𝟯 - 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙣

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Of course it was. Y/n had to risk her life either way to get the vizas so what difference did this make? Except that this could actually be her ticket out of the hell hole she was bound to live in until that red laser pierced right through her clean, wiping her out of existence as if she was never even alive before that moment.

"What's in it for me?" She knew what was in it for her but she still wanted to hear the mans answer. Maybe he offered something she hadn't considered yet. But that possibility was very unlikely.

"Well it's your way out of here. Most likely out of the Borderlands over all. With your skill set and IQ, you would make a great asset to our little team." Answered Chishiya as if he was an ad, trying to get you to buy a product.

"Why do you think I would trust you? I'm not dumb, Chishiya. You're gonna get me in on the fake plan and betray me to benefit yourself. Get on their good side so you two could leave easily untouched. Your empty compliments mean nothing in the end. So why do you think I would ever trust you?" She asked and Chishiya just smirked at the girl standing before him.

He lifted himself from the table he was leaning against and approached the girl who stood her ground, arms crossed now having to look up at him as he stood closer to her than ever. "Because you're not the one we're trying to fool."

His smirk burned through her skin, hands in pockets as the two had a stare down. Y/n wanted to wipe that smug look off his face but yet she kept her uninterested look on her as she realized what he meant by that. "You're waiting on someone else to show up, aren't you? Someone who is a lot dumber than me and would fall for your promises."

"You catch up quickly I see. That's good." The smirk never left him as he looked over at Kuina and back at Y/n. "So is that a yes?"

Was it a yes? Was it safe enough to agree and become a part of their little scheme to fool number one? Y/n's mind ran through all the possible solutions, all the possible ways this plan could go, all the possible betrayals and in the end, the girl just couldn't decide.

"Give me a few days and I'll think about it." Answered Y/n and Chishiya wanted to grimace, not satisfied with the answer but he kept his unbothered expression on his face.

"We don't have a few days. When we get clues, it wouldn't be bad to have another highly developed brain to sort out the possible solutions. And we could get them through games, any time and anywhere." The praises spilled out his mouth. They were subtle but known. Y/n knew well he didn't mean them though. It was just a way to get the girl to join them, be a part of the team.

"Fine but don't think for a second that I trust you any bit, okay? I just want to get out of this hell of a utopia." Finally gave in Y/n but she wasn't planning on putting any of her trust in the two. She promised herself she will keep alert at all times and will not let her guard down around either of them or anyone in that matter.

"That's fine. Wasn't planning on it anyway." Answered Chishiya, the same cocky smirk playing on his face as he stared down at the girl. He was planning on it though. If the girl didn't trust them it meant they couldn't trust her either. She could betray them them at all times.

He wanted her to be a part of the team. Like actually a part of it. And this? This was as if she gave them a maybe. It meant nothing and it will continue to mean nothing until they get her trust. So Chishiya decided he would make her trust him, get her to trust him and hopefully not end up trusting her in the end. He can't make connections with others, it's to risky. Especially with someone like Y/n, who he already found very attractive. He did mention it once to Kuina and to this day he wishes he didn't for she teases him every chance she gets.

"The sexual tension..." Muttered Kuina to herself as she walked pass them, both hearing what she said but they chose to ignore it. Kuina then opened the door. "Come on, let's go. We have games to win."

The three left the room and walked down the hallway to the lounge where everybody was picking out papers which read which car you're riding in. The whole time walking, Kuina and Y/n talked while Chishiya just listened to the two. They shared many things about each other, mostly Kuina did since Y/n was still very wary around the two. But she did speak of the chess matches and how it was to experience them. Chishiya listened in on every word she said, he seemed particularly interested in how she enjoyed her time there rather than the matches themselves.

The girl spoke about how it was for her to win world three times in a row, this year should've made it four if she didn't 'disappear'. She was getting ready to destroy the guy but when she left the bathroom to go to her table, no one was there anymore. She searched the whole building, the streets but it seemed like everybody vanished, or rather she did. Then she met a woman with sunglasses and heels that made her taller than she already was in her first game. The woman offered to take her to something that she referred to as paradise, much to Y/n's dismay she later found out it was not. But at that time the girl agreed and the rest was history.


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