𝟭𝟯 - 𝘼 𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚

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"Kuina!" Yelled Chishiya from across the hall after finally spotting his tall friend, wearing the same blue bikini she always wore. Dreadlocks on head and dummy cigarette in mouth. "Tell Y/n to fucking eat already."

"Whoa! Slow down there buddy, since when do you care what she does?" Asked Kuina, squinting her eyes suspiciously at the man in front of her.

"What? I don't care." He answered rather quickly and defensive. "She just needs to eat if we want her to perform well in the games." Kuina would've believed what the man was saying if the huge blush on both of his cheeks and ears didn't give it away immediately.

"You sure? Cause you seem kinda... Red?" Asked Kuina, poking his cheek as the man pushed her hand back, well more of slapped her hand away from his face.

"I knew you'd be no help." The boy rolled his eyes and turned to walk away but Kuina stopped him.

"Alright! Jeez... Come on I'll help you with Y/n, what is it?" Kuina asked the boy as the two continued to walk down the empty afternoon halls of the beach.

"Well. I just can't get her. She says she's fine but she doesn't seem so. She's not eating. She's far more distant than usual. Like to the point it feels like all the progress that I made in gaining her trust just went down the drain. She hasn't been showing up to our chess plays and well... I've been keeping track of her visa and if she doesn't go tonight to a game... She dies tomorrow." The man shared his unorganized thoughts with Kuina, the girl listening in on everything he said.

"Oh my god. You have to take her to a game tonight." Kuina basically gave direct orders to Chishiya, something that didn't occur often.

"How? She won't talk to me." Chishiya sighed. He was so tired of trying to figure her out, of trying to help her. But still he wouldn't give up. He wanted to help her, truly did. That's one of the things that confused him the most.

"Make her. Even if it's by force. We can't lose her, Chishiya. We have to fight for her." Kuina spoke determined. Both she and Chishiya knew well themselves, they weren't gonna let whatever has been going on with her get the best of her. "We can start the plan tomorrow. Our current top priority is Y/n."


Sitting in front of the plate of rice and crispy chicken, Y/n stared at it. She tried to put her thoughts aside. Picking up her chopsticks, the girl poked the chicken before grabbing it. She had to swallow back the lump in her throat before taking a bite out of the piece of chicken. Dry, cold and probably old. That's how it tasted.

Hearing a thud in front of her, she looked up to now see the man himself, Chishiya, sitting across from her, silently starting to eat his dinner. He didn't say anything this time, not even a greeting. Strange. "Is it good?" The girl asked, refering to the food on his plate. Beef and vegetables.

"No. Dry, cold and probably old." Chishiya spoke and Y/n lightly smiled, realising that was her exact same train of thought. Chishiya noticed this but kept calm, acting as if he didn't see anything. "Yours?"

"Dry, cold and probably old." She repeated his words at which Chishiya felt the corners of his lips twitch upwards. Why did this feeling keep coming up whenever he was around her? It made no sense to him.

"Well great minds think alike." Chishiya commented, feeling even better about himself when he heard her small and quiet laughter, as if it was meant for only him to hear. "I've been meaning to ask... I need to get days in, are we going to a game together tonight?"

"I would love to, and I will but just for safety reasons, it's better if we're at different games. Just incase it's a one winner type." Y/n commented and Chishiya agreed with her statement.

"Right. I saw two buildings light up near each other before coming in. Shall we?" He asked, both having finished their food by now. "Let's show them what real diamond and hearts players can do."

"What are you gonna do if it's spades or clubs?" Asked Y/n amused by his sudden confidence.

"Win, of course. Do I look like I lose?" The sassy remark caught Y/n off guard. He hasn't been that friendly in a while. It made her feel nice, liked in a way.

"In chess, yes you do. You actually do." Y/n teased him, both dumping their trays on top of all the others.

"Wow. You've gotten meaner." The boy teased her back, Y/n rolling her eyes and hitting his arm. Playing cool as if she wasn't screaming inside. She felt embarrassed and it made her even more confused and mad that she couldn't read Chishiya's mind. Why couldn't she just know what he thinks, it would make life so much easier for her that way.


Despite iz being an eight, hearts games were always pretty easy for Y/n. And bonus, she brought an uncollected card so Hatter is bound to make her the executive of the week and praise her all week. Now the only cards they were missing were the 4 of spades and the 10 of hearts. Both should be good games, spades fairly easy and the girl loved playing hearts so a 10 would be the most fun game for her.

To her surprise, upon leaving the building with a little blood splattered on her, Chishiya stood outside waiting for her, with nothing other than the 4 of spades. Looks like they were both gonna be the executives of the week. "Well, well. We're both winners tonight." Y/n raised her hand to show the card but Chishiya seemed to ignore it, taking off his zip up and handing it to Y/n.

"You look freezing. Take it." He draped it over her shoulders not even letting her protest. The girl thanked god for the dark otherwise he would've seen her burning cheeks.


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