𝟰 - 𝙎𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠

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Y/n woke up that day sore. Having played an 8 of spades yesterday she was exhausted but it added 8 more days to her viza so the girl couldn't complain. She lifted herself from her bed and went for the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth and change into the swim piece she had to wear around the beach.

She walked down and into the breakfast, lunch and dinner hall where they were serving breakfast. She grabbed one of the paper bowls that sat on the counter and poured herself some milk and cereal before finding an empty table to sit at.

After a few minutes of sitting and eating alone she felt a weight drop onto the bench next to her and turning for a second to look, she caught the glimpse of blonde strands confirming it was indeed the man himself, Chishiya, sitting next to her with a bowl of his own.

Both continued to eat their food in silence. It wasn't awkward but rather peaceful. At least that's how it seemed to Y/n. The silence was killing Chishiya, he wanted to say something, start up a conversation somehow, get her to trust him. "How was the game yesterday?"

"Eight of spades. Killed me that's for sure. If it wasn't for Last Boss and his katana I probably wouldn't have survived." Answered Y/n speaking of the maniac filled with tattoos. He and she didn't have any kind of friendship but still respected each other and he helped her get out, much to her dismay since he was covered in blood which made her sick. "You?"

"Four of clubs. If I keep getting these low numbers I will have to go to games everyday." The boy muttered. He was frustrated with the system and with the boring conversation but it was one way to get closer to Y/n.

"You know Chishiya, it's clear you're hating this conversation. The small talk. So why are you trying to keep it up?" Asked Y/n and just like that, the girl saw right through him immediately. He wasn't pleased at that either, the fact he clearly didn't have the upper hand here made him even more angry.

"Can't I have small talk with a co-worker? Since when is that such a crime?" He asked back, the smug smirk never leaving his face as he continued to eat.

"It's not but it doesn't really seem like you. But then again I don't know you well enough to comment on the way you behave with others." Answered Y/n as she looked over at his bowl of mushy oats and grimaced at it.

"What don't like oats?" He smiled teasingly as he lifted his bowl to her face, the girl immediately backing away and pushing his hand away with her own.

"Not when they look like that. This place has the worst food. I mean would it kill them to add any type of fruit to it." Complained Y/n and the boy yet again gave her a smug smile, setting his bowl down to continue eating.

The two fell into silence once more. Y/n enjoyed, as per usual but Chishiya had something else bugging him. "Y/n."

"Hmm?" The girl hummed as she continued eating not even looking at him.

"Play chess against me sometime." Requested the boy and the girl snorted, which he took much offense to.

"You? Seriously? You know I'm gonna win right?" The girl replied with a smug smirk of her own and he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but since you're the best of the best, you don't need to improve your skills but I do need to improve mine. So play with me, help me learn better." He praised once more and the girl smiled considering it.

"I could give you a few tips." She finished up her bowl and got up before giving him one last glance. "Today, 16:00 by the courtyard. Let's play." And with that walked away.

His eyes trailed up and down her figure as she walked away, seemingly in thought. He engraved the words '16:00 by the courtyard' into his brain so he wouldn't forget them and as the girl turned a corner now fully out of view, he went back to his oats before feeling a presence before him.

"That was so much eye contact." Spoke Kuina as she sat down in front of him with a smirk, the boy looking at her with confusion written all over his face.



Chishiya focused hard on the board. He replayed moves in his mind and thought through how he could win. It finally clicked in his mind and with the same smug smirk, the boy moved his piece. "Checkmate."

"Literally how-?" Asked Y/n confused looking at the board and then back up at him with the same confused expression.

"Well since I moved here, you can't go forward or otherwise you lose. Your only other option is to go here but if you go here then my pawn will get you." Answered Chishiya fully proud of his work on the board. His smirk showing it loud and clear.

"You do realize that in that case I can just move here?" Asked Y/n as she moved her queen to the other side and in less then a second Chishiya's world practically shattered.

Silence filled the balcony that held the small table, the two of them sitting at the chairs of it. Chishiya looked at the board stunned and Y/n cracked a smile, wanting to laugh at his expression actually being something other than a smirk. "Oh."

At that Y/n burst out laughing. She just couldn't hold it in anymore. The little dissappointed 'oh' he made was too funny to handle. The boy just looked at her unbothered and waited for her to calm down. Yet something in him seemed to start butterflies in his stomach when he saw her beauitful smile. He ignored the feeling and went back to scolding as he yet again looked over the board for possible ways to win. The two continued to play for the next two hours, Y/n winning all 6 games in a row.


They're literally so cute like im over here getting butterflies🦋🦋🦋

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