𝟭𝟭 - 𝘼 𝙗𝙤𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡

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Reaching the pool area they both felt sick. Not literally, but in general. Both basically carried the same thoughts 'This is disgusting, do they not get tired of doing this every night?'. The two pushed through the many people to get to the bar and after they finally did, they quickly ordered just so they could get out of that mess as fast as they could but something seemed to have caught Chishiyas eye.

He lightly tapped on Y/n's shoulder, not moving his eyes from the figure that just passed by them. "It's him. That's the guy from the game." Chishiya whispered to Y/n and the girl whipped her head around searching for the guy that Chishiya described to her during one of the many lunches they had in the past.

There her eyes layed upon a guy and a girl, both fitting the descriptions Chishiya gave, Arisu and Usagi. They looked just how Chishiya said they did, the girl strong, fit and clearly in shape, very much unlike the boy who was more scrawny and seemed very out of place in this crowd, looking around and wondering where he even is. "You pick well." Y/n lightly praised Chishiya, her eyes still on the two.

"I know." Unlike his answer which was very self centered, Chishiya felt the weirdest of feelings bubbling once again just like at all the small compliments Y/n has given him over time. In such a strange way, the girl got him to, in a way, crave for more compliments. That's why he always tried so hard during their chess games, just to hear a 'not bad' or at least a 'you're getting better' leave beyond her lips. His eyes lingered on the back of her head before moving to the boy she too was watching.

Out of nowhere, Kuina walked past them and went over to the two, sitting with the new comers and talking to them as if she knew them for ages. "Damn. Kuina already setting the game." Y/n lightly laughed and Chishiyas eyes were back on her. He felt so out of place, not being able to focus, just wanting to keep watching her warm (e/c) eyes gloss over the pool area while she laughed, hopefully landing back on him.

He truly couldn't understand anything, but the one thing he knew for certian, was that he had to remove himself from this situation before he did something he might regret. "Yeah. I'll be right back." He excused himself and without an explanation walked off, feeling sweat run down his neck, getting slightly stuck to the back of the zip up her wore. "Fuck this." He muttered to himself walking past hundreds of people trying to go and get some fresh air.

Y/n just stared to where he left from, she wasn't planning on following him, she could tell something was on his mind and with the way she was feeling, she could use a small break from the man too. The girl could feel his eyes on here so much she didn't want to move them from Arisu in case Chishiya were to continue to just stare. She hated the flowing feeling in her lower stomach as if a thousand butterflies were just errupting and flapping around her tummy. She hated how she felt such a way and yet couldn't do anything about it.

Her train of thought was interrupted when the group of maniacs with guns walked past her, as if they owned the beach. Last Boss stood in front of her, his back turned to the girl as he watched Niragi get his way again. Feeling the need of stepping in, Y/n started to move forward but was quickly stopped by the hand that belonged to no one other than Last Boss. He lightly pushed her back with his hand and turned his head ever so slightly as if in to tell Y/n not to step in, this wasn't something she wanted to be apart of.

She truly didn't know if she wanted to thank the man or rip that katana out of his other hand and slice Niragi with it. She decided to keep calm and move back a bit more, her back getting pressed up against someone elses front, the girl quickly turned to apologize before realizing it was Chishiya who was behind her, seemingly back from his adventure. "Where did you-" Before she could finish Chsihya grabbed her wrist and started to walk away from the courtyard.

"Come on. There's too many people, we have a game to finish." He told her and the girl just obliged. He was right, they never finished the game that still sat on the white table on the balcony.

When they arrived, Y/n looked over at Chishiya with another one of her unimpressed looks. "Why did you move the pieces? Trying to cheat, are we?" The girl raised one eyebrow, Chishiya wanting to curse under his breath. He hoped she wouldn't notice or just let him win at this point.

Without saying anything, the boy moved the pieces back and looked at Y/n once more. "Better?" He asked and Y/n looked over the board, noticing one piece still stayed moved to help Chishiya. She could see how it could benefit him but what Chishiya didn't think about was how it could actually benefit Y/n in much better ways.

"Yeah." The girl smiled at the board, looking over to Chishiya noticing the boy smirking to himself as if he just didn't throw his own game. They sat back down and Y/n moved her piece before watching Chishiya crumble. "That's mate."

He tried his best to stay unfazed but that smirked that once played on his face was long gone that was for sure. "I'm gonna go look for Kuina." Before Y/n could protest or even say anything at all, Chishiya got up and walked away. Well... More of ran away. The girl could've sworn this was the first time she has ever seen him walk faster than her.


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