First Day

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It was Myra first day at WWE she smoked a cigarette before heading inside wearing overalls dragging her suitcase and bags to her room as she looked around she was excited " wow this place is so big " she said to herself making it to her style as she picked up her cat Moonlily " heyyyyy girl! " she giggled softly putting her on the couch she curled up purring loudly she smiled licking a lollipop

Triple H came in seeing how Myra was settling down " hey you like it biggest one we've so once you've settled go on and meet people look around do what you need " he smiled clapping his hands together Myra gave him a nod and he left

Myra " alright I'm gonna go look around so stay here " she said to her cat leaving still licking her lollipop as she walked she noitced a group of 4 people staring at her a tall black man, two white men, and a buff woman she put her head down and quickly walked away a lot of people were staring she was freshmeat and she knew it she stayed quiet trying not to draw attention to herself

Dominik " who was that? " he asked the others; they shrugged he was confused " she looks new she's aslo very sexy " which resulted in a slap from Rhea he flinched away " sorry mami " he said like puppy with his tail tucked between his legs

Myra decided she was gonna get some food as she went back to her room she noitced the same group again, watching, she quickly ran inside grabbed her purse along with moonlily before she left the building for food she drove to Wendy's ordering a pretzel bub chicken sandwich with fries and a drink eating in the parking a lot as a car pulled beside she didn't look over she continued to eat it was Dominik who had gotten out of his car and knocked on her passenger side door she was weary but rolled it down.

" hey may I sit with you? " he asked her she nodded moving her cat into the back seat as Dominik got inside and she the door " so you are new right? We've never met before I'm Dominik Mysterio people call me Dom for short and your name is? " he asked gently she hesitated slightly before saying " M-Myra " He smiles " what a pretty name well maybe when you get back you can meet the judgement day pretty awesome people "

Myra " uh I'm good thanks tho " she said nervously still eating her food cleaning her lips; Dominik gave her a confused look " why not? " she looked away bouncing her leg before she bit her lip " doesn't matter " she whispered quietly she had finished her food after a bit " nice meeting you Dominik but can you leave " she whispered lowly as Dominik left her car getting back into his Myra rolled her windows up and drove off fast she took a deep breath pulling a cigarette out and smoking to try and calm her nervous once she got back to the area she threw the butt of cig down and went inside and to the room she was placed

Triple H came in and smiled " hey I know you just got here but I have a story line for you I want you to be drama to judgment day more specifically Rhea Ripley it'll involve you and Dom alot he already knows about this so does judgement day " he said softly " soooo yeah " he left as Myra looked over the paper nodding and getting ready as she heard judgement day music play she took a deep breath throwing her gear on then doing her makeup fixing her long brown hair before heading to the entrance

Rhea and the others talked about being the most FEARED people in WWE history as Myra's music played she was very nervous walking doing a flip as the crowd stared at her before Rhea said " who's this little pipsqueak you dare come into our ring and face us " her Australian accent was very thick it made Myra hairs stand when she got into the ring she grabbed rheas mic and said " I don't fear this group I thrive in fear your group is nothing I could easily take you on " she smirked pushing Rhea back as Dominik came to Rhea's side " if you think you are facing mami alone then you are wrong you'll face me as well " Dominik said to Myra smirking Rhea saying good job Dom dom

Myra laughed before kicking Dom in the nuts dragging him by his feet out of the ring Myra struck him over and over again as Dom called out for Rhea; Rhea quickly shoved Myra off grabbing dom looking at him worried before Damian said " you are on " he threw the mic down Myra walked away people were shocked at what unfolded it was official judgement day vs Myra and whomever she brought

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