𝟭𝟬 - 𝙇𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨

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"You're gonna lose in seven moves." Y/n spoke up after Chishiya moved another one of his pieces. He briefly looked up at her as she stared at him with a bored expression playing on her face. He then moved the same to a different spot and looked up again, silently questioning if this was better. "Four moves."

Sighing the man stared at the board before a sly smirk appeared on his cat like face. He moved his piece yet again and proudly looked up at the girl, his smirk disappearing after seeing her face. "What now."

"One move." The man sitting across from her had to physically refrain from flipping the table over at her words. "You seem tense, you should relax." At those words, his blood seemed to start boiling even more. He could barely hold a pissed expression back from painting over his face.

"I'm going down to the pool to get drinks. You want anything?" He quickly got up and changed the topic so he could go and cool off by walking around. The man didn't even realize he asked her if she wanted anything in the process, something he didn't really do often since he didn't really care if anybody wanted anything.

"I'll go with you." She answered back and Chishiya was rather surprised the girl decided to join him. Knowing her for the past few months he learned that the girl really hated when someone interrupted her during the chess games and since they were in the middle of one, it was quite a shock for Chishiya that the girl wasn't mad or anything.

"Alright." The man said back as the two left the balcony above the court yard.

They walked through the empty halls of the Beach, another night that everybody was partying downstairs. The only people that were upstairs were the ones in the bedrooms doing things Y/n wished she couldn't hear from the thin walls, unfortunatley she could. "God she sound's like she's getting murdered in there." The girl grimaced at the loud noise coming from one of the bedrooms.

"For all we know, she is." Chsihya commented and Y/n cracked a smile at his joke. The boy looked at her surprised and spoke yet again. "Do my eyes deceive me or are you smiling?"

"Shut up." The girl spoke in a serious tone, her expression changing drastically fast. What was once the smallest of smiles was replaced with a grimace.

"I've been meaning to ask you..." Chishiya started and Y/n looked over at him, waiting for the man to proceed. "How come you lie to everyone when they first meet you?"

Silence rose in the hallway, Y/n thinking of what to even say to that while Chishiya was calmly waiting for her answer. The light thud of her crocs and the tap of his flip flops were the only thing heard, until Y/n finally decided on an answer she found acceptable.

"Well, we're all gonna die anyway so I don't see how it really matters what I tell them. They say lying is bad but it gave freedom to be a completely different person in a completely different world. I think that's the best definition of freedom. Being whoever you want to be, whenever you want to be." Her little speech got Chishiya thinking.

She was right. They were all most likely gonna die in the strange world and not come back so it didn't really matter what they said about themselves. It didn't matter if it was true or not. Nothing really mattered in that world.

"Honestly, I didn't expect for you to say that. But I must agree." Chishiya nodded and Y/n smiled gently, turning her head so the boy walking next to her won't see it, yet he took a quick peek before she was able to turn around and formed the smallest of smiles of his own, realizing this was the first time he truly smiled in years.


"Oh ew." Y/n put the drink back down on the bar and spat it out on the floor. "What is that?" She asked the guy pouring the drinks.

"A bit of almost everything. Actually everything though, there might even be ketchup in there." The man said unsure and Chishiya, who stood next to the girl smirked amused at the scene. The obviously drunk guy trying to explain a drink while Y/n looked at him disgusted was definetly a funny scene.

"Are you dumb?!" She yelled at him over the loud music and the man raised his hands offended turning to Chishiya.

"Oi! Calm your girlfriend!" He yelled at him and Chishiya turned to look at Y/n, still the same amused smirk playing on his lips.

"Yeah, calm down, girlfriend." Chishiya spoke and Y/n scowled at him. She hit his shoulder hard and the man lost the smirk, now grimacing at the pain, yet he continued to joke. "Girlfriend, why are you hitting me?"

"Stop it dumbass!" She yelled at him and he just grabbed two beers in one hand and with the other, he grabbed Y/n's wrist, dragging the two of them out of the pool area. "I can't believe you did that in there."

"What? You said it yourself. You lie to strangers and so I lied to him. I don't see the issue here. Besides, all the executives and Kuina already think we got something going on so-" Before he could finish Y/n cut him off.

"What? Why would anybody think we're together?" Y/n asked confused and a tad bit disgusted.

"Oh please. Like you wouldn't wanna date me." Chishiya said, looking down at her with a smirk while she kept her disgusted face.

"I would rather get my arm sliced off." Y/n spoke back but something in her felt weird. As if she was even lying about that right now, but the girl could've sworn she would rather get her arm cut off, yet as cliche as it sounds, her heart seemed to speak differently.


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