𝟭𝟮 - 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨

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Sitting down with a thud, Chishiya watched Y/n play with the food in front of her, not touching it since she got it. "Eat." He ordered her before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Why? It's disgusting." Y/n tapped the dry chicken with her fork, the gravy on the mashed potatoes getting colder and colder by each passing second.

"You need to eat, so eat." Chishiya ordered her once more, his words getting completely ignored by the girl who just simply changed the subject.

"Did you guys talk to Arisu yet? Did he agree?" Y/n gave a shot at switching the topic, hoping Chishiya would let the food thing go but it was in vein as he went right back to it.

"Yes, we did and he did. Why aren't you eating?" He asked her openly, tired of having to imply the big question. He didn't care if it looked disgusting, the girl had to eat. If she didn't, she would be weak and wouldn't do well in the games. If she didn't do well, she would... Die. And Chishiya at the moment could not afford losing a good working brain like Y/n's. That's the only reason he cared if she ate anything, or at least that's what he told himself.

"I'm not hungry." She got up immediately after giving him an answer and dumped her food in the trash before leaving the tray on top of all the other dirty ones. Without giving Chishiya a single glance, she left the cafeteria, speed walking down the hallways.

The boy debated to himself on if he should follow her. She clearly needed some space but what if she wanted him to follow her? Or did that sound too dumb? God he felt dumb even thinking about what he should do. His thoughts should have been reserved for only incredibly important things, not her. Yet she somehow slipped past the other things and pre occupied his entire mind. "Fuck this." He finished his sandwich and got up to go look for Kuina. She was his number one advice person on figuring out Y/n. They were both girls so Chishiya figured they understood each other much better than he and Y/n did.


Ann held up a hand to Y/n's head, feeling how cold the girl was. She was incredibly pale the past few days and didn't really talk a lot. Ann thought Y/n could be dying or something with how she's been acting. She was a mess. "What's been going on? You're not sick right? Are you... Dying?"

"No. It's nothing. Seriously." Y/n pushed Ann's hand away and sat down on the chair in the lab Ann worked in. She wasn't opening up anybody at the moment so she had time to talk to Y/n.

"Then what is it? Why have you been so down?" Asked Ann, rubbing the freezing arm of her best friend.

"It's bad... I don't know what to do and I don't know how to fix it even..." Y/n felt like she was gonna break down in front of Ann, the only person at the beach she could do that in front of, well her and maybe Chishiya, he's been gaining her trust more and more recently.

"What is it? Tell me, I'll help you." Ann's words were comforting, they made Y/n truly believe what she was saying. And maybe Ann could help her with the problem the girl had.

"Alright. But you can't tell anyone. Okay?" Y/n ordered and Ann nodded, understanding how serious the topic was for Y/n. "Well..." The girl started, she herself wasn't sure how to get the words out. She was confused and hated the feeling of not knowing what to do. "I.. I think, I like Chishiya."

Silence filled the room, Ann looking at her best friend shocked. She didn't know how to react, what to say or even do. "Is-... Is that why you haven't been eating? Why you have been acting so distant from everyone, well more than usual?" Y/n nodded at Ann's question, tears brimming her eyes. "Oh, baby... It's okay." Ann pulled her into a hug.

"No, it isn't. It's not fair. He can't feel anything. He doesn't care for anyone except himself. I mean... Why did it have to be me of all people? And he's everywhere. He makes me teach him chess and keeps saying these sweet things. And when people refer to me as his girlfriend, he doesn't correct them but rather goes along with it. I hate it! It's all just a game to him!" Y/n cried her heart out to Ann, the girl holding onto her friend for dear life.

"N/n... He doesn't do that with anyone else. I don't think it's a game to him." Ann reasured but Y/n didn't believe her. She was sure he played with other girls like that, who knows how many times people thought Kuina was his girlfriend and he didn't correct them.

"Oh please. Don't make me laugh. He doesn't give a shit about me, it's all fun and games for him. Everything is. Look I'm just gonna pretend like nothing is going on. Play the player, all those things." Y/n spoke and Ann rubbed her arm.

"Well alright. Do whatever you feel is right. But, start eating again please. You've been getting too skinny." Ann smiled at Y/n, wipping the tears away from her best friends face.

"Thanks Ann. You're my best friend. Seriously." Y/n hugged the girl tightly and Ann returned the favor right away.

"You're mine too, sweetheart. We'll get out of here together. Alright?" Ann assured her and Y/n nodded along.

"As much as I don't believe in promises and hate making them... I promise to never leave you behind. I mean that." Y/n looked up at the tall woman, making a promise she herself she was gonna keep until the very end. No matter what.


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