Myra incident

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Myra was in the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror her body was cut up and burned she looked terrible she wasn't feeling good that day either but still had a baby to care for she took a deep breath dressing herself in shorts, a sports bra she picked up James putting him in his highchair grabbing his food he was moving when she tried feeding him the food he spit it out at her as she looked at him " jamesy eat the food please it's your favorite " she said in a baby voice he screamed and cried trying to take off his thing while fighting with Myra to eat she was getting overwhelmed before giving it to him " do you wanna do it yourself? " she said backing off as he calmed looking at the spoon and grabbed the jar putting the spoon in the jar and eating it happily Myra facepalmed cleaning herself up and kitchen as James ate happily before deciding he was done and throwing it on the floor she turned around and lost it " James I just fucking cleaned that! " she screamed as James started crying she realized what she had done wrong she quickly picked up the glass slicing her hand opened she brushed it off and cleaned up the mess before picking up James bouncing softly " I'm sorry mama is sorry she didn't mean too yell she was just angry " she kissed his cheek cleaning him up when he calmed down she set him with his toys as she grabbed her phone calling Dominik who picked up out of breath " yes hun? " he asked through the phone Myra said " I just cut my hand on some glass it's deep pretty deep can you come home " she asked him exhausted from dealing with James he sighed " baby I can't I'm sorry I wish I could but I gotta be on with judg - " she hung up " fine then I'll go to the doctor myself " Dominik looked at the phone sighing " she's pissed " he said softly as Rhea came behind him " everything okay? " she asked as Dominik turned to her " that was Myra she hurt herself and wanted me to come home and watch the baby but I couldn't because work and shit " he sighed sitting down as Rhea placed her hands on his shoulders " don't worry she'll get over it soon " Myra got up grabbing James and heading to the car as her hand was bleeding badly getting James in the car then driving to the doctor as she bled onto herself and the steering wheel before getting out grabbing James heading inside she was faint " help please " she said softly leaning against someone as they rushed her off stitching up the hand as she kept calm looking at James smiling and cleaning him up gently before the doctor finished " Okay just take antibiotics and keep the dressing clean " he said handing the medicine before she left getting home and seeing Dominik was home she walked inside ignoring him " hey bab - " he sighed she walked past time as she went to put James down for a nap he walked behind her smiling softly she pushed past him heading into the bedroom " babe stop ignoring I'm sorry " he said pleading with her Myra shot around " I cut my fucking hand open and I bled over the car and the baby you should of come home when I called " she shouted at him as she took off her clothes throwing her clothes into the wash as Dominik hugged her " babe I couldn't I was busy with stuff " he said gently Myra rolled her eyes " whatever " she said getting into the shower listening to music as Dominik sighed and waited for her in the bed when she got out she laid down turning to her side and closed her eyes as Dominik hugged her happily before falling asleep

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