20 - Forgiveness?

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***ARI POV***

It had been a month and a half and was time for another trip to get people to the boats.

"Ari, she has to go home." Sammy said. We were all meeting in the office, and I ran my hands over my face. Rachel and Nettie were in the bedroom with Jo. They were trying to keep her comfortable and putting cold damp rags on her head.

We thought Jo was getting better until about a week ago when she started getting a low-grade fever and her leg swelled up bigger than before.

"I know Sammy, but she is refusing." I said.

"Ari! She needs to go home! She needs medical attention! I can't help her here." Sammy said. "I can't even promise she will keep her leg at this point." Sammy added.

"Okay well we leave in 20 minutes. We take her and get her on a boat." I said as Sammy, Jake and Max nodded. "You guys get loaded up, I will go get Jo." I said and walked to the bedroom. When I walked in, she was moaning in pain, eyes closed, sleeping as Rachel sat on the bed and dabbed her head.

"Nettie, pack her a small bag. Clothes, passport everything." I said and she started running around the room getting everything.

"Ari...?" Rachel questioned.

"She is going home. Sammy nor I can take care of her anymore. She needs actual medical care." I said and Rachel nodded.

"Are you going to warn anyone?" Rachel asked as Nettie handed me the bag and I shook my head.

"No time...we have the pickup to do and then get them to the boats as fast as possible." I explained hurriedly. I walked over to Jordan on the bed. "Sweetie, I need you to wake up and put your arms around my neck, please." I whispered to her, and she barely opened her eyes.


"Yeah babe, it's me. Time to go." I said. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I picked her up bridal style. Rachel quickly got up and laid the wet cloth on her head in my arms. Nettie kissed her cheek as I walked by. By the time I got her out to the truck everyone was loaded. Sammy as driving and I was carrying Jo, I got in the truck still holding her. Sammy looked at her leg as I got in the truck with her. It was swollen, purplish red and just painful.

"Sammy, drive." I said annoyed and he took off.

We made record time getting to pick everyone up and I just stayed in the cab of the truck holding Jo. I grabbed the walkie, knowing they needed to know.

"Yacht one to base." I said and waited.

"Go yacht one."

"I need you to have medical staff on stand-by, I am sending Jordan Scofield home. She is severely injured and needs medical attention immediately." I said.

"Copy that yacht one, doctor will be waiting."

I put the walkie away and I started gently stroking Jo's face. She was out of it but

"I have to send you home Jo, I don't want to be without you, but this is what's best for you. You need to get better, and you need to be safe. I love you so much Jo, I just want you to know when I come home, I'm marry you for real. No Guy and Dove Thomas, as Ari and Jordan Levinson." I said and placed a gentle kiss on her lips which she gave a weak smile once we broke apart.

As I held her, I felt her body temperature and I started to get scared because she was shivering with chills, but her body felt like it was on fire.

"God, I need to get her home. I saw someone come to my door and open it, it was Kabede. He looked at Jo.

"I just wanted to see her one last time." Kabede said. He said a quick prayer as Sammy got in.

"Thanks, Kabede." I said as we started the truck and quickly drove to the beach. Once we got out, I rushed up to a boat. Sammy, Max and Jake were with me. They all kissed her cheek, and I placed a kiss on her lips.

"Ari..." Jo moaned out as we went to put her on the boat.

"What baby?" I asked. She grabbed my hand.

"Come with me..." Jo moaned out. I sighed.

"Jo, I have to stay. I will be home as soon as I can." I said.

"Come with me Ari, please...I love you." Jo said. She was breaking my heart.

"Ari don't make the same mistake I did. Go with her." Sammy said and I sighed.

"Jo, I will be back before you know it. I love you." I said and kissed her again as the seals helped me get her situated in the boat. We got more refuges on the boat, and I helped pushed the boat out in the water and watched the speed away.

"Damnit!" I yelled and walked back to the truck.

"Why didn't you go with her?!" Sammy asked.

"Everything on this mission started with me and I need to see it through. She wanted to see her's through and she did and then some." I said.

"She isn't going to know what's going on Ari." Jake said as we all got back on the trucks. The ride back was silent. Once we got back Rachel looked at me.

"Did the boats make it?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, she is on and getting medical care as we speak." Rachel said and I just nodded. I walked past everyone and to my bedroom. It felt so empty, her presence was still there, her smell, all of her but she was gone and wouldn't be coming back.

It was a choice I had to make, not one I liked to make and one I tossed around in my head for a long time about going with her when I took her to the boats. I had been thinking about it all week. I finally had to decide what Jordan would have wanted and she would have wanted me to stay and finish this.

I also made the decision to leave the wedding band on her finger so she would have a piece of me with her. I also snuck a letter into her bag. It was before I even had Nettie pack the bag. It explained my decision and how I still loved her. God please let her forgive me for my decisions. 

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