𝟮 - 𝙒𝙚𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙨

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Finally as the ever so long meeting came to an end, Hatter gave the same 'stay safe and get more cards' speech he did at the end of every meeting. Same exact words spilled out of his mouth before coming to a close. At that everybody got up, going for the door to get away from the room that only emitted dread and despair.

Y/n being one of the first to leave along with Ann and the rest of executives trailing behind. The girls hot pink crocs decorated with charms that stood out from the rest of her outfit hit the floor with a small thud. A pair of what sounded like flip flops trailing closely behind her and speeding up to match her pace ever so slightly.

As they got closer, she could now feel the person walking next to her. The smell of vanilla and what seemed like mints tickling lightly at her nose. She slightly turned to look at the boy with blonde hair, making sure it was him indeed before turning back forward.

"How come they're pink?" Asked the boy calmly referring to her crocs. Normally a person would be confused by the odd question and ask 'Why is what pink?' so Chishiya was a bit surprised when the girl answered like it was the most usual question in the world.

"Pink's pretty. And it pisses people off that they don't match the rest of the outfit so it's a win/win for me." Smiled the girl and Chishiya chuckled lightly then smirked.

"Didn't take you for someone who would enjoy other peoples suffering." The boy spoke, the words rolling of his tongue as if the two had been friends for years.

"Well we don't really talk outside of meetings so I'm not that surprised." The girl said truthfully and the boy frowned in a mocking matter.

"What? Can't a man enjoy chit chat in the hallway?" He asked as if offended but his face showed clear how not interested the man looked.

"Sure a man... But Chishiya? I wouldn't say so. You don't really seem like the type to enjoy talking to someone for no reason." She answered. The words offended him a bit but he still agreed with them, since they were true.

"True. Well now I wanted to build up a conversation so I don't have to ask you this immediately but I guess you didn't really leave me a choice." He spoke as if irritated and the girl looked at him unimpressed.

"Ask me what?"

"I can't here. Too many people around. Come on, follow me." He answered grabbing the girls hand before walking away in a hurried matter.

"Where are they going?" Asked Ann confused not anyone exactly as she watched the two quickly leave hand in hand.

"They're probably gonna fuck or something." Answered Niragi her question as he kept on walking before almost all the executives parted ways, going on in different hallways.


"You don't need to drag me. I can walk perfectly fine on my own." Spoke the girl as she yanked her hand back from the boy, immediate coldness overtaking it.

"Well keep up then." The boy said smugly but never the less slowed his pace down slightly for the girl with shorter legs than him to keep up.

"Yeah yeah. Where are we off to anyway?" Asked the girl as they made thousands of turns down the long pink corridors.

The girl could've sworn they were walking in circles by now. The same boring walls, the same boring doors and the same boring floors. The building seemed more like a hospital rather than a utopia. Except for the pool outside and the underground club. But even with those two, the place was practically a prison.

"You'll see." Answered Chishiya and the girl rolled her eyes. His answer clearly meant 'stop asking' and she knew that well. It wasn't hard to read someone who so blatantly implied to what they actually meant. Especially to a person like Y/n who has studied body language, manipulation and over all non-verbal communication.

After what felt like hours of unnecessary walking, the two made it in front of a room. Chishiya opened the door, waiting for the girl to walk in first. "Well?"

She gave him a puzzled look before entering the dark room. It was barely lit but you could clearly see the many monitors and tech gear laying all around it. What immediately caught her eye, was a woman with a great physique and dreadlocks leaning against one of the tables, chewing on a dummy cigarette.

"Kuina. Didn't expect to see you here." Y/n's tone was laced with sarcasm, refering to how her and Chishiya were almost always found side by side. Not really talking to anyone else.

"Glad he got you on board with the plan!" She spoke happily and the girl gave her a confused look.

"I haven't told her about the plan yet. I was gonna build up to it and ask her when we were away from the other executives. Which would be now so let me make this short." Answered Chishiya as he leaned against another table, right in front of where Y/n was standing.

"What plan?" Asked Y/n as she fully faced him and the boy gave her a smug look which, to be honest, annoyed Y/n even more.

"We know you hate Hatter and this place. We hate it too. So we decided to make a plan on how to get out of here. Out of this society and away from this so called 'Utopia'. We want you to join us. Help us steal the cards from Hatter and get out of here. Will you?" Asked Chishiya, making his little speech rather promising.

But was it doable? Hatter was not a dumb man and Y/n knew that. She knew to what extent the man would go for those cards and the things he was capable of. So was the operation really worth risking your life for?


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