𝟲 - 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙩

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"How many games do you think they'll be at?" Asked Y/n as the two yet again sat at the same balcony before the courtyard, moving pieces on the black and white board.

"Well their visa is running short on days that's for sure. Let's go tomorrow." Answered Chishiya as he moved one of his pawns.

"That's unfortunate." Y/n spoke as she stared at the board and Chishiya gave her the smallest puzzled look.

"What can you not go tomorrow?" He asked the girl and she shook her head.

"Not that. Your idiocity is unfortunate." The girl stated before eating the mans pawn. "Checkmate."

Chishiya stared at the board not even knowing how to process this. Not only did she just win but she insulted his IQ while doing it. He didn't if he should've been mad at her or dissappointed at himself. "I think I'm done for today." Chishiya spoke, getting a hint he can't win today either after the 8th time she won in a row.

"Don't take it to heart. You're getting better each day. I can see it." The girl said while staring up at Chishiya who was now standing, ready to leave.

"I don't take things to heart. And I especially won't take something you said to heart." The boy spat before turning to walk away.

"Makes sense you don't take it to heart. Besides, it's not like you have one." The girl stated looking back at the board and studying it.

Chishiya turned around pissed walking back towards her before stopping. Y/n looked back up at him, the same cold expression playing on her face. She loved how worked up she was getting him and he knew it. He was getting ready to say something when Kuina walked out onto the balcony.

"Hey guys! I see you're playing chess. I hope you're getting along as well, we need to be friends if we want this to work." The woman greeted as she sat down in Chishiya's empty chair.

"We're getting along just fine." Y/n stated, both her and the blonde man staring at each other. Neither dared to break the intense stare off.

Noticing this, Kuina looked between the two weirded off. "... Did something happen..?" She asked curious.

"No. I was just leaving anyway." The boy answered yet stood his ground, not moving an inch.

"Oh come on Shiya! Watch me beat N/n in chess!" The girl spoke playfully as she pulled out the third chair for Chishiya.

"Yeah, Shiya. Watch her beat me." Y/n spoke stone cold, not a single drop of playfullness or sarcasm laced in her tone.

Chishiya could've sworn he felt a chill run down his spine when the girl called him by the nickname. Ignoring it, the boy sat down and looked between the two. "Amuse me." Was all he said and both of the girls rolled their eyes in sync before starting to play again.

This game didn't take too long. Y/n could confidently say that it was in fact the shortest game she ever played against someone, lasting only 4 minutes. "Check."

"Shit. Chishiya quickly where do I move to prevent this?" Kuina asked shaking the man sitting between the two.

"He can't help you." Y/n spoke staring into Kuina's soul. "Give up."

Kuina was practically shitting herself from the look she was getting. The girl didn't expect that playing something like a simple chess match would feel like she was in a horror movie or rather another game.

"She's got you, Kuina." Stated Chishiya as he stared at the board replaying moves that could get her out of this situation but all resolved in the girl losing either way.

"Ugh fine." Kuina groaned before knocking over her queen, resigning. "Good game, N/n. No wonder you're the world champion."

"Three time as well." Chishiya added looking out at the courtyard, he could've felt Y/n's eyes piercing into his soul. Looking over the man held a bored expression until Y/n moved her gaze.

"Thank you. It was a good game indeed. You're not the worst opponent I've had." That was true in a way but also a lie. She was the least experienced player for sure but Y/n has had players trying to cheat to win.

"Really? Who's the worst?" Kuina asked curiously and instead of giving a true answer, Y/n took this as an opportunity to annoy the blonde man sitting next to her.

"Him." Y/n stated pointing at the boy while Kuina tried to stiffle a laugh but failed.

"Damn didn't know I was a better opponent than Chishiya. I'm flattered." The girl laughed as she looked at Chishiya who was ready to put a hole through the table.

"Why do I even hang out with you people?" He asked himself and Kuina rolled her eyes before standing up and pulling both of them by their hands to go to the pool.

"Come on! Let's go have fun!" She happily yelled out as she continued to walk hand in hand with Y/n, Chishiya snatching his back immediately but nevertheless, he followed them.


"I hate it here." Stated Y/n, the loud techno music ripping through the air and busting her eardrums.

"Why did we come down here again?" Asked Chishiya, both stood leaning against the wall of the building while Kuina stood in front of them, looking at all the people who were partying.

"To party a little! I swear, you two are so stiff. Loosen up!" Kuina yelled over the loud music as she danced lightly to the fast beat.

Both Chishiya and Y/n looked at her with a practically disgusted look before Y/n rolled her eyes and stood up straight. "I'm gonna go get a drink."

Walking away the girl stood before the table next to the pool full of all kinds of liqur and juice to mix it in. The girl looked over the table trying to find something appealing to her.

"Hey beautiful." Turning to her side, a man leaned against the table. He was rather tall but also ugly in the face, Y/n immediately feeling disgusted. "What's your name?"

"... Chishiya." The girl answered him, lying through her teeth on what her name was.


"Babe, there you are." Y/n felt an arm wrap around her shoulders, the same scent of mint and this time cookies filling her nose. "Who's this?"

"I don't know. He was asking for my name." Y/n went along with the blonde and leaned her head onto his arm as the two stared down the man.

"Who are you?" The man asked and without hesitation Chishiya answered him.

"Her boyfriend."


Tbh they're so cute I love them fr

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