𝟭𝟰 - 𝘼 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙚

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"Are you just gonna ignore the card?" She asked him, shoving the said card in his face to distract him and herself from the feeling in her stomach, not knowing he felt it too the second the tips of his warm fingers brushed on her cold shoulders while placing the zip up on her.

"Oh? Well would you look at that. Hatter is gonna love us tonight." He laughed before abruptly stopping, realising he just let himself laugh and show anything but a cold expression. Looking over at Y/n's shocked face, he regretted the doing every last bit.

"Did you just-... Laugh?" She asked, the disbelief in her voice as present as ever and Chishiya shook his head as soon as she even started the question.

"No. No, you must've heard something else." He turned around and started walking away, Y/n running to his side while slipping her arms into the sleeves of the zip up.

"Yes! Yes you did!" She laughed and slapped his arm at which the boy shoved her on the floor before immediately helping her up but chosing rather not to apologize. "I swear you're bipolar or something." The girl mumbled and walked forward, leaving Chishiya behind to stand alone in his white shirt and blue swim shorts.

"I'm not sorry. I gave you my hoodie. You should in fact thank me." He stated and Y/n looked at him not sure if he was being serious or joking.

"No." She spoke back before running away so he couldn't push her again. The hood flowing behind her before she pulled it up over her forehead, being met with the scent of the boy. Cookies this time, weirdly enough.

He felt like chasing after her and taking the hoodie back but, he chose not to. He liked how Y/n looked in it. He honestly thought she looked even better than him in it and he would've much rather had her wearing it knowing it's his than he himself wearing it.

Feeling dumb, the boy ignored all those thoughts. Continuing to walk down the path back to the beach, Y/n a bit further ahead. Palms on knees, trying to gasp for fresh air after the 'workout'.


After getting back to the beach, both were pulled into the meeting room with the wall of cards. Confused on what was going on, both were rather shocked when they saw a dead Hatter laying on the table. Y/n and Chishiya looked at each other for a split second, both masking the emotion with stoic faces.

"What happened?" Asked Y/n. She was confused and well... A little bit sad. As weird as it sounded, the man has grown on her. Yes, she hated him and his thriving need for the narcissistic idealistic world he created but that man let her live here and valued her knowledge. She wasn't an executive for no reason. Hatter trusted her, something Y/n found hard to believe.

"He lost the game." Aguni's words were simple. They weren't complicated or anything and yet they felt heavy, hard to even say let alone understand.

Y/n debated on asking how, Aguni probably didn't know since they weren't in the game together. And what shocked Y/n personally, was how quickly Niragi and Aguni sprung up to take the higher up positions. Before Y/n could question anything, commotion was heard outside, bringing all their attention to it. Niragi walked outside, Chishiya following and soon enough, Arisu was brought in.

He looked disturbed at the sight of Hatter and averted his attention to Y/n who he was now standing next to. She nodded slightly, answering the question Arisu didn't have to say out loud. He turned back, his face even more in horror if possible. Immediately after Ann rushed in with Tatta. Ann also now stunned.

"It seems he couldn't clear the game." Spoke Tatta, stating the already obvious facts. Chishiya could feel Y/n roll her eyes at the obvious statement Tatta made, having to hold back a smirk. "The maintenance team found him by chance in Shinjuku while we were refilling gasoline."

Ann went forward to inspect the body further, being stopped by Niragi almost immediately. "Hey. Don't touch him as you please. You dissection maniac."

"He was shot by a gun. Did his game involve guns?" Ann asked, ignoring Niragi and his insults.

"Most likely. Some of those near the game area heard gunshots too." Tatta answered her question, Y/n deep in thought. It didn't make sense. What kind of a game was this and why would it involve killing each other. All the games she has experienced, none were about killing each other but rather surviving on your own. None of the games main goal was to kill one another. This was definetly a murder and not during a game.

"Oh, my! He should've brought the militants along with him!" Niragi basically praised himself, Y/n immediately counting him in as a suspect. All the militants were suspects, especially Niragi. But what Y/n made question things even more, was how quiet Aguni has been this entire time. Could've he? Peobably not but she wouldn't put it past him. He's always been in Hatters shadow, she wouldn't be surprised if he was indeed the murderer.

Y/n was brought back out of her thoughts when Chishiya's foot lightly tapped hers, the boy leaning over and whispering something to her. "What are you thinking?"

"He was shot but not during the game." Y/n whispered back but she was interrupted by the ever so loud Niragi who just had to know everything at all times.

"I think it would be great if this circle didn't have any secrets! Especially between the two psychos on the right!" Niragi yelled out, swaying left and right with his gun and sticking his tounge out.

"What's going to happen to the Beach?" Asked one of the men who stood in the room. He wasn't really a man, more of a boy, looking barely above 18 years old the worried look he wore Y/n and Chishiya found rather annoying.

The question really did remain, what was going to happen to the Beach? Was this the final fall Y/n has been waiting for? Or will turn into an even more corrupted organization?


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