𝟱 - 𝘽𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙

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"Are you sure you wanna do this? We can have a few more practices and then try with maybe just a thumb-" Started Ann worried before Y/n cut her off.

"Don't worry. We've been practicing a lot and I think this is gonna help the most." Reassured Y/n as she put her arm on the table in front of Ann.

The two girls were in Ann's small forensic lab they had in the beach building. Ann has been helping Y/n overcome her fear of blood for a few months and Y/n decided today to go for the biggest test. Cutting her arm open.

Of course now, Ann wasn't actually gonna actually cut her real arm but rather a dummy arm that looked real. She put it right next to her real arm and then placed a small black wall between the two arms. She covered Y/n's shoulder and upper arm along with the dummy arm so it would look as if it was connected. The girl then did a series of tests, tapping the two arms at the same time, rubbing them and having Y/n repeat 'This is my real hand'.

"Holy fuck." Muttered Y/n, the feeling of her hand actually being the dummy one overtaking her. "This is so weird."

"You ready?" Asked Ann as she pulled out a knife at which Y/n gulped and then nodded. Ann placed the sharp part on the dummy arm and started to cut into it.

Y/n grimaced at the sight as she felt the consistency of her stomach coming up in her throat. She gulped, trying to push the feeling down as more and more blood poured out of the dummy arm.

"Just a bit more." Spoke Ann as she cut through the arm, going deeper and deeper. "Done!"

Just as Ann said that, Y/n immediately slid her arm from the table and ran for the bucket at the end of it. She grabbed it before spilling her guts out into it, breathing heavily. "God fucking damn it."

"It's okay, you did good. You lasted through the whole process without puking and it was a big deal." Ann rubbed the girls back in a comforting matter. "Wanna take a step back? Go for a walk or something?"

"I think I'll go alone. I need to clear my head." Answered Y/n as she set the bucket down feeling lightheaded. Ann smiled at her apologetically.

"Alright. Be careful."


Y/n walked around the empty halls of The Beach. It was night by now so everyone was either outside at the pool or down in the club partying and drinking. The girl walked as far down the long hallways as she could, trying to completely drown out the horrible choice of music. Finally walking into a hallway where she could barely hear the music anymore, the girl leaned against the wall. Closing her eyes and sighing she let her mind run free.

"Well you look rather joyful." Spoke out a voice, their tone laced with sarcasm at which Y/n gave them a dry laugh.

"Are you following me, Chishiya?" Asked Y/n, opening her eyes and turning to look at the man leaning against the wall next to her, unamused.

"What? Am I not allowed to bump into a friend while walking down the hall?" He asked back as if he was offended and Y/n just scoffed.

"Sure you are but since I saw you only a few feet outside of Ann's lab that which after I left from you started to follow me down the corridors. At some point I made four left turns, going in a circle and I could still hear the 'pit pat' of your flip flops behind me, confirming that you were indeed, following me. And so I don't really find this a 'bumped into' situation." Answered Y/n.

"Well I'll be damned. You're not bad." Praised the boy and Y/n just rolled her eyes at the empty compliment.

"Only thing I don't understand is why you followed me. Is this your attempt at taking advantage of a girl without no one to protect her?" Asked Y/n confused and Chishiya felt shocked to say the least, yet he hid it with his cold expression.

"Quite the contrary. You seemed stressed after leaving the lab, I guess I wanted to make sure you were okay." The boy admitted but Y/n just rolled her eyes again.

"Don't pretend like you care. I know this is just your attempt at making me trust you so you could use me for your plan." Stated Y/n and Chishiya almost scoffed but kept his cool, or at least tried to.

"Well actually, I think I found a candidate to play our gulible victim." Smirked Chishiya at which Y/n quirked an eyebrow intrigued.

"Who?" The girl asked turing to face him, still leaning against the wall with her upper arm now, the boy turning towards her in the same way.

"Not sure yet about it but I met two people at a game. The girl looked smart so probably not her but the guy she seemed to be there with was a total dumbass. No skill and barely any IQ up there." Smirked Chishiya and Y/n laughed.

"Has he joined The Beach yet?" Asked Y/n and Chishiya shook his head.

"Not yet. I wanted to get to know his skill better before trusting him in any way so I'll try to go to as many games as I can to find him." Asnwered Chishiya, speaking of his plan as if it was the greatest thing for one to hear.

"I'll come with you. I'd like to see this boy." Spoke Y/n determined and Chishiya gave her a sly smirk.

"So does that mean you trust me?" Asked the boy and she just scoffed.

"In your dreams, blondie." Answered Y/n as she stood from the wall and walked away, Chishiya of course in foot, following like a lost puppy.


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