𝟭𝟵 - 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙤𝙪𝙩

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Y/n could feel her heart beat practically pounding at her ear and she could feel the blood running through her veins. The girl was exhausted. She could barely breath, cuts all over her arms and legs from fighting the man and with a heavy weight on her already sore back, the fact that Chishiya showed up out of nowhere didn't help the situation. She gently placed Ann on the floor before starting to approach Chishiya with a blurry vision. She wanted to run to him but her legs were already giving out so much that she just couldn't.

Chishiya had worry drenching his face. He didn't care about people seeing him like this at the moment, all that mattered to him was knowing that Y/n was okay and right now she didn't seem so. He slowly started to approach her too before catching a glimpse of the man getting up behind her, that's when Chishiya started to run towards her.

"No!" Y/n could hear Chishiya yell out as she felt a sharp pain in her lower back, the girl completely stopped as the object got twisted in her stomach. She fell, losing any vision she had left, the last thing she saw was Chishiya running towards her before everything went black.


Her neck was sore, she felt pain all over her and suprisingly, the only pain she didn't feel was cold. The girl opened her eyes and was met with the sight she has been hoping to see since making it into the executives. The beach was on fire. It burned before her eyes and just then she noticed the grey hoodie layed over her. She was sitting, back against a tree not far from the horror house.

The girl moved her eyes from the burning building to the warm feeling on her hand. Just then she saw a mans hand gripping hers tightly. Chishiya's hand gripping hers tightly. She looked up to the man next to her and saw his eyes were closed, he was leaning against the tree in just his white t shirt while she was covered by his hoodie.

The girl felt bad and she lightly pulled her hand out of his grip to not wake him up. She removed the hoodie from her shoulders and placed it on him before getting up and walking over to the group that watched The Beach burn. "Where's Ann?" She asked, all attention turning to her with shocked looks and when she spotted her best friend, she couldn't have been happier.

"Y/n!" Ann yelled and ran to her. The two hugged each other tightly, neither caring about the pain they felt because of their cuts and bruises. The rest came over and joined in, making it a group hug. Ann smiled at Y/n and the girl smiled back as everybody let go.

"Y/n..." She heard behind her and as the girl turned around, there stood Chishiya with an expression she couldn't read.

"I'm so sorry, Shiya. I should've been more aware of my surron-" The girl was cut of when he pulled her in a tight embrace, head dug deep into her shoulder with a hard grip on her back. He was hugging her. Chishiya was hugging her in front of everyone. Despite all that, the strangest thing of all was that he didn't care if it was in front of everyone, he was happy to have her here, with him.

"Thank god, you're okay." He muttered into her shoulder and Y/n wrapped her arms around him too. She kept a tight grip as well and Chishiya could feel something staining his shirt. The girl was crying. Kuina and Ann looked at each other and nodded before turning to the group and swating everyone away, leaving the two longed souls to some privacy.

"I'm so sorry... I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, I should've stayed outside..." She cried and the boy held her even tighter if possible.

"No. Don't apologize for that. What matters is that you're okay. I don't care that you walked in." He spoke fast, one of his hands shaking while he tried to sooth her hair to keep her calm.

"I-... I don't know what to say... I'm glad you're okay too..." She smiled at him through her glossy eyes and the boy moved his hand to from her head to wipe the tears away from her face. "Chishiya-"

"Please, call me Shiya. I love it when you call me Shiya." His head fell back to her shoulder. If Y/n didn't know any better she would've guessed he was just tired but no, Chishiya was in fact embarrassed he had to beg her to call him by the nickname but he loved it too much not to beg.

"Shiya... Thank you for saving me." She could feel the smile that Chishiya wore upon that sentence and he raised his head, comfirming he did in fact have the smallest of real smiles playing on his lips.

"Thank you for trusting me..." Y/n smiled back at him upon the words that left his mouth. She knew he meant it. She didn't need to read his mind to know it anymore. She trusted him and he trusted her.

"I really don't want to break the moment but we should go while we can. Arisu and Usagi sre distracted." Kuina came over and whispered the words to the two. They looked at each other before nodding, Y/n just had to go get Ann first.

"Let me grab Ann, then we'll go." The two nodded and Y/n walked bsck over to her best friend who was standing a few feet away from the crowd. "Hey, come on me, Shiya and Kuina are leaving."

"Without the rest?" Ann asked confused looking back at the crowd before her. She turned to look at Y/n who wore the smallest of smirks, remembering something Chishiya mentioned about the games and their creator.

"Yeah, we have to sneak out, we got a lead to what might happen next... Are you coming with us?"


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