𝟳 - 𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙨

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Shortly after the interaction the man walked away disappointed and both Y/n and Chishiya let go of each other immediately and Y/n could've felt how warm her cheeks were getting the second the slightly taller man put his arm around her.

"Thanks." She said turning towards him and Chishiya just smirked at the girl.

"You looked rather uncomfortable so thought I'd help out." This statement made Y/n a bit confused. He definetly didn't care whether she was uncomfortable or not so the girl plainly assumed that he was just trying to get trust points.

What she didn't know, was that Chishiya in fact didn't come over to help her because of the said trust points but because he really did think Y/n looked uncomfortable and for some reason that he found strange, he didn't like that a guy was trying to hit on her.

"No shit. I was dying inside." The girl spoke and Chishiya nodded understanding how she wasn't actually dying but it was rather a metaphor.

Just as he was about to speak again, yet another voice interrupted them. This time it was the voice that when Y/n heard, she just wanted to slice her ears off so she wouldn't have to listen to it. "What are you two nerds doing?"

"Minding our own business, Niragi. You should take notes." Y/n backfired at his childish comment.

"Now now world champ! Why the cold shoulder? I was just trying to make small talk." The boy with the gun stated as he came closer to the two, Last Boss and some others walking right behind him like servants.

"We don't have time for your bullshit, Niragi. Us actual executives have important jobs to get to." Chishiya stated as he grabbed Y/n's wrist and walked away from the outside pool completely.

"I really fucking hate it here." Y/n sighed rubbing her eyes with her free hand, only now noticing Chishiya was still holding onto her hand. "What are you doing?"

"What? Oh. Sorry." The man said and snatched his hand back noticing what she was talking about. "Kuina is still out there."

"I'll go get her-"

"No need. She can take care of herself. Let's go." Chishiya interrupted as he started to walk away, his hands deep in his pockets.

His mind was running. He tried to figure out why he came over and helped Y/n but he just couldn't figure it out. It was like instict. His eyes followed her as she walked over to the table and shortly after the man appraoched her, Chishiya found himself walking over to the two. Even now he grabbed her hand and continued to hold it without thinking about it at all.

"Where are we going?" The said girl, her crocs hitting the floor lightly as she sped up to match the fast pace Chishiya was walking in.

When she asked that, the boy stopped in his tracks immediately. He didn't know where they were going. He turned to her and watched her with the same calm expression yet his mind was anything but calm. "I don't know. I'n going to my room, do whatever you want."

Chishiya decided to remove himself from the situation as he walked away again to go to his room, leaving behind a confused and puzzled Y/n who just watched him leave before slowly turning around and going to Ann's lab.


"Here." Ann lightly placed a cup of noodles in front of Y/n with two boiled eggs inside. She then put her own cup in front of herself and sat down.

The two girls continued to eat in silence in the lab. Ann noticed that Y/n has already munched up all the soft boiled eggs she had in her cup and yet there was half of noodles and broth still left. The woman grabbed one of her eggs with her chopsticks and placed it in Y/n's cup, the girl looking up at her confused with a mouth full of noodles.

"Eat this one slowly. Save it for the perfect last bite." Ann told her and Y/n smiled and nodded continuing to eat her noodles but Ann just watched the troublesome girl. "Is something wrong?"

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked back right after gulping down a few sips of the broth.

"You seem stressed. Is something bothering you?" Ann repeated her question and Y/nsat for a second in thought.

Something was bothering her. But she couldn't tell Ann because she had to keep it a secret. The truth was, the whole operation with the cards was bothering Y/n and not because she would betray the beach, she could care less for the beach but because she would betray Ann. The only person to ever care for Y/n was Ann and that bond went both ways.

"I can't tell you." Y/n answered slowly and Ann looked at her confused. "Listen to me Ann. Something will happen soon, I don't know when but it will happen. So when it happens, leave the beach. Sneak out and run somewhere else."

"Y/n. What is going on..?" Ann asked. There was so much Y/n wasn't telling her and Ann wanted to get to the bottom of it. What was this big thing that was happening? Why would she have to leave after it? Will Y/n leave too?

"I really can't tell you. I want to, so much but I can't. You'll know when it happens okay? And when it does run. Don't look back, don't look for me just run away." Y/n held onto one of Ann's hands, lightly squeezing it to reasure the girl.

"Okay. I believe you. Just don't die, okay?" Ann squeezed her hand back and Y/n smiled softly at the woman in front of her.

"Don't worry. I won't. And you better not die either." Y/n stated and Ann nodded. The two coming to an agreement for both of them to stay alive.


Became kinda sad at the end but I love the Ann and Y/n friendship they're my fav honestly💞💞

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