agreed to this plan?!" Sammy said and I groaned.

"It was a plan I came up with on a whim Sammy, don't blame Jo. Abdel was looking at her like he knew her, or he wanted her or both. I was saving her!" Ari said.

"Saving her because you want her! You don't think I haven't seen the flirting, the glances, the private talks...we all have, and we all see it!" Sammy said snapping.

"AND YOU ARE WITH MY SISTER! What does it matter to you?!" I yelled and Sammy shut up. I looked at Ari and then the rest of the group.

"You all decide what you want to do. I'm going for a jog." I said going to my room to change then I headed out the back entrance of the resort heading down the beach.

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By the time I got back to the hotel no one was in sight, and I was concerned about what was going on. I went around back, and the trucks were still there so I knew they didn't go on a mission. I saw a group gathering further down the beach, so I walked up and saw some guests.

"Hey Dove." Rachel said.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked.

"We were thinking about having a bonfire tonight, the guest suggested it." Rachel said and the guest around her nodded and I smiled.

"Sounds great, you talk to Guy about it?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I couldn't find him. He is your husband, you go find him..." Rachel said and I just smiled and walked into the resort I saw Jake sitting at a table with Sammy.

"Either of you seen Ari?" I asked noticing that no one else was around.

"He said he was going to his room about 20 minutes ago." Jake said and I walked away. I got to Ari's room and knocked on the door. He opened it and smiled seeing me.

"Hey come on in." Ari said and I walked in shutting the door. He was looking though all of his stuff.

"Hey so Rachel and some of the other guests are wanting to have a bonfire on the beach tonight. I thought I would let you know." I said and Ari smiled.

"Sounds great." Ari said and I nodded. "You going to go?" Ari asked and I shrugged.

"Maybe." I said and Ari gave a small smile.

"If I go, will you go?" Ari asked and I gave a small nod.

"Yeah, sure." I said and Ari smiled as I went to walk away, and Ari grabbed my hand to stop me.

"Jo, we need to talk." Ari said and I just looked at him.

"If this is about the fake marriage..." I said and he sighed.

"It is but it isn't what you think." Ari said.

"Okay then what?" I asked.

"The kiss in front of Abdel..." Ari trailed off.

"What about it?" I asked trying to act like my heart wasn't racing.

"It was amaz...good but we need to practice a little more to make it believable." Ari said and I smirked.

"You don't think we were believable?" I asked and Ari sighed.

"We were but if he shows up more, a little peck like I gave you may not be enough for him. He will want to see a couple." Ari said and I half nodded. "And not to mention the guests. We need to make it look good for everyone around in case they are questioned by the guards." Ari said.

"So, what exactly are you saying?" I asked.

'I'm saying it's time to become Misses Guy Thomas. You and I become the ultimate newlywed couple. You stay in here with me at night and we run this place, like we are running the missions together." Ari said and my heart leapt into my throat.

"Ari..." I said and he moved closer to me taking both of my hands.

"I know it's scary and weird. I can sleep on the floor, or we put a barrier up in the bed, but I got us into this mess, and we have to play this part now." Ari said. "Which leads me back to the kissing." Ari said and I nodded.

"Right, the practicing." I said and Ari nodded.

He didn't say anything else as he stood in front of me. He released my hands and placed on hand on my hip pulling me flush against him and another on my cheek. I pulled the corner of my bottom lip into my mouth as my breath quickened.

"Just relax Jo..." Ari said and I gave a small nod. Ari moved in as his lips gently touched mine. I slowly moved my hands and placed them on Ari's chest and gently gripped the shirt he was wearing. The kiss got a little more passionately as Ari's tongue skimmed my lip seam and I moaned as I opened and gave him entrance. Ari slowly backed me up against the door. I snaked my arms around his neck. Soon we broke apart slightly. Catching our breath as we just looked at each other, holding on to each other.

"I think its believable now." I said and Ari smiled. He leaned in and kissed me again.

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