𝟭𝟲 - 𝘼 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙣

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"Alright. If we're all ready I believe we can get going?" Asked Kuina looking around the room at everybody who held a walkie talkie in their hand.

"Let's go." Chishiya sighed and opened the door of the bedroom and out walked Kuina, Y/n, Arisu and Usagi along with Chishiya at the end. "We'll see you guys later." Chishiya and Y/n walked their own way while Arisu went the opposite with Kuina and Usagi. "You look stressed. Did you change your mind about the plan?"

"Of course not. I don't care for that boy or for the girl. I have other things to worry about." Y/n answered rather coldly, surprising Chishiya.

"Like what?" He asked once more. 'Like you.' She wanted to say so bad but she couldn't. It wasn't the time or place for any of that, especially in a place like the borderlands. You can't get attached to anyone here, it will hurt more when one dies. She learnt that well enough to know not to repeat it.

"It doesn't concern you." She answered once more plainly and Chishiya got annoyed this time. Just when they were getting closer and when she looked like she trusted him, she just turned it off. Went back to that cold passionless girl from before. It made him more mad than he thought. He shouldn't be so bothered by it but he was. It was just so confusing.

"Well I thought I could help. Why don't you tell me and I'll decide if it concerns me or not." He basically ordered her and Y/n just felt like ripping his mouth off of him so he would stop talking. She hated it yet felt happy when she heard his voice. Especially the 'how are you this morning?' or 'have you eaten?'. Of course to him it was probably nothing but, it wasn't nothing to her. It was everything and she absolutely hated it.

"No." She answered plainly before turning the corner to go to her spot and parting with the boy. He stopped and looked down the hallway at her walking away. He debated if he should follow her or not. He wanted to, he truly did but his brain kept saying to let it go. Why should he care what's bothering her or not? And he did care but if he just kept telling himself he didn't, maybe he would believe it.

Walking ahead, the boy continued to question what was going on in his brain that made him act this way. The last time he cared about someone was before Borderland. Before all the death he has seen and before he learned that the world isn't fair and it doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else. "Kuina." He spoke into the walkie talkie, going on the private line between him and Kuina.

"What's up?" He heard Kuina's voice seconds later from the other side. For a second he wanted to stop himself from asking anything, if he did Kuina would just be even more suspicious of him but the man didn't think it really through before he asked.

"Do you know why Y/n is mad at me?" He asked her and regretted it immediately when he heard Kuina laughing from the other side.

"Oh my god! Are my ears broken or did I just hear this right? Shuntaro Chishiya, do you care what Y/n thinks of you?" She laughed and Chishiya just wanted to throw the walkie talkie into the wall and break it.

"Of course not. It's just-... Something has clearly been bothering her and I need her to be focused on the plan. Not whatever it is that she is thinking about." He spoke with confidence but it was broken when Kuina just laughed again.

"Sure... That's the reason definetly. How about when this is all over and when we get the cards, you two talk it out a bit? Get a few things off of your chests?" She asked him and Chishiya felt puzzled.

"I don't have anything to take off my chest." He stated and Kuina could've practically died from laughing. He could hear her fall to the floor from the other side and he just rolled his eyes. "Stop that."

"My bad... How about after the plan, you go and have a conversation with your heart, not your brain." She suggested and he thought for a minute. He was confused by what she meant. "And no you can't say no, we all know you have a heart deep down Chishiya."

"Shut up." He said last before switching channels back to the one with everyone to continue with the plan.


Y/n stood outside the room, her head down leaning against the wall with crossed arms. She could hear Niragi yelling from the inside before loud thuds. They brought out Arisu, Usagi after him and Y/n looked the girl dead in the eyes, carelessly smiling at her like nothing just happened. Usagi didn't return the smile but rather a look of anger as they dragged away her and Arisu.

Out then walked Chishiya and Kuina, the girl coming to hug the chess player. Y/n lightly returned the hug, the tips of her fingers brushing Kuina's back slightly. The two let go of each other before turning to Chishiya. "So?" Y/n asked if he was now sure where the cards were. The boy nodded and she nodded back before turning to Kuina. "How about a round? You've been slacking off lately."

"I have a better idea. How about a drink instead? No boys allowed." Kuina threatened Chishiya before walking away with Y/n, holding onto her hand and dragging her along with her, the smaller girl just letting her.

Chishiya wanted to protest for a second before he remembered what Kuina told him. He couldn't go get a drink with them because he had to 'have a talk with his heart'. He didn't even understand how to do that. He always thought logically, thinking everything through with his brain. This time he would have to think with his heart, not his brain. Only he knew what secrets hid deep down there.


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