𝟭𝟴 - 𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨, 𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨

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When Chishiya came to the realization of his feelings for the chess player, he decided one thing for sure, he was not gonna deal with it now. As important as it was, they were in much deep shit than to think about love, so for now, Chishiya was gonna make sure Y/n stays on the other side, he wants to discuss things with her later and he can't if she isn't here anymore. He just can't risk it. "Y/n. Not now. Stay here and don't move. We'll be back."

Kuina saw the melodramatic look in Y/n's eyes. She couldn't let them just go and do this without her. It didn't feel right but when Kuina looked over at Chishiya, she too saw something she has never seen before coming from him, desperation. He was desperate for Y/n to not cross. That's when Kuina understood. He knew. He finally knew what his heart has been telling him this whole time. "Y/n, he's right. Stay here."

The two started to walk away, Kuina out of sight by now and Y/n didn't know what to do, she wanted to cross but their cries made her want to stay. As Chishiya was about to walk inside, he stopped at Y/n's words. "Shyia. Please, don't die."

He turned around and gave her one last look, the tears rolling down her cheeks made the sight even more heartbreaking. He wanted to turn around right there and then, go back to her and embrace her with all he truly was but he couldn't, the two souls being devided by the wall of death. "I won't. Trust me."


Y/n held her head in her hands. She was sitting, back against the wall and knees up to her chest. She could her so many shots, so many cries and screams of help. All she could think about, was if one of those were Ann, Kuina or Chishiya. She couldn't take it. The girl got up and stood in front of the entrance once more. Thinking back to everything, she didn't know what to do but when she saw a glimpse of Chishiya's blonde hair at the roof with what seemed to be Niragi, his gun pointed at him, her feet moved in a heartbeat.

She ran in through the wall, feeling electricity run through her veins once she ran in. Getting the same goosebumps she did everytime she entered an arena. She walked quietly, passing by so many bodies and hiding in the shadows, trying not to be seen by Aguni's men. But soon enough she came face to face with one of them. The man holding a long dagger. It looked like one of the swords Last Boss carried but it wasn't a katana. The girl turned back and ran in the other direction, the man at her heel.

She ran down and past the club, seeing a glimpse of Kuina fighting Last Boss, the girls made eye contact for the brief second before Y/n continued to run, Kuina being even more worried seeing her friend who wasn't supposed to be there. "I'll get you executive!" Yelled the maniac behind Y/n. She could feel the blood running through her veins as she came in front of Ann's lab, she stopped. Ann was on the floor, knocked out. She turned, the man standing there and licking his lips. "But how about first, you take that top off for me?"

"In your dreams." She took a fighting stance, she wasn't a good fighter, usually she would just go along with Last Boss or Aguni if it were a spades game but having to fight on her own with nothing against a man with a dagger, was something else.

On the other side, Kuina has just escaped, Last Boss and was on her way to you but when she couldn't find you, she ran to Chishiya. Passing by many corridors she finally found him, watching from the balcony Aguni as he stared at the fire in front of him. "Chishiya." The man turned and looked at her, his face bored. "Y/n came in."

When she said that, the man lost his expression in seconds. He turned to look behind her at the long hallway full of dead people and he listened to the distant shots and screams, one of them could've been Y/n. He didn't say anything but rather walked out and ran down the corridor, he had to find her. He had to.

Y/n fought well enough to knock the dagger out of the mans hand, now it was hand on hand combat, and it wasn't gonna help that smoke was filling the place, there was a fire in the building. She struggled against his grip when he pushed her down and started to choke her. She was fighting for air that wasn't making it's way to her.

Soon enough, her eyes closed and hands dropped to her sides. He let out a laugh as he got up and went to get his dagger. What he didn't anticipate however, was to be met with a hard hit in the back of the head with a vase that held a plant by no one other than Y/n. The playing dead woman.

She turned towards Ann and started to pick her up, she struggled but finally got a good grip, putting the woman over her shoulder as she tried to make her way out of the now smoke filled hallway, she was tired, struggling to breath and had to carry her best friend. She never thought she would be out into a situation like this one. She never thought she would be here, fighting for her life when she didn't want to even live it for so long.

As she turned a corner at the end of the new hallway, now stood the man she has been looking for. The man with blonde hair and new blue flip flops Y/n had gotten him. His face wore a worried expression that softened so much when he saw her face. "Shiya."



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