23 - Time for a Talk

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I was sitting in Ethan's office shaking my head.

"So, he is back at the embassy in Khartoum trying to get all of it together?" I asked and Ethan sighed.

"That's what he said, he said he is going to hopefully have a meeting with Ari and get something worked out to get a plane or something. The army has noticed you're gone as long as all the villages being empty now. We just need everyone home." Ethan explained and I groaned.

"Which is what I have been saying since I came home Ethan! I've been home for 6 months...6 MONTHS!" I said and he sighed.

"I know Jordan and I have done what I can. We still have pickups and everything is going the way it needs to." Ethan said and I sighed. I placed my head in my hands and leaned my elbows on my knees. "Why don't you do home and get some sleep?" Ethan asked and I just looked at him.

"Is that the equivalent of you look like shit?" I asked.

"No, it's the equivalent of get some sleep. You have been here every day for 12 hours a day, you need to rest." Ethan said.

"I don't want to go home..." I said.

"Why?" Ethan asked.

"Well, I'm staying with my dad until Ari gets back and we get to make the decisions on what we are doing. Well Kelsie stays with dad too." I said and Ethan sighed.

"Haven't you two talked since you have been back?" Ethan asked.

"In passing, we mostly stay out of each other's way." I said and Ethan sighed.

"Does she still think you are in love with Sammy?" Ethan chuckled and I smiled.

"Well, I think so, but things were said one day that can't be taken back. It's not my place to tell her. She needs to wait for Sammy to get home. Maybe once she sees I'm happy without him she will come around." I said and Ethan shook his head.

"You need to talk before he gets home. Don't pin everything on Ari and Sammy to make it right. How it looks you will all be in each other's lives forever. Make it work with Kelsie." Ethan explained and I nodded.

"Well dad is going bowling tonight, maybe I order us in some pizza or something." I said and Ethan nodded.

"Do that. Now go home and talk to Kelsie." Ethan said and I nodded. I went to get up from the couch I was sitting on when the CB radio went off.

"Yacht one to home base." Ari's voice came through. I went to walk over to the CB radio and Ethan stopped me.

"This is for me, not you. I knew he would be contacting me with updated numbers." Ethan said and I nodded.

"Can I at least say hi?" I asked and Ethan smiled and handed me the walkie.

"Home base, go ahead." I said.

"Jo? I wasn't expecting you." Ari said.

"I know, I'm on my way out. Ethan is making me go home. I just wanted to say hi and I love you." I said.

"I love you too." Ari said and I handed the walkie to Ethan.

"Remember what I said. Talk to Kelsie." Ethan said and I nodded walking out of his office and out of the building all together once I gathered everything.

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I stopped on the way home and picked up a pizza and some drinks for Kelsie and me. Once I walked in, she was sitting on the couch and my dad was gone. She was writing in a journal, and I sighed.

"Hey." I said and closed the door.

"Hey. I'll go upstairs..." Kelsie said and went to get up.

"No, wait. Can we have dinner and talk?" I asked and Kelsie sighed.

"You want to eat with me?" Kelsie asked and I nodded sitting next to her on the couch and setting the food on the coffee table.

"Yes Kelsie, we need to be adults now. It's time. I mean I almost died...twice now! I need to work on this relationship with you. We needed to stop this hatred." I said and she sighed.

"Yeah, I think it's time we get everything out in the open..." Kelsie said, and I nodded.

🌊 🌊 🌊

One large pizza eaten, some drinks consumed and now a gallon of ice cream Kelsie and I were sitting laughing about stories from when we were kids. We didn't get here easily. We screamed, yelled, cried, and we were now here. I saw the journal sitting on the table.

"What is that?" I asked and she sighed.

"It's a journal for Sammy. He wanted to know about what I did everyday while he was gone so he could read it once he came back and feel like he was here. He is supposed to be keeping one for me too. Do you know if he is?" Kelsie asked and I shrugged.

"Kelsie, we need to talk about you and Sammy." I said and she sighed.

"Okay, I knew we would. I mean we have talked about everything else." Kelsie said and I nodded.

"Yeah..." I said. I took a deep breath. "How long have you loved Sammy?" I asked.


"Did you love him when we were together?" I asked and she hung her head.

"I did. I wanted you to be happy though, so I just pushed my own feelings aside. When he came home and told us you were gone, he was there for us, mostly for Dad. I couldn't handle it all on my own and Sammy was there. In helping me take care of dad, we got close. Things happened, we didn't plan on it but it did happen." Kelsie explained.

"Well if I had been gone for good, I'm happy he found someone to make him happy. Just do me the favor of talking to him about everything when he gets back. I won't mention what, I will say nothing happened between him and I but I think you guys should seriously talk." I said and she nodded.

"And what about you and your guy? Ari? Are you going to talk?" Kelsie asked and I nodded.

"We are, I mean every couple should always talk Kels. Ari and I had a whirlwind romance being thrown together on this mission but there is no one else for me. I can't wait for him to come home, and you all meet him. I think you guys will love him like I do." I said and Kelsie smiled. She the pointed to the ring I now wore on a necklace since I lost it one day in the office when it fell off.

"And that?" She asked and I smiled.

"His mothers wedding band. You know we played a married couple and he always carried the ring with him." I said and she nodded.

We were silent for a few minutes and Kelsie sighed.

"No matter what I have said to you recently since you have been alive and home now. I am happy you're not dead. It was hard imagining not having my big sister around anymore." Kelsie said.

"You had a funny way of showing it."

"I know, I thought you were back meaning you and Sammy would be back together, but I see how happy you are without Sammy and with Ari. I'm happy for you." Kelsie said and I gave her a small smile. She placed her head on my shoulder.

"When will they be home?" Kelsie asked in a small voice that reminded me of when she was a kid.

"Soon." I said not even believing it myself anymore.

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