𝟭𝟱 - 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙤𝙧

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After the brief talk with the executives and Niragi pointing his gun at her several times, Y/n walked back out to think things out, Chishiya at her side like always. "What are you thinking?" He asked quietly.

She didn't answer at first, Chishiya just walked beside her, waiting patiently for the girl to get her thoughts together and put them in a sentence. "Aguni did it."

"What?" He asked almost immediately before stopping himself to think. The two walked in silence before Chishiya himself came to the realisation. "It finally makes sense. It's so obvious, he clearly wanted the power Hatter had."

"No. That's not it." The boy turned to look at her when she disagreed with him, once again waiting for her to elaborate on why. "He wasn't jealous... He was tired."

She always had respect for Aguni for letting Hatter do the things he did and act on such an impulse. And it didn't surprise her that he pulled the trigger on him. The two came there together, they were always together and then Hatter drifted. Y/n knew Aguni was hurting. He had no choice, the man was going mad. If someone who she trusted her whole life did something like that, she would've done the same. Well she did. That's why Y/n understood Aguni... The two were much more alike than it seemed to the eye.

"You talk like you understand him. Why?" The boy asked her and she tensed, he noticing it almost immediately.

As much as she wanted to speak her truth for once, tell people what happened when she forst came here, who she first came here with, she held herself back. It wasn't the time and even though she shared some feelings for Chishiya, she still didn't trust him enough. "He's a person. We all are. We sometimes have to do the things we want to do the least. That's what happened to him."

At her statement, Chishiya realized there was so mich more to the girl than she showed. When he first started noticing her at the beginning of her executive years, she was cold, hated everything, acted so smart and always seemed kind of bored. After he got to know her, he realized that the girl is kind, she's passionate and really doesn't have anything against someone unless they have wronged her. "I underestimated you. I apologize."

Y/n stopped walking at that, Chishiya stopping just a bit before her. She looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you, Shiya."


Chishiya opened the door to his room and closed as quiet as possible. He then locked it before turning around and walking over to his bed dropping on it, face first. He punched his bed in frustration a few times before turning over to face the ceiling. His hands dragged down his face and he felt like spilting his skull open just to find out what was that feeling, what his brain was trying to tell him.

But Chishiya was wrong. It wasn't his brain that was trying to tell him anything... It was his heart. And even though Chishiya is yet to realize, his heart knew well that this girl meaned so much more to him than he admitted. His heart knew for a very long time, that Chishiya has fallen for the witty and cold chess player that walked the halls at this very moment.

"What is wrong with you?" Kuina walked out of his bathroom, scaring the man in the process but instead of jumping, he acted like he knew she was here the whole time.

"Nothing. Was just waiting for you to walk out." He said as if he didn't just try to murder his bed covers while silently screaming into them.

"Sure you were. Totally not thinking about Y/n." Thr girl giggled at him, she knew so much about the way he was feeling when he himself didn't understand it. It was annoying.

"I said she was pretty once. Get over it." He demanded before getting up and going to walk out, Kuina's words stopping him.

"So you truly can't figure it out, can't you?" She asked, her voice and tone ever so taunting. The boy turned around to look back at her, waiting for the girl to elaborate.

"Figure what out?" He asked after she didn't say anything and Kuina laughed.

"Oh my god! This is gold! Yeah I'm definetly not telling you now, Chishiya. We have a plan to get to. Remember?" The girl reminded him of their plan, leaving the Y/n topic behind to be discussed later.

"Right. Find me Arisu and I'll go look for Y/n." He ordered and Kuina nodded. She unlocked the door and walked out the room, going the opposite side of Chishiya to the right while he went left. Arisu was probably somewhere around people with Usagi. Y/n was probably as far away from the crowd as possible so Chishiya decided to walk the empty halls and maybe see the deserted library on the fifth floor, that place was so empty it was probably full of spiders and webs.

Walking past Ann's lab, Kuina heard two people talking inside. Ann and Y/n. Of course she was with Ann, she was always with Ann. Kuina pressed her ear against the door to get a better hear at what was being said.

"I swear it's so dumb!" She heard Ann laughing her ass off while Y/n whined. "Ann! Stop I was so embarrassed, it was so embarrassing, I wanted to kill myself on the spot."

"Well why did you say that then?"

"I don't know! My mouth talked before I could think! I just said it and he looked at me so weird! I just can't read him, it's not fair!"

"What did you call him exactly?"

"Shiya. I fucking called him Shiya! I'm gonna kill myself!" She could hear Y/n cry from the other side out of embarrassment. Kuina smiled to herself, realizing both of her friends shared some feelings for each other.


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