𝟭𝟳 - 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙯𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣

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Chishiya opened the door to his room and walked in. He closed and locked it behind him. He didn't want anyone to disturb him during his thinking hours. He walked over to one of the cabinets and unlocked it with a key. He took a bottle of scotch out of the cabinet, it was a rare occasion when Chishiya drank alone but it happened only when he truly needed his mind to be completely open to all and any possiblities.

He filled a glass halfway and sat down in his armchair. At first, he couldn't really focus. He thought back to all the words Kuina spoke to him about Y/n, then he thought about her. He thought about all the chess games, he thought about all the conversations. He thought back to the time she refused to eat and wouldn't tell him why. It made him furious and he didn't understand why. That made him even more mad.

He took three big gulps of the alcohol and in a second the glass was empty. His hand reached out and just grabbed the bottle, not bothering to pour it in a cup. Taking a few swings, he thought back to all the moments. He realized just how pretty he found Y/n.

She truly was gorgeous. She was smart, she was witty and kind. The girl seemed like a whole package to him. He thought back to one of the games with her and how irritated he got when she paired up with Last Boss in one of the games. He remembered some of past conversations he had with Niragi about Y/n and how much he wanted to beat him up when he was sexualizing her.

He then remembered his first ever talk with Y/n. Back when she just became an executive and was tasked to observe the work of other executives. The two talked about games mostly. It was brief but Chishiya picked up many things from it. The way she spoke, the way she stood and how closed off she was. Over the time he got to know her, he realized how much she has changed. How she truly seemed to trust him more now and how much more he trusted her.

Chishiya decided to put the bottle down. He couldn't take it anymore. He ignored all the feelings and decided to move on with the plan. If he didn't face the truth, it's like it didn't even exists, right? That's at least how Chishiya saw it. If he ignored it, it was nothing to him, it was nothing to his brain. Yet his heart screamed out for him to hear it. Too bad Chishiya was deaf to feelings.


Kuina was mad. She was now keeping look out while Chishiya got the cards while Y/n was told to stay outside and get the car ready. Why was Kuina mad? Because Chishiya completely ignored what she told him. She felt like slapping him and yelling at him but the girl herself knew she couldn't do that. It was not the time or place.

Her mind was brought back when Last Boss started to walk by her, she keot her cool as he walked by but the nervousness settled in when he stopped. The man turned around, his eyes wide, giving Kuina a death stare. She thought quickly and decided to wink at him. The man turned back around and walked away, not wanting to deal with whatever that was.

Outside, Y/n was leaning against one of the cars and waiting for the two. She thought her job was the most boring, getting a car ready. All she had to do was turn one of the keys and it was ready but Chishiya insisted that it was the best job for her right now. Kuina teased that he didn't want Y/n to get hurt but both Chishiya and her ingored the words of the woman with dreadlocks.

"We got the cards. We'll be right out." She heard Kuina speak through the walkie talkie and so the girl brought it to her face to answer.

"Alright." She said and continued to wait. Nothing more was said. Except for the earlier explation from Chishiya about how he found out where the cards were. Kuina only praised saying she wouldn't wanna be the mans enemy while Y/n found it an interesting challenge she wouldn't mind participating in. The girl walked to the front gate and waitied for them. Finally the two walked out the front doors and Y/n smiled. "Where are they?"

Chishiya held up the cards but soon he stopped walking, looking at the gate in front of Y/n. "Stop." He ordered Kuina and the girl stopped looking at him.

"What?" She asked him before turning forward and looking at the gate confused.

He grabbed the wrist band from Kuina's hand and threw it at the gate, the band getting zapped. "Oh my god." Y/n spoke shocked as she took a step forward, Chishiya stopping her immediately.

"Stop. Don't cross it." He ordered her.

"What do you mean? I can't leave you guys, the beach is an arena." Y/n tried to reason with the boy but he still stopped her.

"Y/n listen to me. Don't cross it. Just stay on the other side and we will be right back okay?" He wasn't really asking, more of ordering her to not do anything but knowing Y/n, she probably wasn't gonna listen to him.

"What? Chishiya are you crazy? Of course I'm not doing that." The girl tried to reason with him. They were her friends, all having to compete without her. Kuina was in, Chishiya was in... Ann was in. She couldn't keave Ann behind. "Ann is in there."

"Y/n. Do you trust me?" Chishiya asked her, both at the edge of the gate, staring at each other. Y/n's eyes were glossy, tears brimming and ready to spill over.

"...No." That sentence, seemed to break his heart. That sentence made Chishiya realize just how much he cared for her. That sentence, made Chishiya realize that he was inevitably and irrevocably in love with Y/n.


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