𝟵 - 𝙐𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙

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They picked up the phones off of the table that stood before two massive identical courses. Y/n's first thought was that maybe each person will go up against another one and who finishes first lives but that thought process was cut short when the phones changed screens.

Game type: 6 of clubs

'Clubs? I was sure it was spades...' Thought Y/n to herself while waiting for the screen to change.

After seperating into two groups, pick out two members of each group to stand at the line and when the bell rings, those members must complete each section of the course before the members going up against them.

To complete a section you must get to the checkpoint and 'check' it by finishing a puzzle set there. There are three checkpoints and puzzle's change per round.

To seperate into teams, each person must stand in one of the yellow circles on the ground until there is an equal amount of members per team.

Upon reading the instructions Y/n looked up and counted everyone who was playing. There were 10 people in the room meaning one of the people they came with will have to change sides. Everybody who came alongside Y/n also looked up and noticed this, everybody but the new girl.

While they all shared knowing looks, she just looked around at the course before her gaze shifted towards Y/n's piercing cold one. "What..?"

"Go to the other circle." Y/n demanded, as they all now stood in the first yellow circle, the girl looking at them clueless.

"What do you mean..? I thought we were in this together?" She asked, tears brimming her eyes as she looked over at the other circle full of first timers and middle aged men and women who didn't stand a chance.

"As your executive, I order you to switch to the other circle." Y/n ordered her once again and now, the girl broke down crying before her feet.

"Wait! Please! Please I don't wanna die! Please Miss Y/l/n! Let me be apart of the team, please!" She cried and begged before Y/n's feet.

Looking away from the girl who was holding onto her legs, Y/n looked up at Aguni and nodded. With that, the man walked over and grabbed the girl harshly before throwing her into the other circle.

"NO! NO PLEASE!" The girl yelled out as she tried to exit the circle but couldn't, there now being two teams made and spots filled, the game was about to begin, meaning the girl couldn't go anywhere. "I BEG OF YOU PLEASE LET ME LIVE!"


The game turned out to be rather easy, which Y/n didn't really expect, giving it involved physical work. But to her luck, Y/n endded up first being paired up with Aguni, the man carrying her on his back through the courses and then her doing the puzzles. For the last round she had to go once again but this time she was being carried on Romeo's back, which she didn't really expect since the boy always seemed kind of not athletic but turns out, he's pretty strong.

She could've sworn she was gonna pass out from laughing when Last Boss had to carry Chishiya. That combo failing after the first section since Chishiya found being basically dragged, not even carried, by Last Boss 'uncomfortable'. The other two sections he had to do himself but nevertheless, the boy managed just fine.

"That was intense." Y/n spoke, getting off of Romeo after they've won the last round.

"You got carried the whole way." Chishiya deadpanned, the other boys agreeing with him and Y/n just shushed them while cracking a smile.

"Still. Romeo sweats a lot, I almost slipped off." The girl teasingly complained and Romeo just swated her away, secretly trying to get a peek at his back to see if he really does. Of course everybody noticed this and they immediately laughed at him, well Aguni did. Chishiya kept his bored expression, Y/n cracked the smallest smile and Last Boss, well he just stood there waiting to go back to The Beach.

"I can't believe you would do this to me Miss Y/l/n..." Y/n could hear the familiar voice of the girl behind her. She rolled her eyes before turning around to look at the girl who was crying once again.

"Listen to me... Sasha is it?" Y/n quickly asked for the name and the girl nodded. "This is a game of survival. Everybody in this room would rather save their ass than someone else's, even you. So suck it up, okay? It's your fault you even trusted someone you just met in the first place. You should've been more careful so don't blame me for your mistakes."

Sasha stood shocked in front of Y/n. The tears stopped rolling by now and were just staining her cheeks and the sadness she felt suddenly turned into anger. Not only did this woman sell her out but was now also blaming her for it. "How dare you?! YOU SELFISH BITCH!" She yelled at her as she charged forward to try and throw a punch. Her try was stopped by Aguni who stood in front of Y/n, grabbing Sasha's hand and pushing her back on the floor.

"Watch it." The man threatened her and Y/n lightly placed her hand on the taller man's shoulder, silently telling him to move away. He obliged to her order and stepped aside as Y/n came forward and crouched down in front of the crying woman.

"I'm gonna be very clear right now, okay? First off, don't ever call me a selfish bitch again. You don't know me, you don't know what kind of person I am so you do not get to decide, alright? Second, it's not my fault you're so gullible." Y/n laughed mockingly at the girl before getting up and turning around to walk away.

"Go to hell!" Yelled Sasha back at her, still sitting on the floor. Y/n briefly stopped and turned around to spare her a few last words.

"I'll see you there..."


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