𝟴 - 𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧

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Walking out of her room all ready for the game tonight, the first thing Y/n saw was Chishiya leaning against the wall next to the door of her room. The boy looked over at her, a bored expression playing on his face. "You ready?"

"Yep." Y/n answered his question and the two started to walk down to the corridors side by side, going to the main hall to pick out their papers.

They both looked through a few before finding two of the same car and leaving to join their team. Walking over to car eight, Y/n wasn't disappointed. In her team she had Chishiya, Last Boss, Aguni, one guy called Romeo and a girl who has also recently arrived to the beach.

"Good to see you Last Boss, Aguni." Y/n greeted the two and the two greeted back the new comers.

"Y/n! Glad to have you on the team!" Smiled Aguni at the girl and she returned it with a bit smaller one. "I think that's it for us? Let's get going."

Y/n sat in the back with Last Boss, Chishiya and the girl. They had to squeez a bit but it was a large car so it worked out just fine. Aguni sat in the front seat with the other guy at the drivers seat. "Is this your first game?" Asked Y/n kindly the girl sitting next to her who was closest to the door, on the other side of Y/n sat Chishiya, listening in on what the two were talking about.

"Yeah. I'm a bit nervous. I don't wanna get kicked out or something." The clearly younger girl spoke, she was worried she would get killed if she did anything wrong.

"Don't worry. Everybody in this car is skilled in at least one of the card types. Aguni and Last Boss are very skilled in spades games, Romeo works great in clubs and me and Chishiya are skilled in diamonds and hearts." Y/n calmed down the girls nerves who nodded along to everything she was saying.

"Woah! You guys are so cool! How come you're a diamonds and hearts player?" Asked the girl and Y/n thought for a second before answering.

"I used to do hack servers and know quite a bit about technology which involves a lot of numbers, that's a diamonds game." Y/n lied. This wasn't unusual for her. Everybody who's been at the beach for at least two months learns that whatever Y/n told them she did at the beginning was a lie. Y/n doesn't trust new comers and they always end up learning from others that she isn't what she said she was in the first place.

The rest of the car just listened to Y/n lie to the girl on who she was and the girl just smiled and laughed in amazement. "Woah! You're so cool! No wonder you've survived for so long out here!"

The car was quiet again. Y/n just nodded, her smile fading as she looked back in front of her instead at the girl. That wasn't why Y/n survived out here. No one really knows how Y/n survived out here before the beach. Not even Ann. She just met her one day in a game. Ann has spoken on meetings that Y/n didn't attend about how she found her, what state Y/n was in.

6 months ago...

"So is Y/n adapting well to the place?" Asked Hatter the tall woman who just sat down for the meeting.

"Yes. I believe Y/n will make an excellent executive. The girl is very skilled. She knows what she's doing." Ann spoke highly of the girl who she barely knew.

"How did she seem the first game you played together?" Asked Hatter and silence fell upon the table full of executives. Ann deep in thought on how to put together the right sentence, the rest of the table waiting patiently for her answer.

"I must admit... I was scared of her." At the words that left Ann's mouth, the rest of the table looked at her shocked. "As shocking as it may sound, I really was. The girl knew what she was doing fully. As if she's been in the game for years. Her hair was tied up and she had blood stains on her clothing when she arrived to play. Despite her stoic expression, the second blood splashed on her, she looked sick. Like she could throw up at any second."

Chishiya listened in on what Ann was saying. It all sounded interesting to him. Why was she feeling sick the second blood splashed at her? Did she have some sort sickness? Maybe a phobia? These questions ran through his mind while he listened to Ann speak.

"And when the game was over she just disappeared. I found her a block away puking in a garbage can. When I approached her, she tried to run away but I stopped her. She didn't believe anything I was saying and just wanted me to leave her alone." Ann continued on about everything that happened that night before saying something that Chishiya found very interesting...

"Then she told me why she was throwing up. Y/n has hemophobia."


Arriving at their destiantion, the six of them left the cramped car, a few gasping for fresh air that so desperately needed to be in the car. They walked towards the large building, indicating that the game will most likely be spades since they needed as much space as possible. As they walked inside, they were met with an obstacle course, confirming that it was indeed a spades game, Y/n cursing under her breath. Chishiya was the only one to catch and he laughed lightly before looking around looking for the boy they came for. This time it was Chishiya's turn to curse.

"What?" Whispered Y/n to him and the boy looked back at her with a pained expression.

"They're not here..." He whispered back slowly and Y/n looked at him wide eyed.

"Are you fucking kidding me..?" She whisper yelled back, realizing they will now have to compete in Y/n's least favourite type of game... All for nothing.


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