𝟮𝟮 - 𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚

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"A walk in the park?" Y/n questioned as the two walked down an all too familiar park to her. A light breeze hit her face and she pulled up the hood of her hoodie who was losing Chishiya's scent the longer she wore it.

"Not just any park. When we first started talking you mentioned to Kuina that your first ever win in a chess game was against an old man, in this very park." He told her as they made their way towards the allinged tables with many chess boards laying on them, where once old people sat and played.

"You remember that?" She laughed and asked, the boy nodded and smiled.

"Of course. I remember things that are important to me." He answered easily and Y/n smiled to herself.

"So what? You wanna lose? Again?" The girl teased as they stood next to one of the tables, opposite sides, next to their seats.

"Me lose? I feel like I have a good chance this time. I learned a thing or two while playing against you, about your style." He spoke, tone lacing with a tiny bit of sass but the man was as confident as ever.

"Oh really? What if I... Change my style?" She asked back, as confident as he was, maybe even a bit more.

"I adapt. Try and run from me, I just become faster." He answered, the same smirk that layed on his lips never dropping.

"Is that a threat?" She teased yet again, her head slightly dropping to the side with an arched eyebrow and a smile.

"Well why don't you sit down and see?" He teased as well and two took their seats. Y/n white and Chishiya black.

The game begun, it wasn't anything intense at first but Chishiya did start to surprise her, he was attacking instead of defending. That wasn't his usual go to. So Y/n changed her ways too.

"You look beautiful." He praised and the girl stopped her movement, looking up suspiciously at him and he smirked.

"Oh I see... That's your tactic. Distraction." She looked back down and moved another piece.

"Are you saying I'm distracting you... Doll?" He asked, purposefully using the nickname at the end.

"I don't know... I can't help but be distracted by you. You're just so pretty, Shiya." She decided to flirt back and take him by surprise, which she did.

"Oh really?" He asked smirking.

"Yes, really." She answered still smiling.

"Prove it."

The air was thicker than ever, the two could feel the ever lasting tension rise as silence filled the park. Only sound they could hear for miles was their own breathing and the intense eye contact didn't help the situation either. Y/n could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, even somewhere less appropriate.

Without breaking her stare, she moved a piece and smiled sweetly. "That's check."

If Chishiya was ever attracted to Y/n, it was now. She carried herself with such grace and despite being stone cold most of the time, she still somehow made his day by just her presence. She was remarkable in his opinion. He truly was infatuated by her.

"Right. How didn't I see that coming?" He asked himself and looked down at the board.

"You were too busy noticing my beauty to realize you left your queen all alone and open for me to take her, so really, who's the distracted one here?" She smiled yet again, that smile that drove Chishiya crazy each time he saw it.

"I guess you do distract me. Come on now, I wanna take you to my favourite place." He stood up and offered his hand to her. The girl wore a shocked expression.

"Really? Shuntaro Chishiya, does this mean you trust me?" She questioned his actions.

"Come on now, we all know the answer to that." He answered and the two laughed walking away to the favourite spot of the one and only Chishiya.


"A home?" Y/n asked as the two sat down in an abandoned garden of a home which was once full of elderly.

"It sounds weird but there is just something peaceful about this place. It reminds me of how in the end, no matter what we do, we all end up in the same place, sharing the stories of our 'good old days'. I hate the idea of it but I can't help myself but reflect on my life and think, 'is my life really a story worth telling? Was I living in the 'good old days'. That's why I wanted to help people, make something of myself." He talked about it with such ease, yet his words were heavy. They meant a lot to him and hearing them, they started to mean a lot to her as well. Was Y/n's life a story worth telling?

"Wow, Chishiya... You help people?" She joked lightly and Chishiya smiled shaking his head.

"It's a crazy world, isn't it?" He laughed and she smiled, it was a crazy world, it really was.

"Yeah... It is... How did you help people? Were you in charity?" Y/n asked, keeping up the conversation as Chishiya pulled out a packet of cookies from his pocket.

"I was practicing medicine, becoming a doctor. Then I got pulled out here." He answered her without slipping lies in. He was truly being honest with her, something he hasn't been to anyone in a while. "What about you? Were you always gonna be a chess player?"

"That was the plan but in case it didn't work out, my mom wanted me to become a lawyer so I went to law school for a year before dropping out. The pressure got to me." She confessed her story.

"Was your mom mad?" He asked a rather personal question and Y/n was debating if she wanted to answer it or not. "It's quite personal, you don't have to answer."

"No it's... It's alright. She was mad but then I won world and all of a sudden I was good enough for her again. So I moved here cause I didn't wanna see her anymore." She smiled down at her hands and Chishiya reached for them, holding her right hand in his own left, comforting the girl.

"You came her alone? That must've been expensive... Where did you get the money?" He asked and silence filled the the garden.

"I wasn't alone..."


Cliffhanger? Yes. Yes I did.

Vote please<33

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