𝟮𝟱 - 𝙏𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚

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"Alright. So if you had to choose between running over three people or a dog. Which one?" Y/n asked with a quirked brow and Chishiya sighed.

"Can I do both?" He asked and Y/n rolled her eyes and shook her head, throwing a cashew in her mouth and munching on it.

The two sat in the same store, leaning against shelves of all sorts of candy. He sat opposite Y/n, a bag of cookies in his lap as he ate from it. A bag of cashews in the hand of Y/n, also eating her own snack as the two talked about mindless things, letting Y/n rest her leg while she could. "You're a menace." Y/n commented.

"And you love it." Chishiya added with a smirk and Y/n threw a cashew at him. The boy raised his hand, catching the snack and popping it into his mouth. He grimaced. "The cookies are so much better than that crap."

"Watch your mouth. I'll kill you in your sleep." Y/n threatened with a smirk of her own, popping another cashew into her mouth, the snack perfectly salty to her liking.

"Well aren't you a ball of sunshine." Chishiya stated with a mocking smile and Y/n scowled at him before rolling her eyes. Chishiya laughed at the reaction, grabbing another cookie and biting into it. A small silence fell between the two, it didn't feel awkward but rather comfortable. They were comfortable with each other, having been through so much together, of course they grew closer than expected.

There were also the proclaimed feelings neither speaked on after the first time they understood them but both knew they were there. Maybe they didn't speak on it since it was unknown territory for both, such strong feelings and care for a person that wasn't themselves or maybe it was the most simple fact they were both scared inside. Scared of what might happen once they get out, if they get out. For them, it was always better to not make meaningful connections. Unfortunately, their hearts would never listen to their minds.

"Shall we go play?" Y/n suggested and put the packet of cashews aside. The girl sat up and tried to stand, wincing at the throbbing pain of the wound. Chishiya immediately moved across and next to her, grabbing her shoulders to sit her back down.

"No. You need to rest a bit more. Listen to your doctor." Chishiya ordered and the girl laughed dryly, rolling her eyes and giving him an unamused expression.

"So now you wanna talk about your past?" She asked and Chishiya sighed annoyed.

"That's not what I meant. We both have a couple of days on our visa, so just sit." He ordered and the girl sat back, mumbling profanities to herself as she grabbed her packet again. Chishiya sat back next to her and another silence fell between the two. He glanced over at her, gathering his thoughts. "You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?"

Y/n laughed again and looked forward, opening her packet. "And you love it." She added, copying his previous words, and glanced at him. The boy smiled and shook his head while she popped cashews into her mouth.

"Yeah... I do..." He mumbled and another silence fell between the two, having just spinned between happy, sad and all sorts of emotions in a single conversation. The girl glanced over at his side profile her own eyes softening at his expression. He looked back at her and the two smiled at one another.

She sighed and looked back forward before dropping her head onto his shoulder. Chishiya didn't move away, rather he dropped his head on hers, also dropping his shoulders so she would lay more comfortable against it. "Thanks, doc." She mumbled.

"Always, N/n."


"So what's the plan?" Asked Chishiya as the two stood in front of a large building, a few feet off to the side, watching people drop in. The large blimp stood flying still of it, displaying the card clearly. Jack of hearts. He still couldn't believe Y/n convinced him to go out and do a game but after all, it was her, and he found it incredibly hard to deny her wishes.

"Let's play safe. Whatever the game is, it's going to do on playing with emotions. With trust. It's a hearts game. I say we pretend to have met there, and whatever the game is, we got each others backs without exposing ourselves to danger." Y/n explained and the man nodded, he too knew how hearts games played and considering this was not any bit easier than the others, Y/n was most likely right.

"Alright. You go ahead first. Make your limp more dramatic, they'll make you an easy target." Chishiya told her with a nod, glancing down to her messily cleaned up thigh, dried blood still splattered on it. Y/n nodded before starting to walk away.

The girl stopped herself and turned back towards him, walking back and wrapping her hands around hid neck. She gave him a tight hug. "Be safe." She muttered and in the quick instant, planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. The man smiled softly and nodded, hugging her back before letting her go on without him. He found it hard to tear his hands away from her but he knew he had to, watching Y/n limp away and towards the building.

After a few seconds, he walked in too, grabbing a collar and going up to the main room, seeing many people all around with the collars around their necks. He scanned the room, his eyes dropping on his Y/n who stood further away, leaning against a wall. He pulled his hood up and walked over, standing at the wall next to her and pretending like he has never seen her before.

The last player walked in, a tall and lean man with a menacing look in his eyes. Y/n froze in her place, staring at the man like a deer in headlights. Chishiya noticed this and leaned towards her, glancing around and making sure no one was paying attention to them. "What is it?" He asked quietly and Y/n gulped, her eyes never tearing away from the man that entered the room.

"My brother... Sunato Banda."


Just realized this book has been getting recognition so I'll have to actually write it😭

So sorry for the months worth of wait but here you go, we'll be wrapping this up soon so I hope you enjoy the juicy cliffhanger, love you lots!💗💗

Don't forget to vote!<333

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