30 - My Savior

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I was sitting in the back of the back of the SUV since we arrived in as I watched the cargo plane land and I smiled. He was home, finally. Ari and the team decided to go on one last mission to get the refugees. I was offered to go but I decided to stay back since I was fighting the flu at the time and didn't feel like taking a plane to go and get where we needed. Ari at least had the help of the Army this time around and wasn't in as much danger.

He had been gone nine months and I was ready for him to be home. Ethan knocked on the window once the hatch opened and I got ready and got out of the SUV. As I got out and waited for Ari. I watched him helping getting refugees set with medical teams and everything else. I took a deep breath as he walked over to me and Ethan. He stopped when he saw me standing there holding a baby.

"I knew this was a bad idea..." I mumbled to Ethan.

"Give him a minute, he's in shock." Ethan said and I sighed. Ari then approached me slowly.

"Jordan..." Ari said, and I smiled.

"Ari, I would like you to meet Ocean Ari Levinson, your son." I said and he just looked at the baby in my arms.

"What the hell is going on?!" Ari asked in shock.

"Well, you see I didn't have the flu when you left. I had morning sickness. I was three months pregnant." I said and Ari looked at me shocked. "He is six months old." I said as Ari was still wrapping his head around it.

"And you didn't think to tell me over the CB when we talked or in a letter?" Ari asked and I sighed.

"It didn't seem right to tell you either way Ari. I had written so many versions of a letter to tell you but I threw them all away. I know this isn't the most ideal way to find out..." I trailed off knowing this was failing and I didn't know what else to do.

Before Ari could say anything else Sammy, Rachel, Max and Jake all came walking over.

"Excuse me?! What is going on?!" Rachel asked.

"Everyone meet Ocean Ari Levinson, my son." Ari said and I smiled at him as he took Ocean from me.

"Ocean...really?" Max asked and I just shrugged.

"It's seemed perfect." I said and everyone nodded.

"Meet your Uncle Sammy." Ari said handing Ocean over to him.

A month after Ari and I got married, Sammy and Kelsie were married, and I knew she was just waiting for him to get home so they could start their family. I watched the baby being passed around and I smiled as Ari walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You did this all alone. I'm so sorry." Ari said and I shook my head and placed a hand on his cheek.

"It's okay. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I said. He leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss.

"I know why you didn't. I just missed so much..." Ari said, and I smiled.

"I have videos and pictures for you. Also, don't worry about missing too much, you get to cover night shifts now that your back." I said and Ari laughed but nodded.

"I will gladly take them." Ari said and I smiled. We got loaded in the SUV's and headed home.

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A few nights after we had been back, I woke up and felt the bed beside me and it was empty and cold. I got out of bed and walked down the hall and stopped right outside the nursery.

"So, when I met your mom, she was hard-headed, stubborn and your Uncle Sammy was her ex-boyfriend...don't repeat that." Ari said and I put a hand over my mouth to hide my laugh. "Any way, your mom was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I will thank God every day for her being at the resort when I get there to work. I will also thank God every day for you Ocean. I'm sorry I missed so much being gone but I'm not going to be gone anymore. Dad is home for good. He accepted a job where mom works. We will be working with the refugees and getting them settled. I will also thank God every day for your mom thinking she is sneaky by listening to me from right outside the door." Ari said and I giggled, and I walked around the door and leaned on the doorframe.

I looked and saw Ari sitting in the rocking chair holding Ocean as he slept.

"You really have to tell him Sammy was my ex?" I asked with a smiled as he stood up and put Ocean back in his crib.

"Why not? It's the truth." Ari said and walked over to me.

"But the best guy won out." I said and Ari nodded as he leaned down and passionately kissed me. As the kiss got deeper, I fisted the front of Ari's shirt and pulled him back to the bedroom.


I was sitting in the backyard at my dad's house on a blanket with my six-month-old daughter Waverly, Kelsie and her nine-month-old son Jonah. Sammy and Ari were playing with Ocean and I smiled at the craziness of our family when I heard Ocean laugh.

"So, you and Ari done?" Kelsie asked and I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, we go two, one of each, we're happy. What about you and Sammy?" I asked and she smiled at me, I knew what she meant.

"KELSIE!" I squealed and Waverly started trembling her lip and whimpering.

"No baby, sorry mommy didn't know any better." I said and started cuddling.

"It was a shock to us, believe me." Kelsie said and I looked at Sammy.

"Good job at knocking up my sister again." I said he laughed.

"Thanks, I do what I can." Sammy said and we all laughed. Ocean came running over to my and kissed my cheek. I wrapped my free arm around him as Ari sat behind me and took Waverly from me. Sammy sat beside Kelsie. Dad came out from the inside.

"You guys all having a good time while I slave away and cook?" Ike asked sarcastically and we all laughed.

"I offered to help like the good daughter I am." I said and Kelsie looked at me and shook her head and I smiled at her. Ari handed Waverly back to me.

"I'll go help." Ari said and Sammy followed. I moved so I was sitting next to Kelsie, and we could see everyone inside setting the table, talking, laughing and cooking.

"You ever think we would be here? I mean especially with the way things started." I said and she shook her head.

"No, I didn't. I'm surprised to this day we are, but after everything you have been through, Sammy and Ari included we all deserve to be happy, and we found it. Can't help how some of found it but we did." Kelsie said and I nodded, and I looked at Waverly and Ocean.

"I wouldn't want it any other way. I have everything I always wanted. Just took playing dead to get it." I said and we both laughed. Ari looked at me from the window and smiled seeing me and I smiled back.

Ari was my savor in more ways than one. He followed through on every promise to get me home, make me his wife and give me a life worth living. That was all I could ever want and ask for, Ari Levinson.

🌊🌊🌊 THE END 🌊🌊🌊

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