𝟮𝟬 - 𝙀𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧: 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨

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It's been a few days since the events and the tragic burn down of the beach. Y/n left with Chishiya and Kuina, having to leave Ann because the woman said she too had some important questions she needed to be answered. The two women hugged before leaving and promised to each other they will meet again, outside the games, and discuss together how each got out.

Things took a turn since the fire. Chishiya and Y/n weren't really in a relationship and since the situation was so confusing, it got awkward. Chishiya didn't know what to do, he couldn't express himself in the way he imagined to and Y/n was just distant. She felt as if he didn't really care anymore and it was all just a part od his plan but she did want to believe him, it was just hard when he wasn't telling her anything. Yet the boy let her keep his zip up, she now wore it with a pair of black joggers while he had a long blue cardigan on.

"Where is that entrance?" Kuina whined holding her flashlight and looking around the empty, cold and wet subway station. Y/n and Chishiya shared a look before Y/n continued on forward, also looking for the entrance.

She got pulled back by Chishiya to stand at his side. "Stay next to me, I don't need you getting lost." He ordered as his hand pressed against the small of her back, guiding her to continue walking.

"What do you care?" She asked, her tone seeming serious but the small playful smile on her face gave out that she was just teasing him.

"I do care. A lot." He stated and Y/n looked back at him, Chishiya already staring at her. The two stopped walking when he said that, giving each other a look neither were good at understanding.

"Hey guys! It's here!" Kuina yelled from way down into the sewer like tunnel. Y/n broke the eye contact and walked forward but got stopped again by Chishiya.

He pulled her back and whispered. "We need to talk after this. We should sort some things out." He spoke and the girl nodded, the two walking on towards Kuina.

They entered the room, seeing many computers and screens which were turned off. The screens weren't Y/n's concern but it was in fact the dead people sitting at the desks. They were everywhere and it made Y/n feel uneasy. Despite there not being blood, a simple corpse still had her feeling like she was going to puke.

Chishiya noticed this and instead of exploring the room, he went over to the girl who was crouching down while holding onto one of the desks and started to gently pat her back. "You okay? I'll make Kuina explore and we can go up for some fresh air if you'd like."

"No, it's okay. Just explore, don't worry about me." She started to swat him away when the two heard noises from further down. "Arisu..." Y/n mumbled and looked back at Chishiya.

"Stay down." He whispered when their flashlights came into view and got up to go talk to them along with Kuina on the other side of the round table, Y/n behind, hiding.

"You guys." Usagi whispered. She sounded scared to Y/n but then again, who wouldn't be due to the circumstance.

"Thanks to you guys, I have all the numbered playing cards with me." Chishiya gave them a sinister smirk while holding up the cards. "Thank you."

"How did you discover this place?" Arisu asked him, getting straight to the point.

Chishiya went on to explain how they found it through the paper that had the map of the subway drawn on it. He gave a little speech on finding the answer to the card games but Arisu interrupted him with an even more interesting question.

"Where's Y/n?" He asked and Chishiya was slightly taken back but still kept the cool demeanor.

"She left with Ann. I don't know where she is now and honestly I don't care." Chishiya talked bored. It pained him to say those things when Y/n was right there but he couldn't let her be in danger because of the two.

"What? But I thought you two were-" Arisu started but got interrupted by the man.

"What? A couple? Don't make me laugh." Chishiya laughed and smiled but you could see that behind his eyes, he hated having to say those things.

"Oh yeah? What about you hugging her back when the beach was burning? You two were always together." Usagi questioned even more on how the woman that seemed to be Chishiya's only weakness was nowhere in sight.

"Y/n is the past. We got the cards with her help and that's all. That's all she was good for." Kuina went on with the act, Y/n not even listening anymore but rather trying to keep herself from puking from the awful smell.

Their little back and forth battle over where and what happened to Y/n was stopped when the giant screen turned on along with the others, the entire room now lit up from the white light. All attention was now on it, including Y/n's.


"What the fuck..?" Y/n mumbled to herself and stood up, forgetting the rest of the people in the room that now saw her. Her eyes trained on the white screen in which now stood one person. One person she knew all too well and was sure previously died. "Congratulations to all players." It was Mira. She smiled at the camera with a sadistic look.

"Y/n?" Arisu questioned for a second when he saw her but the girl swated him away.

"Not important right now, Arisu." She spoke and fell into a line along with them, watching Mira on the big screen.

She gave a speech on the games, showed some of the deaths on the screens, that horrible night before Y/n got to the beach played on one of them, she saw her past again, she felt like she was gonna puke again. Mira talked about how they won the number games and introduced them to a much harder challenge... The face games.



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