𝟮𝟰 - 𝙎𝙚𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙

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Y/n woke up with her head throbbing. She opened her eyes and coughed heavily as the dust rose to her nose and mouth. She spat out, feeling the sort of bitter taste. The girl groaned, trying to see from the cracks of the concrete that fell on her. It was quiet, almost too quiet, no distant shouts or shots. She groaned and tried getting up, that's when she felt it. The absolutely horrible pain in her thigh.

The girl screamed out of pain and looked down, noticing a rusty pipe going straight through her pants and the flesh of her thigh, not coming out of the other end though. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." She mumbled, holding onto her bleeding thigh as tears brimmed her eyes. As blood got on her hands she looked it over and felt everything she ate earlier coming up. The girl quickly turned her head to the side and puked on the ground next to her, tears falling out of her eyes as she gritted her teeth in pain. She turned back and unzipped her jacket before ripping her shirt and tying it around the upper part of her thigh, near the pipe.

With all her might, through agony and desperate screams, she pushed the giant concrete pieces off of her, leaving her on the floor, next to the puke, a pipe stabbed into her. She ripped another part of her shirt and stuffed it into her mouth, deciding that she was going to bite down on it while she pulled the pipe out. She basically ripped the rest of her shirt, leaving almost nothing except the jacket on and prepared it on her stomach to tie and stop the bleeding the second the pipe is out. And so with heavy breaths, she grabbed the pipe into her hands and gripped it. The girl took a big gulp and started pulling. Tears brimmed at her eyes again as she bit down on the piece of clothing in her mouth hard.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." The girl repeated again into the shirt, tears falling out as she pulled and pulled at the pipe, whining and crying. She felt it coming up again but tried to gulp it down, having to keep on pulling. Once she finally pulled it out, the pipe clanked next to her, dropping on the ground. Blood started to go everywhere and the girl quickly grabbed the ripped piece, pressing it against the open wound and screaming in pain into the piece in her mouth. She pressed it against the wound and took the other piece as she started to wrap it around the wound and pressed shirt. She tied it tightly and took the other piece already tied and did on her thigh as well. She spat out the shirt, it falling into the puke next to her as she turned to her stomach, holding herself up and puking even more on the floor. She coughed and spat out any residue before wiping her mouth.

The girl breathed heavily, standing up with a struggle before she started to walk down the street, trying her best to run but she just ended up limping away slowly. She wiped the tears away from her face and wiped her bloody hands off on her pants. The girl zipped up her jacket that Chishiya gave her and limped away into an alleyway.


It's been hours since she has last seen Chishiya or Kuina, having walked to a store and ate some canned food that didn't go bad. She rested in one of the aisles, sitting on the floor against a shelf. She sighed and closed her eyes, feeling the throbbing pain in her head come back. She heard footsteps and someone entered the store, the girl ducked down, trying to get a glimpse from the gap at the bottom shelf. She saw a figure lurking around before going to one of aisles. She heard them grab a packet of what she guessed was chips but when she heard them take a bite, it sounding nothing like chips, she knew who it was.

"How can you eat cookies in a situation like this?" She asked out with a laugh and the chewing noises stopped. It was silent for a few seconds before the figure spoke up.

"N/n?" Asked out Chishiya into the store, looking around to spot her as he started walking down the aisles. He finally came to hers, the girl laying on the floor as she raised her head and smiled waving.

"I have hole in my thigh." She told him nonchalantly and dropped her head back down, sighing.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he walked over and sat down on the floor next to her. "You okay?"

She sat up and Chishiya pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around the smaller girl. She leaned her head on his shoulders, melting into the safe touch. "I am now." She mumbled quietly and closed her eyes, feeling herself get better just by his presence.

He looked down at her thigh, noticing how it was wrapped in bloody clothing pieces. "Hold on." He told her and stood up, walking away into the store before coming back after a good minute. In his hands he carried some bandages, a first aid kit and a needle and thread. "Is the wound still open?" He asked, setting the supplies down.

"Yeah." She told him and layed down in front of him, letting him do his thing. The man untied the knot of clothing and removed it, finding an open wound with dried blood staining.

"For someone so smart I thought you'd know how to treat such a deep wound." He told her as he got to work, cleaning up the wound first.

The girl hissed at the touch and looked at him. "I do. It was just kind of hard to since I was under massive chunks of concrete, a pipe stabbed into my thigh and with a massive phobia of blood. No biggy though."

He smirked and chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll fix you right up." He told her as he started to sew it closed.

"How do you know all this? Did you go to med school or something?" She asked, glancing over at him as he concentrated.

"Yeah. I wanted to be a doctor but... I think those dreams have been, kind of crushed." He told her with a small smile as he worked on the wound, taking the bandage to wrap it up.

"Really? Why?" She asked, staring up at the ceiling as she waited for his answer.

The boy didn't answer for a few seconds, wrapping up her thigh before tying a knot to secure it. "All done. I saw some clothes if you want to change." He spoke, avoiding her question.

Y/n knew not to ask further. Whatever the topic of his past was, was clearly sensitive for him. She nodded and stood up slowly, the boy helping her get up. "Maybe we can find something matching." He looked at her almost disgusted and the girl rolled her eyes. "Fine, no matching..."


Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, I wanted to get the chapter done quickly but I hope you still liked it!

Thank you guys for all of your support it's truly been amazing and I love you all that support my book!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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